Pennsville Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Service
Sunday Morning Service
Locations & Times
Pennsville Baptist Church
3298 Richey Rd, Mt Pleasant, PA 15666, USA
Sunday 9:45 AM
Isaiah 9:1-7
The Darker The Night
1. Galilee (land of Zebulin, the land of Nephtali) was overrun by the Assyrian army. This was the
northern most province of Palestine. It was the greatest distance from Judea and Jerusalem (the
religious hub of Jewish life). They were so close to the Gentiles they were despised and prone to
be influenced by the surrounding countries. (9:1 is a continuation of chapter 8).
2. Sometime in the darkest times in history the brightest light breaks through.
3. Have you had times of darkness? Jesus wants to break through!
4. What happens when Jesus comes?
5. Isaiah 9:1-7 It is a dark time in Israel’s history. Jesus is coming to the nation of Israel, and
Jesus comes to you and me:
Isaiah is describing a specific geographic location in the northern most part of Palestine:
Zebulin, Naphtali…Galilee of the Gentiles or ‘Galilee of the nations’. Zebulin means,
‘habitation’. Naphtali means, ‘wrestling, struggling. It was definitely true of this region.
A. The Problem 1
Galilee of the nations or Gentiles…Why? It was a Jewish province.
* The most ignorant of the Jews lived there and had become mixed with Gentiles.
* The aristocrats of Judea, the learned, the refined, the lovers of the Law despised
* What a picture of those without Christ: struggling, defeated right where they live.
B. The Poverty 1
Their poverty is described in several ways:
* Dimness…vexation…affliction
* The people of Galilee…the hopeless, despised people walk in darkness…dwell in
the land of the shadow of death.
* Darkness, gloom, hopelessness all around.
This was a picture of her spiritually:
* Darkness…a picture of you before Christ.
* Death…the shadow of death hangs over all…this is home!
“We are dead in trespasses and sin…”
“It’s appointed unto a man once to die…judgment…”
We are poor, miserable, sin filled creatures wandering in the darkness…living in
the shadow of death!
C. The Provision 2
1. The Provision is seen in two ways:
* Seen a Great Light…Notes the word great. This is not merely a 10w bulb, but a streak
of lighting type of light!
“Upon them (those in darkness and death) the Great Light shined…”
2. What Great light?
Darkness is the absence of light…
* Matt. 4:12-16…Jesus is the Light!!
* Darkness…then Jesus comes. This is at His first coming!
* Such light appeared when Christ went to Capernaum in Galilee!
3. The darkness of sin can be cured by only one remedy…Light!!!
* In the place of the darkness of turmoil…the light of peace.
* In the place of the darkness of death…the light of life.
* In the place of the darkness of sin…the light of salvation.
Without Jesus Christ you are absolute darkness (inside and out). You need Light!
Jesus said, I am the light of the world; he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness,
but shall have the light of life.
Isaiah turns his attention to God. When we come to these verses, we can apply each to our
salvation, but the fulfillment of vss 3-5 will be the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ as He sets up
His earthly kingdom and rules for 1000 years.
A. The Character of This Liberation 3
Three words describe the character of this liberation:
1.Multiplied the nations…First, salvation was opened to the Gentiles. Jesus wants
you saved! We have the blessings of Israel. We have access to God! At the Millennial Kingdom the redeemed from every nation will enter this Kingdom.
2.Joy Increased…Joy is more inward than outward. And he that reaps receives
wages, and gathers fruit unto eternal life, that both he that sows and he that reaps may rejoice together. (John 4:36) Angels in heaven rejoice over one sinner that repents. Anytime there are more people being saved there is bound to be more joy!
3.Rejoice… (joy that overflows) when they divide the spoils…Entrance into the
Millennial Kingdom will be a time of rejoicing for Jews and Gentiles. We share Jesus! There is no greater joy than to see a soul liberated by Jesus Christ. He makes new daddies, new mommies, new homes!
B. The Characteristics of This Liberation 4
God alone does it! It’s all of Grace!!!
For (in the KJV) the reason for rejoicing:
1.The yoke of his burden…Broken!! This is the yoke of the AntiChrist. To us it is the
yoke of sin, the departure from God, guilt, all their weight is Broken. Broken “so as to be quite disabled.”
