Community Church of Portage Lakes

Forgive Us Our Debts (Matthew 6:12) Pray Then Like This - Week 6
Locations & Times
Community Church of Portage Lakes
3260 Cormany Road, Akron, OH 44319, USA
Sunday 9:15 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM

1. The importance of ________________________________________________________
a. It isn’t _______________________ God, but ________________ God about our sin
b. Our _____________________________________________________ in confession
c. Our need for _________________________________________________________
2. Our need to _________________________________________ in asking for forgiveness
3. Asking for forgiveness of our ________________________________________________
a. Our ____________________ will define our request for _______________________
b. _________________________________ upon which we come to God in repentance
4. Two ___________________________________________ of confession and repentance
a. ________________ confession that __________________ our relationship with God
b. ________________ confession that __________________ our relationship with God
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