Living Grace Foursquare Church

Not Alone: What If Jesus Never Came?
What if Jesus never came? This Christmas we celebrate the birth of the King of Kings. It is our determined focus to keep the main thing, the main thing and the main thing is Jesus. But what if he never came on that 4th greatest day of all time?
Locations & Times
Living Grace Foursquare Church
3646 N Rancho Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89130, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
The greatest day on earth is yet to happen
the 4th Greatest: His Birth
the 3rd Greatest: His Crucification
the 2nd Greatest: His Resurrection
The Greatest day:
Revelation 11:15 And the 7th angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever
the 4th Greatest: His Birth
the 3rd Greatest: His Crucification
the 2nd Greatest: His Resurrection
The Greatest day:
Revelation 11:15 And the 7th angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever
1. No Bible
a) Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord Himself shall give you a sign: Behold, the young woman who is unmarried and a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel [God with us]. AMP
b) Isaiah 9:6 For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father [of Eternity], Prince of Peace. AMP
c) Micah 5:2 “ a But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days. ESV
There are some 366 prophecies concerning Jesus
(1) 48 have to do with His first coming.
(2) Hundreds of years b4 he was born.
a) Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord Himself shall give you a sign: Behold, the young woman who is unmarried and a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel [God with us]. AMP
b) Isaiah 9:6 For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father [of Eternity], Prince of Peace. AMP
c) Micah 5:2 “ a But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days. ESV
There are some 366 prophecies concerning Jesus
(1) 48 have to do with His first coming.
(2) Hundreds of years b4 he was born.
In his book, Science Speaks, Peter Stoner applies the science of probability to just 8 prophecies regarding Christ.
He says, "The chance that any man might have ...fulfilled all 8 prophecies is one in 10 to the 17th. That would be 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000." (one hundred quadrillion)
He says, "The chance that any man might have ...fulfilled all 8 prophecies is one in 10 to the 17th. That would be 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000." (one hundred quadrillion)
2. No way to know God-Jesus came to show us God because He was God
3. No forgiveness of Our Sin
a) There is no other way God could have offered salvation
i) God is Holy and holiness demands perfection
ii) God is Just and justice demands a price for sin
iii) Justice accepts a substitute:
(1) But the substitute
(a) Must be sinless
(b) Must be of the same species
1 Peter 1:18 knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, 19 but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.
1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, theMan Christ Jesus, 6 who gave Himself a ransom for all
Philippians 2:4 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, 7 but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.
No one else qualifies. No one else fits the description. Only Jesus.
a) There is no other way God could have offered salvation
i) God is Holy and holiness demands perfection
ii) God is Just and justice demands a price for sin
iii) Justice accepts a substitute:
(1) But the substitute
(a) Must be sinless
(b) Must be of the same species
1 Peter 1:18 knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, 19 but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.
1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, theMan Christ Jesus, 6 who gave Himself a ransom for all
Philippians 2:4 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, 7 but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.
No one else qualifies. No one else fits the description. Only Jesus.
4) The State of the World!
Dr. D. James Kennedy. “Jesus, the greatest man who ever lived, has changed virtually every aspect of human life. Much of what we take for granted – our high regard for human life, the elevation of women, education, science, charity, hospitals, capitalism, the abolition of slavery, representative government, literacy, and the development of art and music – all find their roots in Christ and His teachings.”
Dr. D. James Kennedy. “Jesus, the greatest man who ever lived, has changed virtually every aspect of human life. Much of what we take for granted – our high regard for human life, the elevation of women, education, science, charity, hospitals, capitalism, the abolition of slavery, representative government, literacy, and the development of art and music – all find their roots in Christ and His teachings.”
4 Areas of profound influence Christ and His followers have had on humanity.
1. The Sanctity of Life
In Ancient Rome, Christians saved many abandoned, exposed babies and brought them up in the faith.
2. The Status of Women
In the 19th century, Charles Spurgeon told of a Hindu woman who said to a missionary: “Surely your Bible was written by a woman. ”Why?”
“Because it says so many kind things for women. Our pundits never refer to us but in reproach.”
3. Science
Francis Schaeffer points out in his book, “How Then Should We Live?” that both Alfred North Whitehead and J. Robert Oppenheimer
“have stressed that modern science was born out of the Christian worldview.” Whitehead, a mathematician and philosopher, said that Christianity gave birth to science because of “the medieval insistence on the rationality of God.”
4. Education
The idea of the university has its roots in the Christian faith as well. The greatest universities worldwide were started by Christians for Christian purposes.
1. The Sanctity of Life
In Ancient Rome, Christians saved many abandoned, exposed babies and brought them up in the faith.
2. The Status of Women
In the 19th century, Charles Spurgeon told of a Hindu woman who said to a missionary: “Surely your Bible was written by a woman. ”Why?”
“Because it says so many kind things for women. Our pundits never refer to us but in reproach.”
3. Science
Francis Schaeffer points out in his book, “How Then Should We Live?” that both Alfred North Whitehead and J. Robert Oppenheimer
“have stressed that modern science was born out of the Christian worldview.” Whitehead, a mathematician and philosopher, said that Christianity gave birth to science because of “the medieval insistence on the rationality of God.”
4. Education
The idea of the university has its roots in the Christian faith as well. The greatest universities worldwide were started by Christians for Christian purposes.
5. No Hope
If Jesus had never come, there would be no:
a) Bible
b) Way to know God
c) Forgiveness
d) World
e) Hope
f) Reason to live
i) We’d be subject to a law that we could never measure up to. We’d be doomed to performance--based--conditional acceptance. We’d be carrying the weight of rules and regulations.
That sounds like the way a lot of us live our lives. We feel we need to measure up. We feel we need to perform. We feel we need to carry the weight. And we're left with no hope, no grace, no reason
a) Bible
b) Way to know God
c) Forgiveness
d) World
e) Hope
f) Reason to live
i) We’d be subject to a law that we could never measure up to. We’d be doomed to performance--based--conditional acceptance. We’d be carrying the weight of rules and regulations.
That sounds like the way a lot of us live our lives. We feel we need to measure up. We feel we need to perform. We feel we need to carry the weight. And we're left with no hope, no grace, no reason