Encounter Church
Sunday, November 10th, 2024
(Part 11) (God Can use even You!)
Locations & Times
Encounter Church Sedalia
1201 William Parkhurst Dr, Sedalia, MO 65301, USA
Saturday 5:00 PM
God has not given up on you!
That which is behind you cannot appear in front of you, unless you turn around!
Two observations of God’s grace:
Observation #1: Jesus never said, “Get it together first!”
Observation #1: Jesus never said, “Get it together first!”
God specializes in taking the mess of your life and transforming it into the greatness of His!
• Jesus welcomes us, junk and all!
• Jesus takes your mess and makes it rest!
Jesus shares the load with us.
• Jesus teaches as he cleans!
Observation #2: When you are not enough, God always is!
Three steps of direction:
1. Build a community of faith
2. Get rid of the junk
3. Run to the solution
1. Build a community of faith
2. Get rid of the junk
3. Run to the solution