Temple Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Worship @ TempleRogers - December 1, 2024
Connect People to God - Unite People to One Another - Equip People to Be On Mission
Locations & Times
Temple Baptist Church of Rogers
1812 S Dixieland Rd, Rogers, AR 72758, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Digital Worship Bulletin
Prayer Requests
Please share your prayer requests with us by following this link:
[Verse 1]
Joy to the world! The Lord has come;
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare Him room,
And heav’n and nature sing,
And heav’n and nature sing,
And heav’n, and heav’n
And nature sing.
[Verse 2]
Joy to the earth! The Savior reigns;
Let men their songs employ;
While fields and floods,
Rocks, hills and plains
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat, repeat the sounding joy.
[Verse 3]
No more let sins and sorrows grow,
Nor thorns infest the ground;
He comes to make His blessings flow
Far as the curse is found,
Far as the curse is found,
Far as, far as the curse is found
[Verse 4]
He rules the world with truth and grace
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders, wonders of His love.
Joy to the world! The Lord has come;
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare Him room,
And heav’n and nature sing,
And heav’n and nature sing,
And heav’n, and heav’n
And nature sing.
[Verse 2]
Joy to the earth! The Savior reigns;
Let men their songs employ;
While fields and floods,
Rocks, hills and plains
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat, repeat the sounding joy.
[Verse 3]
No more let sins and sorrows grow,
Nor thorns infest the ground;
He comes to make His blessings flow
Far as the curse is found,
Far as the curse is found,
Far as, far as the curse is found
[Verse 4]
He rules the world with truth and grace
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders, wonders of His love.
[Verse 1]
Joy to the world on a night like no other.
Emmanuel, God is with us.
Beggars and kings, let us come and adore Him,
Rest in His peace, and bow before Him.
Sing all you people,
the Lord Almighty reigns.
Sing ev’ry creature of God,
Come bless His name.
For He is good, for He is good,
He was born to conquer the grave.
Light of the world, The reason for Christmas Day.
[Verse 2]
Stars we have seen over deserts and oceans.
The darkness was deep, but never hopeless.
Redemption came and His name is Jesus.
Sing all you people,
the Lord Almighty reigns.
Sing ev’ry creature of God,
Come bless His name.
For He is good, for He is good,
He was born to conquer the grave.
Light of the world, the reason for Christmas Day.
[Bridge x2]
From the mountains we will shout it out,
For the Lord our God Almighty reigns.
He is with us, He is with us now,
For the Lord our God Almighty reigns.
[Chorus x2]
Sing all you people,
The Lord Almighty reigns.
Sing ev’ry creature of God,
Come bless His name.
For He is good, for He is good,
He was born to conquer the grave.
Light of the world, the reason for Christmas.
Light of the world, the reason for Christmas Day.
Joy to the world on a night like no other.
Emmanuel, God is with us.
Beggars and kings, let us come and adore Him,
Rest in His peace, and bow before Him.
Sing all you people,
the Lord Almighty reigns.
Sing ev’ry creature of God,
Come bless His name.
For He is good, for He is good,
He was born to conquer the grave.
Light of the world, The reason for Christmas Day.
[Verse 2]
Stars we have seen over deserts and oceans.
The darkness was deep, but never hopeless.
Redemption came and His name is Jesus.
Sing all you people,
the Lord Almighty reigns.
Sing ev’ry creature of God,
Come bless His name.
For He is good, for He is good,
He was born to conquer the grave.
Light of the world, the reason for Christmas Day.
[Bridge x2]
From the mountains we will shout it out,
For the Lord our God Almighty reigns.
He is with us, He is with us now,
For the Lord our God Almighty reigns.
[Chorus x2]
Sing all you people,
The Lord Almighty reigns.
Sing ev’ry creature of God,
Come bless His name.
For He is good, for He is good,
He was born to conquer the grave.
Light of the world, the reason for Christmas.
Light of the world, the reason for Christmas Day.
[Verse 1]
Sing we the song of Emmanuel,
This the Christ who was long foretold.
Lo, in the shadows of Bethlehem,
Promise of dawn now our eyes behold.
God Most High in a manger laid.
Lift your voices and now proclaim:
Great and glorious love has come to us!
Join now with the hosts of heaven!
[Verse 2]
Come we to welcome Emmanuel,
King who came with no crown or throne.
Helpless He lay, the Invincible,
Maker of Mary, now Mary’s Son.
Oh, what wisdom to save us all.
Shepherds, sages, before Him fall.
Grace and majesty, what humility.
Come on bended knee adore Him!
[Verse 3]
Go spread the news of Emmanuel,
Joy and peace for the weary heart.
Lift up your heads for Your King has come,
Sing for the Light overwhelms the dark.
Glory shining for all to see.
Hope alive, let the gospel ring.
God has made a way,
He will have the praise,
Tell the world His name is Jesus.
Glory shining for all to see.
Hope alive, let the gospel ring,
God has made a way,
He will have the praise,
Tell the world His name is Jesus.
Gloria! Gloria! Gloria! Gloria!
Gloria! Gloria! Gloria! Gloria!
Sing we the song of Emmanuel,
This the Christ who was long foretold.
Lo, in the shadows of Bethlehem,
Promise of dawn now our eyes behold.
God Most High in a manger laid.
Lift your voices and now proclaim:
Great and glorious love has come to us!
Join now with the hosts of heaven!
[Verse 2]
Come we to welcome Emmanuel,
King who came with no crown or throne.
Helpless He lay, the Invincible,
Maker of Mary, now Mary’s Son.
Oh, what wisdom to save us all.
Shepherds, sages, before Him fall.
Grace and majesty, what humility.
Come on bended knee adore Him!
[Verse 3]
Go spread the news of Emmanuel,
Joy and peace for the weary heart.
Lift up your heads for Your King has come,
Sing for the Light overwhelms the dark.
Glory shining for all to see.
Hope alive, let the gospel ring.
God has made a way,
He will have the praise,
Tell the world His name is Jesus.
Glory shining for all to see.
Hope alive, let the gospel ring,
God has made a way,
He will have the praise,
Tell the world His name is Jesus.
Gloria! Gloria! Gloria! Gloria!
Gloria! Gloria! Gloria! Gloria!
[Verse 1]
For my waking breath, for my daily bread
I depend on You, I depend on You.
For the sun to rise, for my sleep at night
I depend on You, yes I depend on You.
[Chorus 1]
You’re the way the truth and the life
You’re the well that never runs dry
I’m the branch and You are the vine
Draw me close and teach me to abide.
[Verse 2]
Where the spirit leads, as I’m following
I depend on You, I depend on You.
For the victories, still in front of me
I depend on You, yes I depend on You.
[Chorus 2]
You’re the way the truth and the life
You’re the well that never runs dry
I’m the branch and You are the vine
Draw me close and teach me to abide.
Be my strength, my song in the night.
Be my all, my treasure, my prize.
I am Yours, forever You’re mine.
Draw me close and teach me to abide.
[Verse 3]
When I pass through death, as I enter rest,
I depend on You, I depend on You.
For eternal life, to be raised with Christ,
I depend on You, yes I depend on You.
[Chorus 2]
You’re the way the truth and the life
You’re the well that never runs dry
I’m the branch and You are the vine
Draw me close and teach me to abide.
Be my strength, my song in the night.
Be my all, my treasure, my prize.
I am Yours, forever You’re mine.
Draw me close and teach me to abide.
[Tag x2]
I depend on You, I depend on You.
I depend on You, I depend on You.
For my waking breath, for my daily bread
I depend on You, I depend on You.
For the sun to rise, for my sleep at night
I depend on You, yes I depend on You.
[Chorus 1]
You’re the way the truth and the life
You’re the well that never runs dry
I’m the branch and You are the vine
Draw me close and teach me to abide.
[Verse 2]
Where the spirit leads, as I’m following
I depend on You, I depend on You.
For the victories, still in front of me
I depend on You, yes I depend on You.
[Chorus 2]
You’re the way the truth and the life
You’re the well that never runs dry
I’m the branch and You are the vine
Draw me close and teach me to abide.
Be my strength, my song in the night.
Be my all, my treasure, my prize.
I am Yours, forever You’re mine.
Draw me close and teach me to abide.
[Verse 3]
When I pass through death, as I enter rest,
I depend on You, I depend on You.
For eternal life, to be raised with Christ,
I depend on You, yes I depend on You.
[Chorus 2]
You’re the way the truth and the life
You’re the well that never runs dry
I’m the branch and You are the vine
Draw me close and teach me to abide.
Be my strength, my song in the night.
Be my all, my treasure, my prize.
I am Yours, forever You’re mine.
Draw me close and teach me to abide.
[Tag x2]
I depend on You, I depend on You.
I depend on You, I depend on You.

