Grace Community Church

Sunday Morning Worship 11.17.24
November 17, 2024
Locations & Times
Grace Community Church
625 S Division St, Boone, IA 50036, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Four Treasures of Assurance that are Ours:
I. By the Spirit We are ...
Vs. 15
I. By the Spirit We are ...
Vs. 15
II. By the Spirit We ... - Vs. 15
III. By the Spirit We Know ..... - Vs. 16
Elton quote
“The witness and testimony of the Spirit here spoken of is an inward secret
and unspeakable inspiration of the Spirit; the Holy Spirit of God inwardly,
secretly, and in an unspeakable manner, informing our hearts and inwardly
persuading us that God is our Father and pouring into our heart a secret,
wonderful and unspeakable sweet sense of feeling God’s love to us. Not of
God’s ordinary or common love, but of His special and Fatherly love, that
God lives us with such love as He bears to His only begotten Son Jesus
Christ in whom we are adopted to be His children.”
-Edward Elton
and unspeakable inspiration of the Spirit; the Holy Spirit of God inwardly,
secretly, and in an unspeakable manner, informing our hearts and inwardly
persuading us that God is our Father and pouring into our heart a secret,
wonderful and unspeakable sweet sense of feeling God’s love to us. Not of
God’s ordinary or common love, but of His special and Fatherly love, that
God lives us with such love as He bears to His only begotten Son Jesus
Christ in whom we are adopted to be His children.”
-Edward Elton
Edwards quote
“I cannot find language to express how certain the everlasting love of God
appeared…Melted and overcome by the sweetness of this assurance I fell
into a great flow of tears and could not forbear weeping aloud. The
presence of God was so near and so real that I seemed scarcely conscious
of anything else. At night my soul seemed to be filled with an inexpressibly
sweet and pure love to God and to the children of God, with a refreshing
consolation and solace of soul…All night I continued in a constant, clear
and lively sense of the heavenly sweetness of Christ’s excellent and
transcendent love, of His nearness to me and of my nearness to Him with
an inexpressibly sweet calmness of soul in an entire rest in Him.”
-Sarah Edwards
appeared…Melted and overcome by the sweetness of this assurance I fell
into a great flow of tears and could not forbear weeping aloud. The
presence of God was so near and so real that I seemed scarcely conscious
of anything else. At night my soul seemed to be filled with an inexpressibly
sweet and pure love to God and to the children of God, with a refreshing
consolation and solace of soul…All night I continued in a constant, clear
and lively sense of the heavenly sweetness of Christ’s excellent and
transcendent love, of His nearness to me and of my nearness to Him with
an inexpressibly sweet calmness of soul in an entire rest in Him.”
-Sarah Edwards
IV. By the Spirit We are Certain of .... - Vs. 17
Bruce quote
“Howsoever Edinburgh has cast me off, rejected and banished me out of
their parts, I leapt no sooner on my horse but the gates of heaven were
cast open to me; I got such applause in my heart, with such floods of
tears, with such real and constant approbation, that my heart could not
wish for greater access…the Spirit testifying to my spirit so audibly, as it
were, that I admired how His Majesty could make so much of so little
doings and so mean service.”
-Robert Bruce
their parts, I leapt no sooner on my horse but the gates of heaven were
cast open to me; I got such applause in my heart, with such floods of
tears, with such real and constant approbation, that my heart could not
wish for greater access…the Spirit testifying to my spirit so audibly, as it
were, that I admired how His Majesty could make so much of so little
doings and so mean service.”
-Robert Bruce
1) Wean Your Heart off ....
1) Wean Your Heart off ....
2) Pursue .....
3) Ask, As a .....
4) Tell God ......
5) Draw Near
Biographer- “The love of God burst forth into a flame which melted his
whole nature…God gave Himself to him in that place, such that his heart
was cleansed from all idols and the love of God was shed abroad in his
heart…All fears were cast out and perfect love took their place…His heart
was shattered under the powerful influences of the divine love. This place
became for him ever afterwards a holy mountain.” Howell Harris- “Love fell
in showers on my soul so that I could scarce contain and control myself. I
knew no fear and had no doubt whatsoever as to my salvation.”
whole nature…God gave Himself to him in that place, such that his heart
was cleansed from all idols and the love of God was shed abroad in his
heart…All fears were cast out and perfect love took their place…His heart
was shattered under the powerful influences of the divine love. This place
became for him ever afterwards a holy mountain.” Howell Harris- “Love fell
in showers on my soul so that I could scarce contain and control myself. I
knew no fear and had no doubt whatsoever as to my salvation.”
Prayer Request Link
It is our desire at Grace Community Church to be a House of Prayer. We invite you to call 515-433-6133 or email, the church office, to make your prayer needs and requests known. Please indicate "for pastors only", "for prayer team", or "for the congregation" along with your request. You can also fill out the following form on Breeze and your prayer request will be passed along to what you prefer. Thank you for allowing us to intercede before the Lord on your behalf. "Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving." Colossians 4:22