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Element Christian Church

Week 6: Parables - The Pharisee and the Tax Collector

Week 6: Parables - The Pharisee and the Tax Collector

Locations & Times

Element Christian Church

4890 Bethany Ln, Santa Maria, CA 93455, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

Welcome to Element

We strive to ensure the biggest thing people think when they hear about Element is Jesus! We are a Gospel centered community who finds our identity in Jesus.

Pumpkin Killin'

Next Sunday! October 27th 1:30p-4p. Sign up to help today!

TeamKids Roundtable TODAY

Join us for our quarterly parent discussion round table, as we talk about the theme of "How full is your bucket?" We will be having a discussion about what God says about healthy living. Let's talk practical ways on how to help ourselves and our kids have full buckets so they can then overflow with God's love for others.

eKids 4th Friday Film and Fun

Our last 4th Friday Film & Fun of the year! See link for full details.

Reaction (Middle School) Halloween Heist

Can these middle school students solve the great mystery of the Halloween Heist?? See the link for full details.

Spooky Strikes High School Bowling Night

All High School students are invited to a night of Spooks and Strikes! See link below for full details.

Branching Out: Playground Expansion Project

Information on our Branching Out Playground Expansion Project, including photos and FAQ

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Intention Card for Branching Out

Not ready to give just yet? Let us know your Intention to give to this special fund over the next 6 months (October-March, 2025) to donate weekly, monthly, or as you can towards your goal.

The Weekender NEW DATES

The Weekender is a 2 day course that dives deeper into our who we are, the theology behind our practices, and foundational knowledge for what it means to be a Christian. Save the date for November 8th and 9th for our next course.

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This week's song list

Interested in looking for some of the songs we sang this week? Here's the titles and original artists:

Leaning On The Everlasting Arms -
You've Already Won - Shane & Shane
Blessed Assurance - Worship Circle
Sweetly Broken - Jeremy Riddle
How Marvelous -
I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever - Sonicflood
Week 6 - The Pharisee and the Tax Collector

Jesus tells a parable about two men who went to the temple to pray: a Pharisee and a tax collector. The Pharisee, considered righteous by society, prays confidently, thanking God that he’s not like other sinners. He lists his good deeds, such as fasting twice a week and tithing everything he gets. In contrast, the tax collector, despised by society, stands at a distance, not even lifting his eyes to heaven. He beats his chest and prays, “God, be merciful to me, a sinner!”
Jesus shocks His audience by declaring that the tax collector, not the Pharisee, went home justified before God. He concludes, “Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”

This parable teaches us about true righteousness and humility before God. The Pharisee’s prayer, though sincere, reveals his self-righteousness and contempt for others. He measures himself by comparing his actions to others, failing to recognize his own sin and need for God’s mercy.

The tax collector, aware of his sinfulness, throws himself on God’s mercy. His prayer for propitiation shows his understanding that only God can make him righteous (restore right relationship with God).

Jesus’ point is twofold:
• First, regarding salvation, we are justified by faith alone, not by our own righteousness or good works.
• Second, this humility should characterize our entire Christian life, especially in how we serve others.

The parable challenges us to examine our hearts: Do we trust in our own righteousness or in Christ alone for salvation? Does our humility before God translate into humble service to others? As Martin Luther said, there are only two types of people: “sinners who think themselves righteous and the righteous who think themselves
sinners.” Which are we?
Discussion Questions:
Share a time when you misjudged someone based on appearances or reputation. How did your perception change once you got to know them better?

What the Text Says:
How does Jesus subvert his audience’s expectations in this

How does this parable relate to the concept of justification by faith alone?

How does the Gospel reframe our good works?

In what ways might we be tempted to compare ourselves to others, like the Pharisee did?

How can we cultivate genuine humility in our relationship with God and others?

Next Steps:
What’s one area in your life where you need to rely more on God’s mercy rather than your own efforts?

Missional Living:
How might this parable change the way we view and interact with people society considers “sinners”?

How can we share the message of God’s mercy with others without coming across as self-righteous?

Finally, what did this parable leave you to think about?

Online Giving

Give electronically of your tithes and offerings here: