Discovery Church
Yes or No--Will you go? | Short Stories - Part 05
In this teaching series, we are studying seven parables of Jesus found in the Gospel of Matthew. A parable in the Bible is a short story that contains a comparison or a parallel. The word parable itself means “a comparing together,” or “laying one thing aside another.” Join us over the next 7 weeks as we study these stories about Jesus’ Kingdom and discover the application for our lives.
Locations & Times
Discovery Church
4441 S 25th St, Fort Pierce, FL 34981, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
Main Idea: Yes or No--Will you go?
Questions We Must Answer:
Does God have the authority to command us to serve Him?
What does work in His vineyard entail?
Does God have the authority to command us to serve Him?
What does work in His vineyard entail?
Reasons People Refuse to Serve Today:
1. Laziness
2. Send someone else
3. Fear
4. Self-centered
1. Laziness
2. Send someone else
3. Fear
4. Self-centered
Is God calling you to go to work for Him?