Stones Hill Community Church
![Fed by Ravens - 1 Kings 18:1-21](/_next/image?
Fed by Ravens - 1 Kings 18:1-21
Welcome to "Fed by Raven" - a sermon series on the life and times of Elijah. There are many people in the wilderness with the brook drying up. "Fed by Ravens" is for all those who need sustained. Glad to have you on this journey!
Locations & Times
Ligonier, IN
151 W Stones Hill Rd, Ligonier, IN 46767, USA
Saturday 3:02 PM
We welcome you to Stone's Hill today!
A typical Stone's Hill service has:
* music (so feel free to sing out);
* some announcements (things that are upcoming that you can be a part of);
* a message out of the Bible (God speaks to us through his Word);
* and an opportunity for you to respond to the message (either immediately in the case of a decision that needs to be made OR in the future as you live out the message in your daily life.)
So relax and enjoy your morning! We're so glad you are here!
A typical Stone's Hill service has:
* music (so feel free to sing out);
* some announcements (things that are upcoming that you can be a part of);
* a message out of the Bible (God speaks to us through his Word);
* and an opportunity for you to respond to the message (either immediately in the case of a decision that needs to be made OR in the future as you live out the message in your daily life.)
So relax and enjoy your morning! We're so glad you are here!
1 Kings 18:1-21
What is ghosting? When a friend or romantic interest or family member disappears without explanation. So, it’s called ghosting because it involves someone essentially “vanishing” into thin air as if they were a ghost. Ghosting often occurs on social media. It involves cutting off all social media contact with another person without explanation. The other person may unfriend, unfollow, or even block you on all social media platforms. They may even go so far as to deactivate or delete their social accounts to prevent all contact.
Why do we “ghost”? It’s way easier (in the short-term, anyway) to ghost someone than to have an awkward, uncomfortable heart-to-heart about why you’re not interested in maintaining contact. The person doing the ghosting often wants to avoid confrontation or dealing with someone else’s hurt feelings, so they simply cease all communication and hope the hint is delivered. Have you ever been “ghosted”? Ghosting is ambiguous because there is a lack of explanation for why the relationship has gone the way it has. So, it can be exhausting to think about. Was it me? Something I said? Something I did? Did they see my text or email? We retreat into our own head to overanalyze and obsess. We play back events and go over every detail to try and spot our mistake or a warning sign we may have missed, ignored or misinterpreted.
Have you ever ghosted anyone? Sometimes, it’s necessary to end a relationship when a person can’t be trusted or is toxic in some way. You owe them no explanation. At other times, ghosting is conflict-avoidance and closure never comes. “Ghosting is the ultimate use of the silent treatment, a form of emotional cruelty.”
Are you ghosting God? If ghosting is disappearing from someone’s life without providing any explanation – do you think God feels it when we ghost Him? A prayer wasn’t answered the way we wanted so we give God the silent treatment. We feel guilty, so we try to hide. No need for 911 prayers to the Comforter; I’m doing just fine on my own. No need for thankfulness or touching base with the Creator. I have so many more things to do than to take time to connect with the Father. I kind of like being Involved in an activity outside of God’s plan. Who wants to be around someone who makes us feel uncomfortable about our choices? Are you ghosting God? Disconnecting. Brushing off. Tuning out. Pushing aside. Avoiding. Hiding.
We ignore the beauty of His creation around us. We dismiss the promptings we feel in our heart regarding choices we are making. We put the Bible in a back room or in the backseat. Unopened. We eliminate blogs and devotions from our daily emails that point us to the love He has for us. We no longer pray – really heart-pray – for others. We stop thanking God for who He is and for what He means in our lives. We no longer seek His wisdom, advice or guidance. We make excuses for not going to church. We get annoyed or feel awkward when others talk about their relationship or answered prayer. We choose to stop listening for His whisper in our heart; stop reading His written words to us; and avoid communication and conversation with Him. God no longer matters like He once did. He is unimportant in our private, personal world. We place a higher value on other activities, other people, or having our own way.
