New Life Assembly of God

The Price of Being a Pastor
Locations & Times
New Life Assembly of God
15 Swart Ln, Saugerties, NY 12477, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
According to recent studies 4,000-5000 pastors quit each year
3 Reasons why it is difficult being a pastor
1. Being a pastor is a calling not a career
2nd Timothy 4:1-2
3 Reasons why it is difficult being a pastor
1. Being a pastor is a calling not a career
2nd Timothy 4:1-2
2. Being a pastor can be tough because of the extra attacks from the enemy because of the assignment put on them by Jesus Christ himself for his church
2nd Timothy 4:1-2
2nd Timothy 4:1-2
3. Being a pastor can be lonely at times
Luke 5:16
Luke 5:16
Being called by Jesus Christ to be your pastor is the greatest honor and privilege given to me.