The Bridge Church

Upside Down Kingdom - Kingdom Priorities
October 27, 2024
Locations & Times
Englewood SKY Academy
871 S River Rd, Englewood, FL 34223, USA
Sunday 8:00 AM
Sunday 9:15 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
Kingdom: The rule (law) and reign (authority) of the King.
1. Pursue heavenly treasure over earthly treasure
A "bad eye" refers to someone who is greedy.
A "healthy eye" refers to someone who is generous.
A "healthy eye" refers to someone who is generous.
2. Trust God to provide for your needs
Worry: to treat roughly - a tearing apart or continual biting.
Worry is a waste of time.
Worry is a waste of time.
3. Replace worry with pursuing Kingdom priorities
Seek: to go after; to strive; to pursue; to desire; to aim at
When you prioritize God's kingdom, everything else you need will be provided.
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time.
I need to be baptized.
I need to attend Starting Point.
I need to join a serve team.
I need to join a small group.
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time.
I need to be baptized.
I need to attend Starting Point.
I need to join a serve team.
I need to join a small group.
Dig Deeper:
1. What has been your biggest takeaway yet from this sermon series?
2. What does it mean to worry? Would you say that you are a worrier? Why or why not?
3. We live in a culture of materialism, comparison, and worry. Share examples of how this is shown in the world around us.
4. Read Matthew 6:19. What does it mean to store up treasures on earth? What happens to items that are stored up on earth? Provide an example from your own experiences or observations.
5. Read Matthew 6:20. What does it mean to store up treasures in heaven? Provide an example from your own experiences or observations.
6. Read Matthew 6:21. What is a treasure? Why do our hearts follow our treasure?
7. Is God after our hearts instead of anything else? Why?
8. How is giving an act of worship, just like singing?
9. Read Matthew 6:22-23. How is the eye “the lamp of the body”?
10. Why are the heart and the eye used synonymously in the Bible to describe our motivations in life?
11. What does a person with a “bad eye” focus on? What about someone with a “healthy eye”?
12. What leads us to have a bad eye? What about a healthy one?
13. Read Proverbs 23:4-5. Summarize what this passage means.
14. Read Matthew 6:24. Does this mean money is inherently bad? What does it mean to “serve” money?
15. Read Matthew 6:25-26. Why is “therefore” used in this transition? How does this passage link to the one before it?
16. What does Jesus ask us to “consider”? Why do you think He uses that example? What are other examples that could be used?
17. Thinking back on your answer from question two, how is worry different than wisdom?
18. Read Matthew 6:27-30. What does Jesus ask us to “observe”? Why do you think He uses that example? What are other examples that could be used?
19. How is worry a waste of time? What results from worry?
20. Read Matthew 6:31-32. What is the root cause of worry?
21. Read Matthew 6:33-34. What does it look like daily to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness”? What is included in “all these things”?
22. Read Philippians 4:19. What is this passage saying? What is it not saying?
23. What is one take away from this sermon that you can intentionally live out this week? Share with others what that is and when you plan to do it!
Live It Out:
When you prioritize God’s kingdom, everything else you need will be provided. As a follower of Jesus, our goal is to seek first God’s kingdom and righteousness. This week, spend time writing down what it looks like to seek God first in your:
Family –
Career –
Possessions –
Time –
Money –
Then continue to, or begin to, live out what you’ve written down. Realize that all we have is a gift and that it is temporary and on loan. Because our God is a generous God, we are called to be generous. Spend time in prayer, thanking God for His generosity. Pray for Him to guide you in being generous to others.
1. What has been your biggest takeaway yet from this sermon series?
2. What does it mean to worry? Would you say that you are a worrier? Why or why not?
3. We live in a culture of materialism, comparison, and worry. Share examples of how this is shown in the world around us.
4. Read Matthew 6:19. What does it mean to store up treasures on earth? What happens to items that are stored up on earth? Provide an example from your own experiences or observations.
5. Read Matthew 6:20. What does it mean to store up treasures in heaven? Provide an example from your own experiences or observations.
6. Read Matthew 6:21. What is a treasure? Why do our hearts follow our treasure?
7. Is God after our hearts instead of anything else? Why?
8. How is giving an act of worship, just like singing?
9. Read Matthew 6:22-23. How is the eye “the lamp of the body”?
10. Why are the heart and the eye used synonymously in the Bible to describe our motivations in life?
11. What does a person with a “bad eye” focus on? What about someone with a “healthy eye”?
12. What leads us to have a bad eye? What about a healthy one?
13. Read Proverbs 23:4-5. Summarize what this passage means.
14. Read Matthew 6:24. Does this mean money is inherently bad? What does it mean to “serve” money?
15. Read Matthew 6:25-26. Why is “therefore” used in this transition? How does this passage link to the one before it?
16. What does Jesus ask us to “consider”? Why do you think He uses that example? What are other examples that could be used?
17. Thinking back on your answer from question two, how is worry different than wisdom?
18. Read Matthew 6:27-30. What does Jesus ask us to “observe”? Why do you think He uses that example? What are other examples that could be used?
19. How is worry a waste of time? What results from worry?
20. Read Matthew 6:31-32. What is the root cause of worry?
21. Read Matthew 6:33-34. What does it look like daily to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness”? What is included in “all these things”?
22. Read Philippians 4:19. What is this passage saying? What is it not saying?
23. What is one take away from this sermon that you can intentionally live out this week? Share with others what that is and when you plan to do it!
Live It Out:
When you prioritize God’s kingdom, everything else you need will be provided. As a follower of Jesus, our goal is to seek first God’s kingdom and righteousness. This week, spend time writing down what it looks like to seek God first in your:
Family –
Career –
Possessions –
Time –
Money –
Then continue to, or begin to, live out what you’ve written down. Realize that all we have is a gift and that it is temporary and on loan. Because our God is a generous God, we are called to be generous. Spend time in prayer, thanking God for His generosity. Pray for Him to guide you in being generous to others.
Reading Plan:
Monday: Matthew 6:19-21
Tuesday: Matthew 6:22-23
Wednesday: Proverbs 23:4-5; Matthew 6:24
Thursday: Matthew 6:25-30
Friday: Matthew 6:31-34, Philippians 4:19
Monday: Matthew 6:19-21
Tuesday: Matthew 6:22-23
Wednesday: Proverbs 23:4-5; Matthew 6:24
Thursday: Matthew 6:25-30
Friday: Matthew 6:31-34, Philippians 4:19