Pennsville Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Service
Sunday Morning Service
Locations & Times
Pennsville Baptist Church
3298 Richey Rd, Mt Pleasant, PA 15666, USA
Sunday 9:45 AM
Romans 3:1-8
1. Chapter 1-3 is Sin. The Good News is (1:16, 17) I am not ashamed of the Gospel for it is the
power of God to salvation…One must be lost before they can be saved. The wrath of God is
revealed against all ungodliness and unrighteousness. (1:18) Man is trying to fill a
God-shaped emptiness: Rebellious (1:18-32) Righteous (2:1-16) Religious (2:17-38). Only
Jesus Christ can fill that emptiness. In 3:1-8 accusations are made against Paul and his
teaching. A series of questions are raised. Even if they were answered it would not lead to
2. What excuse is keeping you from being saved?
3. Romans 3:1-8 4 excuses are put in the form of a question:
What excuse is keeping you from being saved?
A. The People of God 1
1. What is the advantage of being a Jew?
2. As you look at (2:25-29) “What do we have that the Gentiles don’t possess?”
3. If a church can’t save or a nation founded on God’s Word (membership, baptism,
ritual) …is there any advantage at all?
B. The Precept of God 2
1. Much…in every way. They and you have a great advantage. Every way It affects
every area of life.
2. Chiefly, because unto them were committed the oracles of God…the very words
(logia) of God. Paul uses a term for the Bible. Logia is the highest authority. It
refers to important sayings, especially supernatural utterances. Through it we have
Absolute Truth compared to Relative Truth. We know what God is like. We know
who God is and His eternal nature. We know the nature and purpose of man. We
know what we are like. We know what He requires for salvation. “If I would see
more than I would believe.” (Luke 16 Rich man in hell). God’s Word is
What excuse is keeping you from being saved?
There is another question about the faithfulness of God.
A. The Trustworthiness of God 3
1. Hypocrites did not follow God’s Word. Some doubt God’s Word. Does that
mean it isn’t so or it won’t come to pass? Because some doubt, does that
change the facts of God’s Faithfulness?
2. God is trustworthy and faithful to His Word, to His promises, to His own
standards, to His own laws.
3. What He says He will fulfill. What He has promised He will keep. Just because
someone won’t accept God’s Word (Absolute Truth) as authority does that
change the facts? Facts: heaven, hell, joy, peace, rest, Christ as the only way of
salvation. Does that change the facts?
4. God sent the Messiah (just as He promised) …Does your unbelief made God
B. The Truthfulness of God 4
1. There is a truthfulness about God that we can trust. We may cast ourselves on
Him with perfect assurance.
2. God forbid was one of the strongest negative expressions and in the Greek and
usually carried the connotation of impossibility.
3. Let God be true and every man a liar. Let God speak first…what does He say?
Against Thee and Thee only have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight, that
thou mightiest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest
(Ps. 51:4) Man’s unfaithfulness will make God’s faithfulness stand out in
contrast. Man is so unfaithful. God is so faithful.
4. God is vindicated by His Word not our circumstances. Our circumstances may be
contrary to our plans, but not God’s purpose.
5. How do I know I can trust God’s Word? Forever, O Lord thy word is settled in
heaven. Thy faithfulness is unto all generations; you have established the earth
and it abides. They (His laws) continue this day according to your ordinances; for
all your servants. (Ps. 119:89-91) The laws of nature are there to show us that
God is faithful! Do you really think your doubts will change God’s Word?
What excuse is keeping you from being saved?
A. The Righteousness of God 5
1. Verse 5 is human reasoning from verse 4. It seems that God wills man to sin for
His glory. So, how can God judge me for sinning.
2. Obviously, God does not encourage or condone sin. For otherwise how will God
judge the world?
3. God would have no basis, righteous, purity in judgment if He condoned sin.
B. The Wrath of God 6
1. God forbid is the same as verse 4. Such an idea would prevent God from ever
punishing sin.
2. How could a God of love send anyone to Hell? God’s judgment is going to fall.
Sin must be paid for! Either Christ pays the price or we pay the price! We are
responsible. I am accountable. Pay Day Is Coming!
What excuse is keeping you from being saved?
Antinomianism was popular in those days. “Let’s sin and let God pick up the tab.”
A. When You Want Excuses They Do Not Have To Make Sense 7-8a
Speaking from man’s reasoning as in verse 5 this is the slanderous report about Paul.
B. When You Make Excuses Judgment Will Come 8b
Whose condemnation is just. We may not take sin seriously…God does! When a
person is saved they are changed inside out. If there is no change…there is no
What Excuse Is Keeping You From Being Saved?