Is God “ghosting” me? Do you think Elijah ever felt “ghosted” by God? In a three-year period, the word of the Lord only comes to him twice. Don’t you think he wondered “God, could we get on with this?” If you feel like you’re being “ghosted” by God, you’re in good company. God has often been silent to some of his most faithful servants. If God seems silent, ask yourself if you’re into His word. He’s speaking volumes to you there. God always has something to say to you through the Word. 1 After a long time, in the third year, the word of the Lord came to Elijah… When you’re in the Word you get “Holy Ghosted”. When I get Holy Ghosted, do you know what I realize more often than not. God didn’t ghost me with silence; He’s just been listening and He’s been waiting on me to open His mail. “When you’re done spitting and spewing Nelson, I’d like to say something.”
The idea of ghosting existed well before the digital age of 2024 – how about 855 BC? We’re going to read about Obadiah today and his big fear that Elijah was going to “ghost” him like Elijah had “ghosted” King Ahab. You can feel the tension in this passage: between Obadiah and Elijah, between Elijah and Ahab, between Elijah and the people. They don’t get each other. Here’s the vibe you get.
From Elijah toward Obadiah: How could you be a part of this evil system?
From Obadiah toward Elijah: How come you ghost people all the time?
From Elijah toward the Israelites: How long are you going to waver between God and your counterfeit gods?
All the narrative action comes to us in THREE SCENES...
Scene 1: Elijah has a command for Obadiah
Scene 2: Elijah has a condemnation for Ahab
Scene 3: Elijah has a challenge for the people of Israel
Contrast the two responses to Elijah (v.7, 17) and map those responses on to the One that Elijah’s life and ministry point toward – the Lord Jesus.
First response, Servant Obadiah – 7 Obadiah recognized him, bowed down to the ground, and said, “Is it really you, my lord Elijah?” Respect, admiration, love. And where was Obadiah investing his resources? Hiding and providing for God’s men in a cave. Obadiah was a godly man who feared the Lord from his youth. Is this your response to the Savior?
Second response, King Ahab - 17 When he saw Elijah, he said to him, “Is that you, you troubler of Israel?” Hostility, rejection, anger. And where was Ahab investing his resources? Feeding and watering his animals. Ahab was a wicked man who did more evil than all the kings that preceded him. Is this your response to One who gave His all to redeem you?
“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other” (Matthew 6:24). It is impossible to be “neutral” about Christ, either we are for him or against him. To ignore him is to take one’s stand on the side of his enemies. We can choose to have God and His Word as our spiritual foundation, or we can have some other standard, but there is no neutrality.
Is it time to stop ghosting Jesus?
1 Kings 18:1-21
What is ghosting? When a friend or romantic interest or family member disappears without explanation. So, it’s called ghosting because it involves someone essentially “vanishing” into thin air as if they were a ghost. Ghosting often occurs on social media. It involves cutting off all social media contact with another person without explanation. The other person may unfriend, unfollow, or even block you on all social media platforms. They may even go so far as to deactivate or delete their social accounts to prevent all contact.
Why do we “ghost”? It’s way easier (in the short-term, anyway) to ghost someone than to have an awkward, uncomfortable heart-to-heart about why you’re not interested in maintaining contact. The person doing the ghosting often wants to avoid confrontation or dealing with someone else’s hurt feelings, so they simply cease all communication and hope the hint is delivered. Have you ever been “ghosted”? Ghosting is ambiguous because there is a lack of explanation for why the relationship has gone the way it has. So, it can be exhausting to think about. Was it me? Something I said? Something I did? Did they see my text or email? We retreat into our own head to overanalyze and obsess. We play back events and go over every detail to try and spot our mistake or a warning sign we may have missed, ignored or misinterpreted.
Have you ever ghosted anyone? Sometimes, it’s necessary to end a relationship when a person can’t be trusted or is toxic in some way. You owe them no explanation. At other times, ghosting is conflict-avoidance and closure never comes. “Ghosting is the ultimate use of the silent treatment, a form of emotional cruelty.”
