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North Main Street Church of God



1201 North Main Street Ext. Butler, PA 16001 09/22/2024

Locations & Times

North Main Street Church of God

1201 N Main St Ext, Butler, PA 16001, USA

Sunday 10:27 AM

Sunday Morning

Join us on Sunday Mornings online where you can Check-in/Connect, Give, and Watch along with us.
We are so glad that you joined us today at North Main Street Church of God. At North Main, we exist to develop completely committed followers of Christ who...

Know Christ intimately,

Grow in Christ continually, and

Go for Christ daily

Check-in Here

Thanks for joining us! If it's your first time here we'd love to connect with you! Fill out the form below.
For our regular attenders, please check in with your name and email, if you need to update information

Joining us online?

Thank you for joining us today! Please check in here:

Newcomers to North Main

If you are a newcomer, we’re so glad you’ve joined us! If you’re here in person, make sure to stop by the Welcome Center where we have a gift bag for you with some information about us and some delicious homemade chocolate chip COOKIES.
For those online please visit the website below and make sure to click the COMMUNICATION CARD button and fill that out so we can send you a free gift!

Church Mobile App

Did you know North Main has a church mobile app? Access videos anytime from your device and never miss a sermon. Securely and easily give your tithes, offerings, and donations. Instantly register for upcoming events, and stay in the know of what's happening. Contact Us at any time with a simple message. Find others in the North Main directory. To download go to:

Bible Reading Plan

Join us in 2024 as we read through the Bible in a year and highlight evidence of “GOODNESS” throughout our daily Scripture readings. Reading Guides and PURPLE highlighters are available at the Welcome Center. You can also access the resources digitally on:

BibleProject | The Bible

BibleProject | The Bible


WN@NM kicked off this past Wednesday, but it’s not too late to join! You can still RSVP on our website where you can find current class offerings & more information. Plan on coming at 6pm for dinner! $5/adult, $3 kid and max of $15 per household.
Discover North Main
Our “Discover North Main” class started this morning, but it’s not too late to sign up! If you consider North Main your home church this class will cover North Main’s vision, mission, and doctrinal teachings. Please sign up at the Welcome Center or on our website at:
We will be celebrating communion together this morning during worship. The ushers will distribute the elements at that time, but for those who need a gluten-free or sealed option, those are available at the Welcome Center right outside of the doors you came in today.

Meal Train

We need your help! Our Meal Train team is looking for people who can share their culinary talents with our church family on an as-needed basis. If you aren’t a cook but would still like to get involved, purchasing a pre-made meal or a gift card from a local restaurant is a great way to help.  Please sign up at the Welcome Center or on our website at, even if you’ve helped with meal trains in the past. We need your recommitment to the ministry, so please sign up.


We thank you for your faithful gifts. You can give online and, of course, on Sundays by using the secure drop boxes located outside the doors of the Sanctuary. THANK YOU FOR YOUR FAITHFULNESS.
(Matthew 11:28-30)
Yearly Theme: “Goodness is… Glorious”
Series Title: “Beyond the Noise”
September 22nd, 2024
Something to think about:

In her book, Invitation to Solitude and Silence, Ruth Haley Barton explains the difference between what she calls “good tired” and “dangerously tired.” She writes:

“[Good tired] is the kind of tiredness we experience after a job well done, a task accomplished out of the best of who we are. If we are living in healthy rhythms of work and rest, this tiredness is a temporary condition, and when it comes, we know that after we take appropriate time for rest and recuperation, we will soon be back in the swing of things. …

“Another kind of tiredness is more ominous, and this is what I call ‘dangerous tired.’ It is deeper and more serious than the temporary exhaustion that follows periods of intensity of schedule and workload. The difference between ‘good tired and ‘dangerous tired’ is like the difference between the atmospheric conditions that produce harmless spring rain clouds and those that bring an eerie green-tinted sky and the possibility of a tornado. When the sky is green like that, you’re not quite sure what’s going on, but something doesn’t feel right, and you know that you had better pay attention. One atmospheric condition is normal and predictable; the other is risky and volatile.”[1]

Overcoming either being tired or dangerously tired is tied directly to our willingness to find rest in GOD. Spending time alone with Him in solitude and silence is the best and most important way to recalibrate our body, mind, and soul. Jesus said it this way in the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament:

[1] Ruth Haley Barton, Invitation to Solitude and Silence, (InterVarsity Press: Downers Grove, Illinois; 2010), 58.
Key Point: “Our exhaustion is often tied to our unwillingness to rest in the LORD.”