1. Chapter 1-3 is Sin. The Good News is (1:16, 17) I am not ashamed of the Gospel for it is the
power of God to salvation…One must be lost before they can be saved. The wrath of God is
revealed against all ungodliness and unrighteousness. (1:18) Man is trying to fill a
God-shaped emptiness: Rebellious (1:18-32) Righteous (2:1-16) Religious (2:17-38). Only
Jesus Christ can fill that emptiness. In 3:1-8 accusations are made against Paul and his
teaching. A series of questions are raised. Even if they were answered it would not lead to
2. What excuse is keeping you from being saved?
3. Romans 3:1-8 4 excuses are put in the form of a question:
What excuse is keeping you from being saved?
A. The People of God 1
1. What is the advantage of being a Jew?
2. As you look at (2:25-29) “What do we have that the Gentiles don’t possess?”
3. If a church can’t save or a nation founded on God’s Word (membership, baptism,
ritual) …is there any advantage at all?
B. The Precept of God 2
1. Much…in every way. They and you have a great advantage. Every way It affects
every area of life.
2. Chiefly, because unto them were committed the oracles of God…the very words
(logia) of God. Paul uses a term for the Bible. Logia is the highest authority. It
refers to important sayings, especially supernatural utterances. Through it we have
Absolute Truth compared to Relative Truth. We know what God is like. We know
who God is and His eternal nature. We know the nature and purpose of man. We
know what we are like. We know what He requires for salvation. “If I would see
more than I would believe.” (Luke 16 Rich man in hell). God’s Word is
What excuse is keeping you from being saved?
There is another question about the faithfulness of God.
A. The Trustworthiness of God 3
1. Hypocrites did not follow God’s Word. Some doubt God’s Word. Does that
mean it isn’t so or it won’t come to pass? Because some doubt, does that
change the facts of God’s Faithfulness?
2. God is trustworthy and faithful to His Word, to His promises, to His own
standards, to His own laws.
3. What He says He will fulfill. What He has promised He will keep. Just because
someone won’t accept God’s Word (Absolute Truth) as authority does that
change the facts? Facts: heaven, hell, joy, peace, rest, Christ as the only way of
salvation. Does that change the facts?
4. God sent the Messiah (just as He promised) …Does your unbelief made God
B. The Truthfulness of God 4
1. There is a truthfulness about God that we can trust. We may cast ourselves on
Him with perfect assurance.
2. God forbid was one of the strongest negative expressions and in the Greek and
usually carried the connotation of impossibility.
3. Let God be true and every man a liar. Let God speak first…what does He say?
Against Thee and Thee only have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight, that
thou mightiest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest
(Ps. 51:4) Man’s unfaithfulness will make God’s faithfulness stand out in
contrast. Man is so unfaithful. God is so faithful.
4. God is vindicated by His Word not our circumstances. Our circumstances may be
contrary to our plans, but not God’s purpose.
5. How do I know I can trust God’s Word? Forever, O Lord thy word is settled in
heaven. Thy faithfulness is unto all generations; you have established the earth
and it abides. They (His laws) continue this day according to your ordinances; for
all your servants. (Ps. 119:89-91) The laws of nature are there to show us that
God is faithful! Do you really think your doubts will change God’s Word?
What excuse is keeping you from being saved?
A. The Righteousness of God 5
1. Verse 5 is human reasoning from verse 4. It seems that God wills man to sin for
His glory. So, how can God judge me for sinning.
2. Obviously, God does not encourage or condone sin. For otherwise how will God
judge the world?
3. God would have no basis, righteous, purity in judgment if He condoned sin.
B. The Wrath of God 6
1. God forbid is the same as verse 4. Such an idea would prevent God from ever
punishing sin.
2. How could a God of love send anyone to Hell? God’s judgment is going to fall.
Sin must be paid for! Either Christ pays the price or we pay the price! We are
responsible. I am accountable. Pay Day Is Coming!
What excuse is keeping you from being saved?
Antinomianism was popular in those days. “Let’s sin and let God pick up the tab.”
A. When You Want Excuses They Do Not Have To Make Sense 7-8a
Speaking from man’s reasoning as in verse 5 this is the slanderous report about Paul.
B. When You Make Excuses Judgment Will Come 8b
Whose condemnation is just. We may not take sin seriously…God does! When a
person is saved they are changed inside out. If there is no change…there is no
What Excuse Is Keeping You From Being Saved?
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