Are you ghosting God? If ghosting is disappearing from someone’s life without providing any explanation – do you think God feels it when we ghost Him? A prayer wasn’t answered the way we wanted so we give God the silent treatment. We feel guilty, so we try to hide. No need for 911 prayers to the Comforter; I’m doing just fine on my own. No need for thankfulness or touching base with the Creator. I have so many more things to do than to take time to connect with the Father. I kind of like being Involved in an activity outside of God’s plan. Who wants to be around someone who makes us feel uncomfortable about our choices? Are you ghosting God? Disconnecting. Brushing off. Tuning out. Pushing aside. Avoiding. Hiding.
We ignore the beauty of His creation around us. We dismiss the promptings we feel in our heart regarding choices we are making. We put the Bible in a back room or in the backseat. Unopened. We eliminate blogs and devotions from our daily emails that point us to the love He has for us. We no longer pray – really heart-pray – for others. We stop thanking God for who He is and for what He means in our lives. We no longer seek His wisdom, advice or guidance. We make excuses for not going to church. We get annoyed or feel awkward when others talk about their relationship or answered prayer. We choose to stop listening for His whisper in our heart; stop reading His written words to us; and avoid communication and conversation with Him. God no longer matters like He once did. He is unimportant in our private, personal world. We place a higher value on other activities, other people, or having our own way.
Is God “ghosting” me? Do you think Elijah ever felt “ghosted” by God? In a three-year period, the word of the Lord only comes to him twice. Don’t you think he wondered “God, could we get on with this?” If you feel like you’re being “ghosted” by God, you’re in good company. God has often been silent to some of his most faithful servants. If God seems silent, ask yourself if you’re into His word. He’s speaking volumes to you there. God always has something to say to you through the Word. 1 After a long time, in the third year, the word of the Lord came to Elijah… When you’re in the Word you get “Holy Ghosted”. When I get Holy Ghosted, do you know what I realize more often than not. God didn’t ghost me with silence; He’s just been listening and He’s been waiting on me to open His mail. “When you’re done spitting and spewing Nelson, I’d like to say something.”
The idea of ghosting existed well before the digital age of 2024 – how about 855 BC? We’re going to read about Obadiah today and his big fear that Elijah was going to “ghost” him like Elijah had “ghosted” King Ahab. You can feel the tension in this passage: between Obadiah and Elijah, between Elijah and Ahab, between Elijah and the people. They don’t get each other. Here’s the vibe you get.
From Elijah toward Obadiah: How could you be a part of this evil system?
From Obadiah toward Elijah: How come you ghost people all the time?
From Elijah toward the Israelites: How long are you going to waver between God and your counterfeit gods?
All the narrative action comes to us in THREE SCENES...
Scene 1: Elijah has a command for Obadiah
Scene 2: Elijah has a condemnation for Ahab
Scene 3: Elijah has a challenge for the people of Israel
Contrast the two responses to Elijah (v.7, 17) and map those responses on to the One that Elijah’s life and ministry point toward – the Lord Jesus.
First response, Servant Obadiah – 7 Obadiah recognized him, bowed down to the ground, and said, “Is it really you, my lord Elijah?” Respect, admiration, love. And where was Obadiah investing his resources? Hiding and providing for God’s men in a cave. Obadiah was a godly man who feared the Lord from his youth. Is this your response to the Savior?
Second response, King Ahab - 17 When he saw Elijah, he said to him, “Is that you, you troubler of Israel?” Hostility, rejection, anger. And where was Ahab investing his resources? Feeding and watering his animals. Ahab was a wicked man who did more evil than all the kings that preceded him. Is this your response to One who gave His all to redeem you?
“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other” (Matthew 6:24). It is impossible to be “neutral” about Christ, either we are for him or against him. To ignore him is to take one’s stand on the side of his enemies. We can choose to have God and His Word as our spiritual foundation, or we can have some other standard, but there is no neutrality.
Is it time to stop ghosting Jesus?
Fed by Ravens - 1 Kings 18:1-21
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