Wade Allen, Lead Pastor
Wade Allen, Lead Pastor

Stay Ready:
–“dressed for action”
–“keep your lamps burning”
–“waiting for their master”
–“what hour the thief was coming”
–“dressed for action”
–“keep your lamps burning”
–“waiting for their master”
–“what hour the thief was coming”
Stay Focused:
–Diligence Brings Blessings
–Disobedience Brings Consequences
–Dependability Brings Additional Responsibility and Accountability
–Diligence Brings Blessings
–Disobedience Brings Consequences
–Dependability Brings Additional Responsibility and Accountability


[Verse 1]
Jesus, keep me near the cross,
There a precious fountain,
Free to all, a healing stream,
Flows from Calv’ry’s mountain.
In the cross, in the cross
Be my glory ever,
Till my ransomed soul shall find
Rest beyond the river.
[Verse 2]
Near the cross, a trembling soul,
Love and mercy found me;
There the Bright and Morning Star
Shed His beams around me.
In the cross, in the cross
Be my glory ever,
Till my ransomed soul shall find
Rest beyond the river.
[Verse 3]
Near the cross! O Lamb of God,
Bring its scenes before me;
Help me walk from day to day
With its shadow o’er me.
In the cross, in the cross
Be my glory ever,
Till my ransomed soul shall find
Rest beyond the river.
[Verse 4]
Near the cross! I’ll watch and wait,
Hoping, trusting ever,
Till I reach the golden strand,
Just beyond the river.
In the cross, in the cross
Be my glory ever,
Till my ransomed soul shall find
Rest beyond the river.
Jesus, keep me near the cross,
There a precious fountain,
Free to all, a healing stream,
Flows from Calv’ry’s mountain.
In the cross, in the cross
Be my glory ever,
Till my ransomed soul shall find
Rest beyond the river.
[Verse 2]
Near the cross, a trembling soul,
Love and mercy found me;
There the Bright and Morning Star
Shed His beams around me.
In the cross, in the cross
Be my glory ever,
Till my ransomed soul shall find
Rest beyond the river.
[Verse 3]
Near the cross! O Lamb of God,
Bring its scenes before me;
Help me walk from day to day
With its shadow o’er me.
In the cross, in the cross
Be my glory ever,
Till my ransomed soul shall find
Rest beyond the river.
[Verse 4]
Near the cross! I’ll watch and wait,
Hoping, trusting ever,
Till I reach the golden strand,
Just beyond the river.
In the cross, in the cross
Be my glory ever,
Till my ransomed soul shall find
Rest beyond the river.
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