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Temple Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Worship @ TempleRogers - October 13, 2024

Sunday Morning Worship @ TempleRogers - October 13, 2024

Connect People to God - Unite People to One Another - Equip People to Be On Mission

Locations & Times

Temple Baptist Church of Rogers

1812 S Dixieland Rd, Rogers, AR 72758, USA

Sunday 10:30 AM

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Prayer Requests

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Praise the Lord, His mercy is more.
Stronger than darkness,
New every morn.
Our sins, they are many,
His mercy is more.

[Verse 1]
What love could remember
No wrongs we have done?
Omniscient, all-knowing,
He counts not their sum.
Thrown into a sea
Without bottom or shore.
Our sins, they are many,
His mercy is more.

Praise the Lord, His mercy is more.
Stronger than darkness,
New every morn.
Our sins, they are many,
His mercy is more.

[Verse 2]
What patience would wait
As we constantly roam?
What Father so tender
Is calling us home?
He welcomes the weakest,
The vilest, the poor.
Our sins, they are many,
His mercy is more.

Praise the Lord, His mercy is more.
Stronger than darkness,
New every morn.
Our sins, they are many,
His mercy is more.

[Verse 3]
What riches of kindness
He lavished on us.
His blood was the payment,
His life was the cost.
We stood ‘neath a debt
We could never afford.
Our sins, they are many,
His mercy is more.

Praise the Lord, His mercy is more.
Stronger than darkness,
New every morn.
Our sins, they are many,
His mercy is more.

Our sins, they are may,
His mercy is more.


[Verse 1]
When I look at Your heavens,
The moon and the stars
You set in motion. O God,
I sing all glory and honor.
What is man that You are mindful?
The Son of Man that You would care of him?
We sing all glory and honor.

O Lord, our Lord, O how awesome are Your ways.
How majestic is Your name in all the earth.
O Lord, Our Lord, may we see Your kingdom come.
Father, may Your will be done in all the earth.

[Verse 2]
In all the earth You gave dominion to Your children,
And You crown them, O God,
With glory and honor.
So we’ll sing of Your name,
Live our lives for Your greatness, O God,
and Your glory and honor.

O Lord, our Lord, O how awesome are Your ways.
How majestic is Your name in all the earth.
O Lord, Our Lord, may we see Your kingdom come.
Father, may Your will be done in all the earth.

The earth is full of the glory of God.
Come make much of the name above all names.
Creation cries out and every knee bows;
Jesus, we crown You, O Lord, our Lord.

The earth is full of the glory of God.
Come make much of the name above all names.
Creation cries out and every knee bows;
Jesus, we crown You, O Lord, our Lord.
O Lord, our Lord. O Lord, our Lord.

O Lord, our Lord, O how awesome are Your ways.
How majestic is Your name in all the earth.
O Lord, Our Lord, may we see Your kingdom come.
Father, may Your will be done in all the earth.

O Lord, our Lord, O how awesome are Your ways.
How majestic is Your name in all the earth.
O Lord, Our Lord, may we see Your kingdom come.
Father, may Your will be done in all the earth.

O Lord, our Lord, O how awesome are Your ways.
How majestic is Your name in all the earth.
O Lord, Our Lord, may we see Your kingdom come.
Father, may Your will be done in all the earth,
In all the earth.


[Verse 1]
If you curse me, then I will bless you.
If you hurt me, I will forgive.
And if you hate me, then I will love you.
I choose the Jesus way.

[Verse 2]
If you’re helpless, I will defend you.
And if you’re burdened, I’ll share the weight.
And if you’re hopeless, then let me show you,
There’s hope in the Jesus way.

I follow Jesus, I follow Jesus.
He wore my sin, I’ll gladly wear His name.
He is the treasure, He is the answer.
Oh, I choose the Jesus way.

[Verse 3]
If you strike me, I will embrace you.
And if you chain me, I’ll sing His praise.
And if you kill me, my home is heaven,
For I choose the Jesus way.

I follow Jesus, I follow Jesus.
He wore my sin, I’ll gladly wear His name.
He is the treasure, He is the answer.
Oh, I choose the Jesus way.

I choose surrender, I choose to love.
Oh, God, my Savior, You’ll always be enough.
I choose forgiveness, I choose grace.
I choose to worship no matter what I face.
I choose the Jesus way. I choose the Jesus way.
I choose the Jesus way. I choose the Jesus way.

I follow Jesus, I follow Jesus.
He wore my sin, I’ll gladly wear His name.
He is the treasure, He is the answer.
Oh, I choose the Jesus way.

I follow Jesus, I follow Jesus.
He wore my sin, I’ll gladly wear His name.
He is the treasure, He is the answer.
Oh, I choose the Jesus way.
Oh, I choose the Jesus way.


[Verse 1]
You have been our dwelling place,
O everlasting God.
Before You formed the mountaintops,
You were before it all.
And soon our lives turn back to dust.

When the sun comes us satisfy us,
Before the day has passed us by.
Before our hearts forget all Your goodness,
Satisfy us with Your love.

[Verse 2]
The wrath poured out for sin,
On Jesus crucified.
Consider Him, our hiding place,
Our shelter is alive,
Because He lived and died for us.

When the sun comes us satisfy us,
Before the day has passed us by.
Before our hearts forget all Your goodness,
Satisfy us with Your love.

[Bridge x2]
Teach us, Lord,
To number our days on earth.
And give us more
Wisdom in the secret heart,
As You display amazing grace
in Jesus Christ for us.

[Chorus x2]
When the sun comes us satisfy us,
Before the day has passed us by.
Before our hearts forget all Your goodness,
Satisfy us with Your love.

When the sun comes us satisfy us,
Before the day has passed us by.
Before our hearts give up, Spirit, fill us,
Satisfy us with Your love.
Satisfy us with Your love.

Wade Allen, Lead Pastor
The Situation of this Parable
The Straightforward Teaching of this Parable
The Symbolic Teaching of this Parable


[Verse 1]
“Take up thy cross and follow Me,”
I heard my Master say;
“I gave My life to ransom thee,
Surrender your all today.”

Wherever He leads I’ll go,
Wherever He leads I’ll go;
I’ll follow my Christ who loves me so,
Wherever He leads I’ll go.

[Verse 2]
He drew me closer to His side,
I sought His will to know,
And in that will I now abide,
Wherever He leads I’ll go.

[Verse 3]
It may be through the shadows dim,
Or o’er the stormy sea,
I take my cross and follow Him,
Wherever He leadeth me.

[Verse 4]
My heart, my life, my all I bring
To Christ who loves me so;
He is my Master, Lord, and King,
Wherever He leads I’ll go.

Jesus paid it all,
All to Him I owe;
Sin had left a crimson stain.
He washed it white as snow.

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