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New Covenant Christian Community Church (NC4)

Invited to The Dance

Invited to The Dance

12/22/2024, Advent Week #4, "Living in Reality: How The Trinity Makes Sense of Everything"

Locations & Times

NC4 Bethlehem Campus

21 E Broad St, Bethlehem, PA 18018, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

Invited to The Dance
John 14:8–23, 17:21–23
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets.
The Trinity lives and acts in continual, whole and perfect unison.
Communal dance captures the mutual love, joy, and unison of Trinitarian life.
Jesus invites us into the Great Dance.
“The God who is Trinity draws near to you and me and draws you and me near to himself so that you and I can participate in the life within the circle of the Trinity.”

Darrel Johnson
They had not only got out into the upper world at last, but had come out in the heart of Narnia. Jill felt she could have fainted with delight; and the music — the wild music, intensely sweet and yet just the least bit eerie too, and full of good magic as the Witch's thrumming had been full of bad magic — made her feel it all the more.

[She saw that they were doing a dance — a dance with so many complicated steps and figures that it took you some time to understand it.]

All this takes a long time to tell, but of course it took a very short time to see…Circling round and round the dancers was a ring of Dwarfs, all dressed in their finest clothes; mostly scarlet with fur-lined hoods and golden tassels and big furry top- boots. As they circled round they were all diligently throwing snow- balls. (Those were the white things that Jill had seen flying through the air.) They weren't throwing them at the dancers as silly boys might have been doing in England. They were throwing them through the dance in such perfect time with the music and with such perfect aim that if all the dancers were in exactly the right places at exactly the right moments, no-one would be hit. This is called the Great Snow Dance and it is done every year in Narnia on the first moonlit night when there is snow on the ground. Of course it is a kind of game as well as a dance, because every now and then some dancer will be the least little bit wrong and get a snowball in the face, and then everyone laughs. But a good team of dancers, Dwarfs, and musicians will keep it up for hours without a single hit. On fine nights when the cold and the drum-taps, and the hooting of the owls, and the moonlight, have got into their wild, woodland blood and made it even wilder, they will dance till daybreak. I wish you could see it for yourselves.

Excerpt from The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis

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Please visit our website at to learn more about New Covenant Christian Community Church (NC4). We have two campuses serving the greater Lehigh Valley area of PA.
Salvation Prayer
Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for drawing me to Yourself from my darkness, my sin, and my shame. I repent of my sins, and I ask You to forgive me. I welcome You into my heart, and I surrender my future into Your hands. Guide me by Your Holy Spirit, and help me to be a reflector of Your light to those around me. Thank You for including me in Your family. Amen

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New Covenant Christian Community Church