The Bridge Church
Upside Down Kingdom - Lust, Adultery, and Oaths
September 22, 2024
Locations & Times
Englewood SKY Academy
871 S River Rd, Englewood, FL 34223, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
Kingdom: The rule (law) and reign (authority) of the King.
Jesus calls us out of self-centered lust
Lust is completely self-centered, interested only in sexual gratification.
Remove and run from anything that will cause you to sin.
2. Jesus calls us to marital faithfulness
Marriage is God's covenant between one man and one woman for life.
3. Jesus calls us to radical truthfulness
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time.
I need to be baptized.
I need to attend Starting Point.
I need to join a serve team.
I need to join a small group.
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time.
I need to be baptized.
I need to attend Starting Point.
I need to join a serve team.
I need to join a small group.
Covenant Eyes -
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Covenant Eyes -
Interested in joining a Conquer Group? Let us know here:
Dig Deeper:
1. Based on what we’ve studied so far in this series, what does it mean to be a citizen of God’s kingdom?
2. What is a covenant? What is the difference between a covenant and a contract?
3. Read Matthew 5:27-28. What commandment is Jesus referring to?
4. Why is Jesus referencing the heart again? Why do you think Jesus wants full access to our hearts? Have you granted Him that?
5. What is the definition of lust? How is pride and self-centeredness a part in lust? Discuss the differences between lust and love.
6. Do we live in an over-sexualized culture? Discuss even the subtle ways that lust creeps into our culture.
7. How does living outside of God’s design for intimacy affect both married people as well as single people? How does inappropriate intimacy affect our future intimacy, regardless of our current relationship status now?
8. Read Matthew 5:29-30. How can this scripture be misunderstood? Is Jesus saying this in a literal way? Instead, what is Jesus emphasizing?
9. Read 2 Timothy 2:22. If anything is causing us to sin, and thus cause separation from us and God, we are to throw it out! Discuss tangible ways to throw out sin, not only in relation to lust but also with other types of sin.
10. The desires we feed will always grow. Discuss how that plays out regarding lust. How does it also play out when we focus on the things of God?
11. How is consciously running from sin different than following a set of legalistic rules? Again, how is the heart a part of this?
12. How does our own sin not only affect us but those around us? How are we able to walk in purity rather than in sin?
13. Read Matthew 5:31-32. What does Jesus teach about divorce in this passage, specifically related to marital faithfulness? How does Jesus raise the standards for divorce and remarriage?
14. Verses 31-32 can feel heavy to some people. How do these verses give hope to hurting marriages? How does God’s grace support and encourage us all?
15. Read Matthew 19:3-6. How was this relevant to the problem of divorce in the first century? How is it still relevant to us today?
16. Read Genesis 2:24. Who is the creator of marriage? How does the picture of Christ and the church relate to the idea of marriage?
17. Read Matthew 19:7-9. What is a concession? According to Jesus in this passage, why did Moses permit divorce? How is that different from the ways in which divorce is permissible?
18. Is truth hard to find in our culture? Why or why not?
19. Read Matthew 5:33. Why does Jesus move into talking about oaths after he teaches about lust, adultery, and divorce? What commandment is he referring to?
20. Read Matthew 5:37. What does it mean to “keep your oaths to the Lord”? How is doing what we say we are going to do important?
21. Read Isaiah 1:18. Have we all fallen short and sinned against God? Why is important to remember, that through it all, God doesn’t divorce us when make mistakes?
22. What is one takeaway from this sermon that you can intentionally live out this week? Share with others what that is and when you plan to do it!
Live It Out:
Instead of minimizing sin or excusing sin in your life, we should kill the sin in our life. If anything is causing us to sin and cause separation from God and us, we must throw it out! Delete anything that is causing you to be shackled by sin. Specifically, remember that Jesus calls:
1. Us out of self-centered lust. Remove and run from anything that will cause you to sin. This means do not take a second look. Keep your eyes fixed. Remove media, television, movies, and books that lead you to lust. Be ok with missing out. Do not create a list of legalistic rules. Instead, love God with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength so that it will lead you to hate the sin that hurts and harms your life.
2. His disciples to marital faithfulness. Marriage is God’s covenant between one man and one woman for life. God is the creator and designer of marriage, so He sets the definition of marriage. This week, keep in mind the picture of Christ and the church as the perfect example to us of the picture of marital faithfulness. Whether you are married or single, focus this week on God’s love and perfect plan for you!
3. Us to radical truthfulness. In a world where truth is very hard to find, praise God for His truth in His Word. Satan is the father of lies. Truth honors God and builds stronger relationships. This week, let your “yes” mean yes and your “no” mean no. Keep the promises you keep, to God, yourself, and to those around you.
