Pennsville Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Service
Sunday Morning Service
Locations & Times
Pennsville Baptist Church
3298 Richey Rd, Mt Pleasant, PA 15666, USA
Sunday 9:45 AM
Romans 4:1-8
It’s Not Performance That Counts
1. “It’s performance that counts.” When it comes to salvation we are programmed to think
Performance Based Acceptance.
2. Is your acceptance based on performance?
3. Romans 4:1-8 we are reminded that it’s not performance that counts:
Is your acceptance based on performance?
A. The Preeminence of Faith 1-2a
1. Modern man: “We get our salvation the old fashion way. We earn it!”
2. This was the thinking in Paul’s day. Abraham was a prime example of a man who
was justified by works.
3. In chapter 4 Paul sets forth Abraham who was not saved by works alone, but by
faith alone. He goes to absolute Truth…the Scriptures and (Genesis 15:4, 5). Before
Abraham did any great works of faith: a great military victory with 318
soldier/servants over 4 kings where he rescued Lot. Abraham believed God.
4. If Abraham…assume for a moment that Abraham was declared righteous by works
(his performance) He could boast. (verse 2) His boast would be in himself. Men may
be impressed. God isn’t impressed! To the Jew if Abraham was needy before
God…what about you? God isn’t impressed with SELF…flesh whether Grade
A (teaches, preaches, sings) or Grade F (sex, drugs and alcohol).
B. The Power of Faith 2b-3a
Before God…that’s where it counts. (2b) In verse 3 what does God’s Word say?
Abraham believed God.
1.The Obedience of Faith Believed…he said, ‘Yes’. Believed is a positive act and
affirmation to divine revelation. He ordered his whole life around what God said.
2.The Object of Faith God Faith is only as good as its object. Illustration: sit on a
card board box…it collapses. The moment God is not my object of believing I must put my faith in a god of my own design. At the point of pressure, we discover in whom or what we have confidence.
Is your acceptance based on performance?
Counted…Reckoned…Imputed is a banking term: ‘put to your account’. It is the act of
God whereby He imputes Christ’s perfect righteousness to the sinner’s account
declaring the guilty forgiven. Let’s say that you are bankrupt and someone puts $1 million
in your account. Upon saying, ‘Yes’ to God, by resting your full weight on Him in an act of
absolute surrender God put this believing to your account of righteousness.
A. The Principle of Faith 4,5a
1. Works Recognize A Debt (not a gift…not from grace) If salvation is based on
performance…the Principle of Debt we determine the amount of works that will
be enough to pay the debt! The Debt of Sin is too great!
2. The Principle of Faith is not like that:
*It Is Simple But to him that worketh not, but believes on Him
*It Is Sufficient Believes on Him that justifies the ungodly God declares righteous
the ungodly. This would be shocking to the Jew…justifying wicked ungodly. How
can this be? Abraham was a God-fearer, not wicked. Truth is none of us are good
enough or godly enough! Having put our sin to Christ account (Who paid the
full debt) He now puts to our account His righteousness.
*It Is Satisfying His faith is counted (put to his account) for righteousness. We say,
‘Yes’ to God’s provisions: At that point He puts to our account a right standing
before God!
B. The Performance of Faith 5b
For righteousness…
1.This is the only thing that is accepted before God.
2.Righteous, righteousness, a right standing before God is put to my account!
Is your acceptance based on performance?
A.The Fact of Sin 6
1.David has sinned against Bathsheba and killed Uriah. Blessed of a man unto whom God imputeth righteousness apart from works. David has broken 3 commandments: covet, adultery, murder. In the Old Testament sacrificial system made not provision for such premeditated sin. David’s case is hopeless.
2.He fell on God’s mercy. The Old Testament saint looked to the cross. Since the cross the believer’s sin has been paid in advance!
B. The Forgiveness of Sin 7
1. Iniquities Are Forgiven…Lawlessness, violation of the law are forgiven. They are
put away on the Cross!
2. Sins Are Covered…Daily defilement are covered by the blood of Christ!
C. The Future of Sin 8
1. This is the nature of sin or the principle of sin.
2. Sin is not put to my account…Sin has been put to His!
3. When it comes to God is your acceptance based on performance? For I am not
ashamed of the Gospel for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that
believes; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For in it is the righteousness of God
revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, The just shall live by faith. (Rom. 1:16,
At the point of ‘faith’ righteousness is put to my account:
Iniquities are Forgiven.