2.The staff of his back…Broken!! The staff was used to beat something…a slave or
animal. It is the story of the addict. It is the story of the abused and abuser. Broken…set free!
3.The rod of the oppressor…Broken!! The rod was to prod animals. Sin prods…no
C. The Conclusion of This Liberation 5
1.After the Battle of Armageddon there will be complete peace. The instruments of war are consumed with fire and swords will be beaten into plow shears.
2.So it is with every true conversion. When Jesus comes the war with God is over. We are no longer enemies. We are friends…joint heirs with Jesus Christ. That is reason to Rejoice!
A. The Distinction of This Lord 6a
1. For unto us a child is born…a male child. This is His humanity. This is the
Incarnation. This is Christmas. God became man. Unto us…This is for us (Jesus came
for us). Is this is prophecy and it is absolute sure to occur. It is as though it had already
2.For unto us a Son is given…Why say, son, if Isaiah had just said ‘male child’ would be born? To the Hebrew a ‘son’ is the very essence of His Father. This was a son unique, a son like no other Son. John 3:16, 18 Only begotten Son
3.The government shall be upon His shoulders (as a robe). This can only refer to His Millennial reign.
B. The Description of This Lord 6b
Although the Kingdom is yet future…Name is His character and characteristic, it is all
that He is…this King is for us:
1. Wonderful Counselor…He is wonder in counsel. Do you need wisdom. Sit at His feet.
2. The Mighty God…Literally, ‘God Champion’. He is a champion in battle. He always
3.The Everlasting Father…This One is the Father of eternity. How can you have a
‘child born’, ‘son given’ and have the Father of eternity? He is God/man…100% God and 100% man. He was both the possessor and author of eternal life. How and Why? He that has the Son has life…Life is eternal because the Son is eternal!
4.The Prince of Peace…His is a warless Kingdom. He brings peace to us…Peace on
earth to men in who God is well pleased. Because of the cross the war is over between God and man.
C. The Destiny of This Lord 7
Jesus was rejected at His first coming. Jesus is coming again!
*Government and peace there shall be no end…
*Upon the throne of David…
*A kingdom of justice and righteousness…
*Even forever…
*The zeal of the Lord of Host will accomplish it!
In the Darkness…Jesus is Light...Jesus comes:
He receives the glory!!!!
The Darker The Night
1. Galilee (land of Zebulin, the land of Nephtali) was overrun by the Assyrian army. This was the
northern most province of Palestine. It was the greatest distance from Judea and Jerusalem (the
religious hub of Jewish life). They were so close to the Gentiles they were despised and prone to
be influenced by the surrounding countries. (9:1 is a continuation of chapter 8).
2. Sometime in the darkest times in history the brightest light breaks through.
3. Have you had times of darkness? Jesus wants to break through!
4. What happens when Jesus comes?
5. Isaiah 9:1-7 It is a dark time in Israel’s history. Jesus is coming to the nation of Israel, and
Jesus comes to you and me:
Isaiah is describing a specific geographic location in the northern most part of Palestine:
Zebulin, Naphtali…Galilee of the Gentiles or ‘Galilee of the nations’. Zebulin means,
‘habitation’. Naphtali means, ‘wrestling, struggling. It was definitely true of this region.
A. The Problem 1
Galilee of the nations or Gentiles…Why? It was a Jewish province.
* The most ignorant of the Jews lived there and had become mixed with Gentiles.
* The aristocrats of Judea, the learned, the refined, the lovers of the Law despised
* What a picture of those without Christ: struggling, defeated right where they live.
B. The Poverty 1
Their poverty is described in several ways:
* Dimness…vexation…affliction
* The people of Galilee…the hopeless, despised people walk in darkness…dwell in
the land of the shadow of death.
* Darkness, gloom, hopelessness all around.
This was a picture of her spiritually:
* Darkness…a picture of you before Christ.
* Death…the shadow of death hangs over all…this is home!
“We are dead in trespasses and sin…”
“It’s appointed unto a man once to die…judgment…”
We are poor, miserable, sin filled creatures wandering in the darkness…living in
the shadow of death!
C. The Provision 2
1. The Provision is seen in two ways:
* Seen a Great Light…Notes the word great. This is not merely a 10w bulb, but a streak
of lighting type of light!
