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Eden Westside Baptist Church

Wednesday Night Bible Study

Wednesday Night Bible Study


Locations & Times

Eden Westside Baptist Church

223 Wolf Creek Rd N, Pell City, AL 35125, USA

Wednesday 6:00 PM


Part 1

Rev. 20:1-10
1. Millennial interpretations:

A. Millennial means: “a thousand years”

B. Post-millennialism
* Post means “after”
* Millennial – thousand years
* Ism means “belief”
* This means Christ will return “after” a golden age – the Church will do a wonderful job converting the world – things will get better and better and Jesus will return to a lovely and prepared world to set up His kingdom on earth.

C. A-millennialism
* “A” in front of this word means “No”
* This means “No” literal millennial reign of Christ on earth

D. Pre-millennialism
* Pre means “before”
* Christ will reign for a thousand years after His second coming
* The second coming is pre-millennial. The rapture is not the second coming of Christ.
* Literal interpretation demands pre-millennialism
* This is what I believe and teach
2. The Old Testament

The Church Age

The Rapture

The Tribulation

The Second Advent

The Millennial Reign

The Eternal Kingdom...
3. How will the millennial be introduced?

A. The rapture of the Church

B. Seven year tribulation period

C. Jesus will return to the earth

D. He will win the Battle of Armageddon

E. A brief period of carnage clean up
4. And then:

A. Satan will be bound: Rev. 20:1-3

B. The government will be a “Theocracy”
* “Theos” – God
* Kratein – to rule
* Theocracy – a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God: Rev. 1:6; Rev. 5:10; 1 Peter 2:9

C) The Millennial Kingdom is established: Luke 1:31-33; Rev. 11:15

D) The earth will be delivered from the curse under which it has so long groaned and travailed: Rom.8:12-23; 2 Cor. 5:1-4

5. In order to understand the Millennial Kingdom, we must first understand “Kingdom”: Matt. 6:9-13, John 3:1-8

A. The Kingdom of God – the “Reign of God” in the universe over all His creation including time and eternity, heaven and earth: Luke 17:20-21

B. The Kingdom of Heaven – is limited to time and sphere: Matt. 3:1-2; Heb. 4:14-16; 2 Cor. 4:4
* Kingdom in mystery – Church dispensation
* Kingdom in manifestation – Millennial Kingdom – Perfect Kingdom
Bottom Line: To be continued…

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