Crossroads Community Church
LABELS | Crossroads | December 15, 2024
Locations & Times
119 N Broad St, Adrian, MI 49221, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
Sunday 11:15 AM
Week 3
December 15, 2024
December 15, 2024
The tongue has the power of life and death... (Proverbs 18:21) (NIV)
...Rachel began to give birth and had great difficulty. 17 And as she was having great difficulty in childbirth, the midwife said to her, “Don’t despair, for you have another son.” 18 As she breathed her last—for she was dying—she named her son Ben-Oni. But his father named him Benjamin.(Genesis 35:16-18) (NIV)
As [Rachel] breathed her last—for she was dying—she named her son Ben-Oni. But his father named him Benjamin. (Genesis 35:18) (NIV)
YOU DON’T GET TO CHOOSE __________________________________...
BUT YOU DO GET TO CHOOSE _________________________________.
BUT YOU DO GET TO CHOOSE _________________________________.
1. If you had to put one label on your annual Christmas family gathering, what would it say?
2. Do you ever buy anything based mostly on the label? How does the label affect your decision?
3. Finish this statement, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but...” What do you think about this phrase?
4. Read Proverbs 18:21. Why do you think labels are so powerful? What makes them matter?
5. What are some positive and negative labels you’ve been given? How is your Heavenly Father naming you something different?
6. What difficulty have you experienced that can become a strength for you?
7. How are you labeling your kids, coworkers, family, and friends? Do you need to rename anyone like Jacob did in Genesis 35:16-18?
Heavenly Father, You gave up Your son Jesus so that we could be called something different. We were too much, not enough, failures, and cheaters. Now You call us Your sons and daughters. Thank You. Will You help us to grow into our new name? Amen.
Take Action.
Fill in the blanks: I’ve been called _______________, but my Heavenly Father calls me _____________________. (Write this down somewhere you’ll see it.)
1. If you had to put one label on your annual Christmas family gathering, what would it say?
2. Do you ever buy anything based mostly on the label? How does the label affect your decision?
3. Finish this statement, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but...” What do you think about this phrase?
4. Read Proverbs 18:21. Why do you think labels are so powerful? What makes them matter?
5. What are some positive and negative labels you’ve been given? How is your Heavenly Father naming you something different?
6. What difficulty have you experienced that can become a strength for you?
7. How are you labeling your kids, coworkers, family, and friends? Do you need to rename anyone like Jacob did in Genesis 35:16-18?
Heavenly Father, You gave up Your son Jesus so that we could be called something different. We were too much, not enough, failures, and cheaters. Now You call us Your sons and daughters. Thank You. Will You help us to grow into our new name? Amen.
Take Action.
Fill in the blanks: I’ve been called _______________, but my Heavenly Father calls me _____________________. (Write this down somewhere you’ll see it.)