Living Grace Foursquare

The Righteous Shall Vote...
We are less than 30 days away from one of the most consequential elections of our time. What is our responsibility as Biblical citizens? How do we vote through the lens of the Bible? To the 90 million--Stand-Up! Proverbs 14:34. Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.
Locations & Times
Living Grace Foursquare Church
3646 N Rancho Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89130, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
America has a rich history of pastors preaching about the issues of their day.
1. As followers of Jesus, we’re to evaluate everything through the lens of the Bible. Always. In every area of life.
1. As followers of Jesus, we’re to evaluate everything through the lens of the Bible. Always. In every area of life.
Separation of church and state?
That phrase isn’t found in the constitution or any of our founding docs
1802, Thomas Jefferson was President, and he received a question concerning religious freedom from the Baptist convention in Danbury Ct.
i. In a personal letter he wrote back and explained the importance of the 1st Amendment.
ii. He wrote about building a “wall of separation between the Church and State”.
iii. In context, he wanted them to understand that government intrusion was limited by the 1stAmendment and that they had the freedom to worship freely without gov involvement
His point: freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.
Not to keep religion out of government but to keep government out of religion.
The First Amendment limits the government’s ability to censor free speech and religious expression. The First Amendment especially protects religious speech and expression. As the Supreme Court has said, “[P]rivate religious speech, far from being a First Amendment orphan, is as fully protected under the Free Speech Clause as secular private expression.” The government cannot suppress speech solely because it is religious. ACLJ
That phrase isn’t found in the constitution or any of our founding docs
1802, Thomas Jefferson was President, and he received a question concerning religious freedom from the Baptist convention in Danbury Ct.
i. In a personal letter he wrote back and explained the importance of the 1st Amendment.
ii. He wrote about building a “wall of separation between the Church and State”.
iii. In context, he wanted them to understand that government intrusion was limited by the 1stAmendment and that they had the freedom to worship freely without gov involvement
His point: freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.
Not to keep religion out of government but to keep government out of religion.
The First Amendment limits the government’s ability to censor free speech and religious expression. The First Amendment especially protects religious speech and expression. As the Supreme Court has said, “[P]rivate religious speech, far from being a First Amendment orphan, is as fully protected under the Free Speech Clause as secular private expression.” The government cannot suppress speech solely because it is religious. ACLJ
There are 90m self-identified evangelicals in America who are eligible to vote
i. 40m do not
ii. 15m are not registered.
If Christians would come together and vote their values, we cld change America
i. 40m do not
ii. 15m are not registered.
If Christians would come together and vote their values, we cld change America
God is sovereign and will put into office whomever He wants
vs2: "that we may live a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and dignity"
That our rights as Christians won't be violated.
That we can share the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
That our liberties and freedoms won't be stripped.
That the Dept of Justice won't be weaponized against Christians.
That the IRS won't target 501-c-3 religious entities by denying them their non-profit status.
That moms who attend school board meetings won't be targeted by FBI investigations
That a baker in Colorado won't be sued by his city for denying to bake a cake for a couple that would violate his religious beliefs on Biblical marrige
That the Massachusetts government, colluding with the abortion lobby, will not be allowed to orchestrate a retaliation and selective-enforcement campaign by accusing Pregnancy resource centers and other pro-life centers of being a public health threat, carrying out false and misleading advertising, and other falsehoods, all while actively urging citizens to report PRCs to state law enforcement.
That the City of Manhattan Beach must not discriminate based on religion when renting public facilities:
The First Amendment limits the government’s ability to censor free speech and religious expression. The First Amendment especially protects religious speech and expression. As the Supreme Court has said, “[P]rivate religious speech, far from being a First Amendment orphan, is as fully protected under the Free Speech Clause as secular private expression.” The government cannot suppress speech solely because it is religious.
That our rights as Christians won't be violated.
That we can share the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
That our liberties and freedoms won't be stripped.
That the Dept of Justice won't be weaponized against Christians.
That the IRS won't target 501-c-3 religious entities by denying them their non-profit status.