“Upon them (those in darkness and death) the Great Light shined…”
2. What Great light?
Darkness is the absence of light…
* Matt. 4:12-16…Jesus is the Light!!
* Darkness…then Jesus comes. This is at His first coming!
* Such light appeared when Christ went to Capernaum in Galilee!
3. The darkness of sin can be cured by only one remedy…Light!!!
* In the place of the darkness of turmoil…the light of peace.
* In the place of the darkness of death…the light of life.
* In the place of the darkness of sin…the light of salvation.
Without Jesus Christ you are absolute darkness (inside and out). You need Light!
Jesus said, I am the light of the world; he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness,
but shall have the light of life.
Isaiah turns his attention to God. When we come to these verses, we can apply each to our
salvation, but the fulfillment of vss 3-5 will be the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ as He sets up
His earthly kingdom and rules for 1000 years.
A. The Character of This Liberation 3
Three words describe the character of this liberation:
1.Multiplied the nations…First, salvation was opened to the Gentiles. Jesus wants
you saved! We have the blessings of Israel. We have access to God! At the Millennial Kingdom the redeemed from every nation will enter this Kingdom.
2.Joy Increased…Joy is more inward than outward. And he that reaps receives
wages, and gathers fruit unto eternal life, that both he that sows and he that reaps may rejoice together. (John 4:36) Angels in heaven rejoice over one sinner that repents. Anytime there are more people being saved there is bound to be more joy!
3.Rejoice… (joy that overflows) when they divide the spoils…Entrance into the
Millennial Kingdom will be a time of rejoicing for Jews and Gentiles. We share Jesus! There is no greater joy than to see a soul liberated by Jesus Christ. He makes new daddies, new mommies, new homes!
B. The Characteristics of This Liberation 4
God alone does it! It’s all of Grace!!!
For (in the KJV) the reason for rejoicing:
1.The yoke of his burden…Broken!! This is the yoke of the AntiChrist. To us it is the
yoke of sin, the departure from God, guilt, all their weight is Broken. Broken “so as to be quite disabled.”
2.The staff of his back…Broken!! The staff was used to beat something…a slave or
animal. It is the story of the addict. It is the story of the abused and abuser. Broken…set free!
3.The rod of the oppressor…Broken!! The rod was to prod animals. Sin prods…no
C. The Conclusion of This Liberation 5
1.After the Battle of Armageddon there will be complete peace. The instruments of war are consumed with fire and swords will be beaten into plow shears.
2.So it is with every true conversion. When Jesus comes the war with God is over. We are no longer enemies. We are friends…joint heirs with Jesus Christ. That is reason to Rejoice!
A. The Distinction of This Lord 6a
1. For unto us a child is born…a male child. This is His humanity. This is the
Incarnation. This is Christmas. God became man. Unto us…This is for us (Jesus came
for us). Is this is prophecy and it is absolute sure to occur. It is as though it had already
2.For unto us a Son is given…Why say, son, if Isaiah had just said ‘male child’ would be born? To the Hebrew a ‘son’ is the very essence of His Father. This was a son unique, a son like no other Son. John 3:16, 18 Only begotten Son
3.The government shall be upon His shoulders (as a robe). This can only refer to His Millennial reign.
B. The Description of This Lord 6b
Although the Kingdom is yet future…Name is His character and characteristic, it is all
that He is…this King is for us:
1. Wonderful Counselor…He is wonder in counsel. Do you need wisdom. Sit at His feet.
2. The Mighty God…Literally, ‘God Champion’. He is a champion in battle. He always
3.The Everlasting Father…This One is the Father of eternity. How can you have a
‘child born’, ‘son given’ and have the Father of eternity? He is God/man…100% God and 100% man. He was both the possessor and author of eternal life. How and Why? He that has the Son has life…Life is eternal because the Son is eternal!
4.The Prince of Peace…His is a warless Kingdom. He brings peace to us…Peace on
earth to men in who God is well pleased. Because of the cross the war is over between God and man.
C. The Destiny of This Lord 7
Jesus was rejected at His first coming. Jesus is coming again!
*Government and peace there shall be no end…
*Upon the throne of David…
*A kingdom of justice and righteousness…
*Even forever…
*The zeal of the Lord of Host will accomplish it!
In the Darkness…Jesus is Light...Jesus comes:
He receives the glory!!!!
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