WaterStone Church
Culture of Chaos - Crime of the Century
Foundations: God & His Word
Locations & Times
Waterstone Church - Longwood Campus
900 North St, Longwood, FL 32750, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Crime of the Century
It’s All in the Family
1. It is the father who establishes ___________ as the head of their family.
2. It is the father who is established _______________ as the head of the home.
3. It is the mother who confirms to her children that their father is the head of the home.
4. It is the ________ of a father and mother that make ALL the difference.
5. It is faithfulness in reading the Word and praying as a family that will develop your child’s faith
6. It is _____________ and _________________________ that will teach your children, give them confidence, and teach them consequence
7. Warning: Don’t neglect your children…it’s a 24-hour responsibility
Develop the Next Generation of Servant Leaders
Development doesn’t only come from parents, but also mentors.
Lower crime and blind justice are derivatives of Godly leadership and governance.
by God
training / loving discipline
by God
training / loving discipline