That moms who attend school board meetings won't be targeted by FBI investigations
That a baker in Colorado won't be sued by his city for denying to bake a cake for a couple that would violate his religious beliefs on Biblical marrige
That the Massachusetts government, colluding with the abortion lobby, will not be allowed to orchestrate a retaliation and selective-enforcement campaign by accusing Pregnancy resource centers and other pro-life centers of being a public health threat, carrying out false and misleading advertising, and other falsehoods, all while actively urging citizens to report PRCs to state law enforcement.
That the City of Manhattan Beach must not discriminate based on religion when renting public facilities:
The First Amendment limits the government’s ability to censor free speech and religious expression. The First Amendment especially protects religious speech and expression. As the Supreme Court has said, “[P]rivate religious speech, far from being a First Amendment orphan, is as fully protected under the Free Speech Clause as secular private expression.” The government cannot suppress speech solely because it is religious.
Jesus is our only solution in America.
Salvation does not come from Washington or Carson City or anyplace else. He’s not on the Ballot.
No one can turn us from a downward spiral of morality, so He calls the Church to be both salt and light
We are called to be catalysts, not sponges
Salvation does not come from Washington or Carson City or anyplace else. He’s not on the Ballot.
No one can turn us from a downward spiral of morality, so He calls the Church to be both salt and light
We are called to be catalysts, not sponges
In 1938 the name Boston Curtis appeared on the ballot for Republican Committeeman from Milton, Washington.
Boston Curtis was a donkey. The town’s mayor sponsored the animal to demonstrate that people know very little about the candidates......The mule won!
Here's points of consideration:
Boston Curtis was a donkey. The town’s mayor sponsored the animal to demonstrate that people know very little about the candidates......The mule won!
Here's points of consideration:
Franklin D. Roosevelt, our 32nd president, “Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. the ultimate rulers of our democracy are . . . the voters of this country.”
President Harry S. Truman said, “The highest office in the Land is that of citizen.”
President Harry S. Truman said, “The highest office in the Land is that of citizen.”
Are there qualifiers that should be used to vet candidates?
Choose Policy over personality
Choose Policy over personality
1. Based on their worldview; what type of Federal Judges will they appoint?
a. Proverbs 14:34. Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people
b. Righteous judges adjudicate justice righteously.
a. Proverbs 14:34. Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people
b. Righteous judges adjudicate justice righteously.
2. What are their views towards Israel?
3. Border Security
4. Religious Liberty
5. The Issue of Biological Sex
God assigns Biological sex in the Womb.
i. We don’t get to decide if we want to become a different gender, to support and legitimize it contributes to a host of emotional, physical and mental issues, instead of helping people to realize the beautiful design that God created them to be:
1. Booker T Washington, “A lie doesn't become truth, wrong doesn't become right and evil doesn't become good just because it's accepted by a majority.”
2. You cannot fool your DNA
3. 14 states currently have what are called transgender healthcare shield laws among them Minnesota governor Tim Walz signed legislation last year making Minnesota a trans refuge state
a. If a minor child has been unable to obtain “gender affirming care”, because one or both parents object the Minnesota law allows courts to have “temporary emergency jurisdiction” over the child
God assigns Biological sex in the Womb.
i. We don’t get to decide if we want to become a different gender, to support and legitimize it contributes to a host of emotional, physical and mental issues, instead of helping people to realize the beautiful design that God created them to be:
1. Booker T Washington, “A lie doesn't become truth, wrong doesn't become right and evil doesn't become good just because it's accepted by a majority.”
2. You cannot fool your DNA
3. 14 states currently have what are called transgender healthcare shield laws among them Minnesota governor Tim Walz signed legislation last year making Minnesota a trans refuge state
a. If a minor child has been unable to obtain “gender affirming care”, because one or both parents object the Minnesota law allows courts to have “temporary emergency jurisdiction” over the child
6. Pro-life or Pro-death?
90 Million. 40 million don't vote. 15 million aren't registered.
No government is the answer for the soul of America!
No government is the answer for the soul of America!