Crossroads Christian Church - Newburgh & Online at

December 22 | O Come Emmanuel - The Branch & The Tree
Andrew Bondurant
Locations & Times
Crossroads Christian Church Newburgh
10800 Lincoln Ave, Newburgh, IN 47630, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM

Live and Love Like Jesus
For the most recent news on how we can Live and Love Like Jesus, visit
Hello! We're so glad you're here with us today. We'd love to know if it's your first time joining us this weekend. You can do that by texting WELCOME to 812-858-8668.

We'd love to pray for you!
How can we pray for you? Fill out the form at the link below or text NOW to 812-858-8668 and someone from our Care Team will reach out to you.
“God’s plan to fix what was broken in the world, broken in humans, and even broken in Israel is reversed by the king who is faithful to the law, brings peace and justice to the nations, and restores the whole world.” - Alex Thompson
Three challenges:
o Be faithful in the “not yet”
o Be faithful in the “not yet”
Three challenges:
o Be faithful in the “not yet”
o Live as people of hope in the face of despair
o Be faithful in the “not yet”
o Live as people of hope in the face of despair
Three challenges:
o Be faithful in the “not yet”
o Live as people of hope in the face of despair
o Live as agents of God’s Kingdom to the nations
o Be faithful in the “not yet”
o Live as people of hope in the face of despair
o Live as agents of God’s Kingdom to the nations
The Roadmap
We are learning how to live and love like Jesus!
Be With God - Be With Others - Be Sent RESOURCES
Learn more about some of the resources you've heard about today! •