Jesus brings forgiveness and transformation when we surrender our desires to God. Take some time in prayer to do that right now.
1. Based on what we’ve studied so far in this series, what does it mean to be a citizen of God’s kingdom?
2. What is a covenant? What is the difference between a covenant and a contract?
3. Read Matthew 5:27-28. What commandment is Jesus referring to?
4. Why is Jesus referencing the heart again? Why do you think Jesus wants full access to our hearts? Have you granted Him that?
5. What is the definition of lust? How is pride and self-centeredness a part in lust? Discuss the differences between lust and love.
6. Do we live in an over-sexualized culture? Discuss even the subtle ways that lust creeps into our culture.
7. How does living outside of God’s design for intimacy affect both married people as well as single people? How does inappropriate intimacy affect our future intimacy, regardless of our current relationship status now?
8. Read Matthew 5:29-30. How can this scripture be misunderstood? Is Jesus saying this in a literal way? Instead, what is Jesus emphasizing?
9. Read 2 Timothy 2:22. If anything is causing us to sin, and thus cause separation from us and God, we are to throw it out! Discuss tangible ways to throw out sin, not only in relation to lust but also with other types of sin.
10. The desires we feed will always grow. Discuss how that plays out regarding lust. How does it also play out when we focus on the things of God?
11. How is consciously running from sin different than following a set of legalistic rules? Again, how is the heart a part of this?
12. How does our own sin not only affect us but those around us? How are we able to walk in purity rather than in sin?
13. Read Matthew 5:31-32. What does Jesus teach about divorce in this passage, specifically related to marital faithfulness? How does Jesus raise the standards for divorce and remarriage?
14. Verses 31-32 can feel heavy to some people. How do these verses give hope to hurting marriages? How does God’s grace support and encourage us all?
15. Read Matthew 19:3-6. How was this relevant to the problem of divorce in the first century? How is it still relevant to us today?
16. Read Genesis 2:24. Who is the creator of marriage? How does the picture of Christ and the church relate to the idea of marriage?
17. Read Matthew 19:7-9. What is a concession? According to Jesus in this passage, why did Moses permit divorce? How is that different from the ways in which divorce is permissible?
18. Is truth hard to find in our culture? Why or why not?
19. Read Matthew 5:33. Why does Jesus move into talking about oaths after he teaches about lust, adultery, and divorce? What commandment is he referring to?
20. Read Matthew 5:37. What does it mean to “keep your oaths to the Lord”? How is doing what we say we are going to do important?
21. Read Isaiah 1:18. Have we all fallen short and sinned against God? Why is important to remember, that through it all, God doesn’t divorce us when make mistakes?
22. What is one takeaway from this sermon that you can intentionally live out this week? Share with others what that is and when you plan to do it!
Live It Out:
Instead of minimizing sin or excusing sin in your life, we should kill the sin in our life. If anything is causing us to sin and cause separation from God and us, we must throw it out! Delete anything that is causing you to be shackled by sin. Specifically, remember that Jesus calls:
1. Us out of self-centered lust. Remove and run from anything that will cause you to sin. This means do not take a second look. Keep your eyes fixed. Remove media, television, movies, and books that lead you to lust. Be ok with missing out. Do not create a list of legalistic rules. Instead, love God with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength so that it will lead you to hate the sin that hurts and harms your life.
2. His disciples to marital faithfulness. Marriage is God’s covenant between one man and one woman for life. God is the creator and designer of marriage, so He sets the definition of marriage. This week, keep in mind the picture of Christ and the church as the perfect example to us of the picture of marital faithfulness. Whether you are married or single, focus this week on God’s love and perfect plan for you!
3. Us to radical truthfulness. In a world where truth is very hard to find, praise God for His truth in His Word. Satan is the father of lies. Truth honors God and builds stronger relationships. This week, let your “yes” mean yes and your “no” mean no. Keep the promises you keep, to God, yourself, and to those around you.
Jesus brings forgiveness and transformation when we surrender our desires to God. Take some time in prayer to do that right now.
Reading Plan:
Monday: Matthew 5:27-28
Tuesday: Matthew 5:29-30
Wednesday: 2 Timothy 2:22, Job 31:1
Thursday: Matthew 5:31-32
Friday: Matthew 19:3-9, Genesis 2:24
Saturday: Matthew 5:33-37, Isaiah 1:18
Monday: Matthew 5:27-28
Tuesday: Matthew 5:29-30
Wednesday: 2 Timothy 2:22, Job 31:1
Thursday: Matthew 5:31-32
Friday: Matthew 19:3-9, Genesis 2:24
Saturday: Matthew 5:33-37, Isaiah 1:18