New Life Assembly of God - Saugerties

What is the Rapture?
Locations & Times
New Life Assembly of God
15 Swart Ln, Saugerties, NY 12477, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
There are seven truths contained in verses 16 and 17
1. The Lord's coming will be personal.
2. The coming of the Lord will be sudden.
3. When he comes the dead in Christ will rise first.
4. Every living Christian will be changed and caught up.
5. There will be a time of glorious reunion for the saints.
6. We shall meet with the Lord Himself.
7. We shall be with the Lord forever and forever.
1. The Lord's coming will be personal.
2. The coming of the Lord will be sudden.
3. When he comes the dead in Christ will rise first.
4. Every living Christian will be changed and caught up.
5. There will be a time of glorious reunion for the saints.
6. We shall meet with the Lord Himself.
7. We shall be with the Lord forever and forever.