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Community Church of Portage Lakes

Deliver Us from Evil (Matthew 6:12) Pray Then Like This - Week

Deliver Us from Evil (Matthew 6:12) Pray Then Like This - Week

Locations & Times

Community Church of Portage Lakes

3260 Cormany Road, Akron, OH 44319, USA

Sunday 9:15 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

I. Correcting common ________________________________________________ about prayer

a. That prayer is ___________________________________________________________

b. That prayer is just ________________________________________________________

II. Understanding God’s purpose in _________________________________________________

If God is sovereign and desires our holiness, why ____________________________________

If God is sovereign and desires our holiness, why ____________________________________

b. God is ________________________________________________________ temptation

c. God allows __________________ temptation for our ____________________________

Even more important than the rightness of _____________ is the integrity of __________________

III. What God seeks to _____________________ us by _________________________________

a. Temptation reveals _______________________ to daily _________________________
b. Temptation reveals __________________ and where we need ____________________
IV. Practical steps to ___________________________________________________ this petition
a. _______________________________________________–in advance of the temptation
b. Pray __________________________, ________________________ to God’s conviction
c. Let your _________________________________________________ match your prayer


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