Community Church of Portage Lakes
Forgiving our Debtors (Matthew 6:12) Pray Then Like This - Week7
Locations & Times
Community Church of Portage Lakes
3260 Cormany Road, Akron, OH 44319, USA
Sunday 9:15 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
I. Understanding the ________________________________________ of this part of the prayer
a. It is not a _________________________________________________ of being forgiven
b. It establishes an _________________________________________________________
c. It is a ______________________ for the ______________________________ to forgive
II. Our core spiritual need is healing from sin and its ____________________________________
We have all ______________________ and have been __________________________________
III. Jesus’ teaching about _________________________________________________________
We need to remember…
We need to remember…
a. The connection between _____________________ and __________________________
b. We are ___________________________ who need _____________________________
c. Our debt ___________________ is far greater than _____________________________
IV. Forgiveness defined __________________________________________________________
a. Forgiveness involves ______________________________________________________
b. Forgiveness begins as ___________________________________________________…
… but often involves _____________________________________
… but often involves _____________________________________
V. Finding the __________________________________________________________ to forgive
The Lord’s Prayer focuses on acknowledging ________________and _______________________
We must depend on God for ______________________ as we do for _______________________
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