Sins are Cleansed.
Sin is not put to my account.
It’s Not Performance That Counts
1. “It’s performance that counts.” When it comes to salvation we are programmed to think
Performance Based Acceptance.
2. Is your acceptance based on performance?
3. Romans 4:1-8 we are reminded that it’s not performance that counts:
Is your acceptance based on performance?
A. The Preeminence of Faith 1-2a
1. Modern man: “We get our salvation the old fashion way. We earn it!”
2. This was the thinking in Paul’s day. Abraham was a prime example of a man who
was justified by works.
3. In chapter 4 Paul sets forth Abraham who was not saved by works alone, but by
faith alone. He goes to absolute Truth…the Scriptures and (Genesis 15:4, 5). Before
Abraham did any great works of faith: a great military victory with 318
soldier/servants over 4 kings where he rescued Lot. Abraham believed God.
4. If Abraham…assume for a moment that Abraham was declared righteous by works
(his performance) He could boast. (verse 2) His boast would be in himself. Men may
be impressed. God isn’t impressed! To the Jew if Abraham was needy before
God…what about you? God isn’t impressed with SELF…flesh whether Grade
A (teaches, preaches, sings) or Grade F (sex, drugs and alcohol).
B. The Power of Faith 2b-3a
Before God…that’s where it counts. (2b) In verse 3 what does God’s Word say?
Abraham believed God.
1.The Obedience of Faith Believed…he said, ‘Yes’. Believed is a positive act and
affirmation to divine revelation. He ordered his whole life around what God said.
2.The Object of Faith God Faith is only as good as its object. Illustration: sit on a
card board box…it collapses. The moment God is not my object of believing I must put my faith in a god of my own design. At the point of pressure, we discover in whom or what we have confidence.
Is your acceptance based on performance?
Counted…Reckoned…Imputed is a banking term: ‘put to your account’. It is the act of
God whereby He imputes Christ’s perfect righteousness to the sinner’s account
declaring the guilty forgiven. Let’s say that you are bankrupt and someone puts $1 million
in your account. Upon saying, ‘Yes’ to God, by resting your full weight on Him in an act of
absolute surrender God put this believing to your account of righteousness.
A. The Principle of Faith 4,5a
1. Works Recognize A Debt (not a gift…not from grace) If salvation is based on
performance…the Principle of Debt we determine the amount of works that will
be enough to pay the debt! The Debt of Sin is too great!
2. The Principle of Faith is not like that:
*It Is Simple But to him that worketh not, but believes on Him
*It Is Sufficient Believes on Him that justifies the ungodly God declares righteous
the ungodly. This would be shocking to the Jew…justifying wicked ungodly. How
can this be? Abraham was a God-fearer, not wicked. Truth is none of us are good
enough or godly enough! Having put our sin to Christ account (Who paid the
full debt) He now puts to our account His righteousness.
*It Is Satisfying His faith is counted (put to his account) for righteousness. We say,
‘Yes’ to God’s provisions: At that point He puts to our account a right standing
before God!
B. The Performance of Faith 5b
For righteousness…
1.This is the only thing that is accepted before God.
2.Righteous, righteousness, a right standing before God is put to my account!
Is your acceptance based on performance?
A.The Fact of Sin 6
1.David has sinned against Bathsheba and killed Uriah. Blessed of a man unto whom God imputeth righteousness apart from works. David has broken 3 commandments: covet, adultery, murder. In the Old Testament sacrificial system made not provision for such premeditated sin. David’s case is hopeless.
2.He fell on God’s mercy. The Old Testament saint looked to the cross. Since the cross the believer’s sin has been paid in advance!
B. The Forgiveness of Sin 7
1. Iniquities Are Forgiven…Lawlessness, violation of the law are forgiven. They are
put away on the Cross!
2. Sins Are Covered…Daily defilement are covered by the blood of Christ!
C. The Future of Sin 8
1. This is the nature of sin or the principle of sin.
2. Sin is not put to my account…Sin has been put to His!
3. When it comes to God is your acceptance based on performance? For I am not
ashamed of the Gospel for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that
believes; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For in it is the righteousness of God
revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, The just shall live by faith. (Rom. 1:16,
At the point of ‘faith’ righteousness is put to my account:
Iniquities are Forgiven.
Sins are Cleansed.
Sin is not put to my account.
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