Arise Church Denver

God & Science 2024 4 | Noah's Ark
Is Noah's Ark a fairytale for children or something more? Here what Matt, and science, has to say about it.
Locations & Times
Arise Church Denver
8700 E 21st Ave, Denver, CO 80238, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
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If you prayed to make Jesus your Lord & Savior, we would love to her about it to celebrate with you (PLUS, we'll send you something to help you on your journey). the story Noah's ark a fairytale for children?
1. The boat
2. The animals
3. The extent of the flood.
Genesis 7:20 Footnote: or rose more than fifteen cubits and the mountains were covered...
Genesis 7:19-21 MUP (Matt's Uninspired Paraphrase)
[The waters] rose greatly in the land, and all the high mountains known in the ancient world were drenched. The waters rose up 23 feet from the plain and drenched the mountains. Every living thing that moved in the land perished—birds, livestock, wild animals, all the creatures that swarm over the land, and all mankind who lived in the known world.
[The waters] rose greatly in the land, and all the high mountains known in the ancient world were drenched. The waters rose up 23 feet from the plain and drenched the mountains. Every living thing that moved in the land perished—birds, livestock, wild animals, all the creatures that swarm over the land, and all mankind who lived in the known world.
4. The geological evidence
5. Other flood stories
Noah's ark isn't a fairytale for children, but a historical story.
Noah's ark isn't a fairytale for children, but a historical reminder of our need for salvation.
If you find Genesis 1:1 believable, nothing that comes after it is inconceivable.
- Shai Linn
- Shai Linn
Noah's ark isn't a fairytale for children, but a historical reminder of our need for salvation.
Noah's ark isn't a fairytale for children, but a historical reminder of our need for salvation.
Use these questions to grow in your faith at the table or with your community group.