Beyond The Walls Community Church
Sunday, October 6th, 2024 | Sardis: A Church On Life Support!! | Revelation 3:1-7
Our Mission: Leading People to follow Jesus Christ
Locations & Times
Beyond the Walls Church
42110 Remington Ave, Temecula, CA 92590, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
Key Truth: __________________ can be ________________, especially to the human eye. However, Jesus looks deep into the spiritual ____________ of every Church/Christian and determines their spiritual ________________.
Jesus Addresses Sardis’s Spiritual State:
1. They looked ______________, but they were spiritually ____________________.
2. They were spiritually ____________ and just going through the motions of church life.
3. They became _______________ in their Christian walk while living in ________________ and ________________ within the culture.
How To Revive A Dead Church/Christian:
1. ________________ from your spiritual __________________.
2. ___________________ what still remains!
3. _______________ the _____________ of grace you were taught!
4. _____________ to the ______________ of God’s word without compromise.
5. Repent with your ______________ and _________________.
Jesus Promise To The Faithful:
1. You will experience His __________________ for eternity.
2. You can rest ______________ in the saving work of Jesus Christ.
3. Jesus will _______________ and ______________ your faithfulness before God the Father.
Taking It Beyond The Walls: Let the realities of the gospel determine your decisions and conduct daily. Don’t rely on past achievements to define your relationship with Jesus.
Jesus Addresses Sardis’s Spiritual State:
1. They looked ______________, but they were spiritually ____________________.
2. They were spiritually ____________ and just going through the motions of church life.
3. They became _______________ in their Christian walk while living in ________________ and ________________ within the culture.
How To Revive A Dead Church/Christian:
1. ________________ from your spiritual __________________.
2. ___________________ what still remains!
3. _______________ the _____________ of grace you were taught!
4. _____________ to the ______________ of God’s word without compromise.
5. Repent with your ______________ and _________________.
Jesus Promise To The Faithful:
1. You will experience His __________________ for eternity.
2. You can rest ______________ in the saving work of Jesus Christ.
3. Jesus will _______________ and ______________ your faithfulness before God the Father.
Taking It Beyond The Walls: Let the realities of the gospel determine your decisions and conduct daily. Don’t rely on past achievements to define your relationship with Jesus.
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7 Group Homework:
Looking back at your notes, was there anything that particularly caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?
How would you define the word “hypocrite”? Why does this word have a negative connotation?
What was Jesus’ view of hypocrisy? Why is spiritual hypocrisy so dangerous?
Read also 1 Peter 5:8-11. Just like the letters to the churches in Revelation, there is both warning and encouragement, command and promise, in these verses. What encourages you in these verses?
In the Bible, there are several passages that refer to God commanding people to wake up, including Ephesians 5:14, 1 Thessalonians 5:6–7, and Romans 13:11. Why do you think alertness is necessary in following Jesus? What are some possible dangers of going to sleep spiritually?
Here are some vital signs to know how dead or alive our faith is: (confessing Jesus as Lord, unity in the body of Christ, compassion, reproductive growth, passion, desire for holiness, willingness to sacrifice). Those can be summed up in the following two questions. Consider your answers and share them with your group.
• In the last two years of your life, where have you seen growth or change in your relationship with God?
• In the last two years of your life, where have you been a light to others? Who is impacted by you?
How do you respond when God uses His Word to call you to repentance? Does your response indicate spiritual life or spiritual death?
Looking back at your notes, was there anything that particularly caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?
How would you define the word “hypocrite”? Why does this word have a negative connotation?
What was Jesus’ view of hypocrisy? Why is spiritual hypocrisy so dangerous?
Read also 1 Peter 5:8-11. Just like the letters to the churches in Revelation, there is both warning and encouragement, command and promise, in these verses. What encourages you in these verses?
In the Bible, there are several passages that refer to God commanding people to wake up, including Ephesians 5:14, 1 Thessalonians 5:6–7, and Romans 13:11. Why do you think alertness is necessary in following Jesus? What are some possible dangers of going to sleep spiritually?
Here are some vital signs to know how dead or alive our faith is: (confessing Jesus as Lord, unity in the body of Christ, compassion, reproductive growth, passion, desire for holiness, willingness to sacrifice). Those can be summed up in the following two questions. Consider your answers and share them with your group.
• In the last two years of your life, where have you seen growth or change in your relationship with God?
• In the last two years of your life, where have you been a light to others? Who is impacted by you?
How do you respond when God uses His Word to call you to repentance? Does your response indicate spiritual life or spiritual death?