New Life Church in Oak Grove, MO
Sunday, December 29
Welcome to New Life! We hope this message encourages you as you grow in your faith, reach your community, and become like Jesus.
Locations & Times
New Life Church, Oak Grove
801 SW 1st St, Oak Grove, MO 64075, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Turning the page
Pastor Steve Bradshaw
New Life Church
December 29, 2024
Pastor Steve Bradshaw
New Life Church
December 29, 2024
Do you find yourself looking back at 2024 or forward at 2025?
In fact, I suggest you have to do both!! It seems natural and wise to recognize a transition and appreciate the moment. You have to look back, live and learn, take notes, and appreciate the year that was 2024. But you also have to look ahead, make some adjustments, apply some wisdom, and anticipate 2025. Both are absolutely critical to you and the story you are writing with your life.
In fact, I suggest you have to do both!! It seems natural and wise to recognize a transition and appreciate the moment. You have to look back, live and learn, take notes, and appreciate the year that was 2024. But you also have to look ahead, make some adjustments, apply some wisdom, and anticipate 2025. Both are absolutely critical to you and the story you are writing with your life.
We see this wisdom scrolled out for us by one of the greatest men of God to ever walk the earth…Moses. God hand-selected Moses, supernaturally saving his life when he was a baby. Moses was at the burning bush and stood barefoot on holy ground… He called out the plagues on Egypt and parted the Red Sea…. His ears heard the voice of God speak the Law onto tablets of stone. His pen reported the first 5 books of the Bible, including our text today. This legend talked with God face to face. This legend had an incredible highlight reel…but he also had some big mistakes.
But the book of Deuteronomy does a repeat of sorts….the title means second law…he retells it. He recaps the story a bit, with a few distinct messges shared to make sure they succeed. Written near the end of his journey, Moses recognizes the end of this season, the start of the next, and he makes sure Israel has what they need from him….and what WE need from him. Today we take notes from Moses on Turning the page into a new season.
Remember the Word of God
Who God is and how He operates is not left up to me and my opinion… it's clear in the Word.
If you don’t know it, you can’t remember it.
Review and Renew
Review- Take stock of what is working and what is failing. Look back to make sure we notice patterns and lessons that should help us.
Renew- Not everything needs to be blown up…it might just need a reset.
Renewal can simply be an updated and refreshed commitment, whether that’s submitting your ways to Jesus or a meal plan, intentionality goes a long way to spark action.
Success is a successor
Success is handing this off to whoever carries it next.
Respond to today's message
If this message spoke to you today and you would like to respond, click the link below and let us know. We want to pray for you. can only be in one place at a time doing one thing at a time…and for a limited amount of time. But if I can train, equip, and empower a successor, I multiply my work.
It seems like one Spirit-filled Jesus walking the earth would be ideal…but he said it is better if I go away because when I go away, I will send the Holy Spirit.
Success is more than accomplishing tasks with my name on them… it’s having a successor to multiply and continue the work and go farther than we do.
Back to Moses’ example, I invite you to dig into Moses’ ministry…you’ll see Joshua was right there.
There may be things I don’t get to complete in my leg of the journey… but if I can set up my kids or whoever is next to get there…my success is having a successor.
Who are you keeping close to share what you’ve learned? Who is walking life with you, learning lessons the smart way instead of the hard way?
Success is a successor.
Success is a successor.
Next Steps
This is the critical mesh point of going forward, and Moses has great advice.
So when I say next steps, that hits different for all of us, because we are all at different places. My next steps might not be yours…and this applies in every arena of life: work, home, business, health…
I would challenge you to consider our Next Steps process…Welcome Party and Grow Class
Beyond that process, a critical next step of spiritual growth is LIfe Groups and Serving Opportunities.
Beyond that process, a critical next step of spiritual growth is LIfe Groups and Serving Opportunities.
It's a turn-the-page kind of moment today…the season is reinforcing it…
I hope Moses has got you thinking…
what is God saying to you right now?
I hope Moses has got you thinking…
what is God saying to you right now?
Check out the Announcements
Here are today's announcements. Check out what is happening at New Life.