Being dangerously tired ultimately leads to burnout and breakdown. To constantly have our hearts, minds, souls, and bodies busy with activity is to contradict the purpose we were made for. We were made to work, yes, but also to rest. We may convince ourselves that constant activity means success, but it’s really just our pride and egos that demand activity because of our insecurities. Jesus knew that we were created to work and rest and He modeled this to His disciples in all the times He got away to be alone with the Father, and in all the times He spent with them away from the crowds. Thus, Jesus issues this call for us to come to Him and rest. Let’s look at each of the elements in Jesus’ words in this passage, and come to a clearer understanding of the importance of spending time alone in silence and solitude with Him.
· ______________ to ______________.
· I will ______________ you ______________.
· Take my ______________ upon ______________.
Something to take home:
I want to close with a rather lengthy quote from Ruth Haley Barton in her book, Invitation to Solitude and Silence, with regard to being “dangerously tired.” She writes:

“When we are dangerously tired, we may be numb to the full range of human emotion. While it may seem like a relief to be unhampered by the negative emotions that bog other people down, in this condition the positive emotions become elusive as well. When we are dangerously tired we don’t feel much of anything, good or bad. On some level we suspect that if we did stop long enough to experience our emotions, we might be overcome by feelings we’d rather not feel – sadness over past or present losses, desperation regarding aspects of our life or character that seem unfixable, powerlessness to choose the kind of life we know we’re meant to live, unfulfilled desires and longings. We may be afraid that if we entered these unlit places in our souls, we might never come out.

“One of the most sobering things I learned as I listened to my exhaustion and allowed God to minister to me,” Barton writes, “is that when I am dangerously tired I can be very, very busy and look very, very important but be unable to hear the quiet, sure voice of the One who calls me the beloved. When that happens I am at the mercy of all manner of external forces, tossed and turned by others’ expectations and my own compulsions. These inner lacks then become the source of my frenetic activity, keeping me forever spiraling into deeper levels of exhaustion.”[1]

So, today, are you “good tired” or “dangerously tired”? Are you worried about keeping up your image of staying so busy and looking so important that you are neglecting the most important part of being human: Finding rest in being alone with GOD? There is a voice that calls out to you if you’re willing to listen and heed it, and He is saying,

“Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

What are you waiting for? Why don’t you come?

[1]Invitation to Solitude and Silence, 59-60.
In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus talks about the importance of finding rest in Him. Have you found true rest in Jesus? Why, or why not?

How tired are you right now (physically, mentally, emotionally, etc.)?What do you attribute your tiredness to?

Ruth Haley Barton, in her book Invitation to Solitude and Silence, talks about the difference between being “good tired” and “dangerously tired.”Good tired is when your work and routines are fulfilling but exhausting. When you come to the end of your day, you may feel tired, but you are filled with a sense of accomplishment in fulfilling GOD’s purpose in your life.Being dangerously tired is to be completely depleted in all areas of life.There is no feeling of fulfillment at the end of each day, and we have become rather numb to life altogether. Dangerous tiredness is often referred to as burnout. Would you say you’re “good tired” or “dangerously tired” by these descriptions? Why?

In order to have the “rest” that Jesus offers us, we must first lay down everything else that is keeping us busy. The main reason most people are “dangerously tired” is because they haven’t learned what Jesus means when He says, “Come to Me ... and I will give you rest.”When was the last time you left the busyness of life and just rested with the LORD (heart, soul, mind, and body)? Jesus desires for us to choose Him above all else.When we do this in all areas of life, we learn what true rest really is.

Past Sermons

To view past sermons, please visit our website below.

Contact Us

If you would like to update your information or have a prayer request, please fill out the link below.

North Main Street Church of God

1201 North Main Street Ext.Butler, PA 16001 (724) 285-4214


We thank you for your faithful gifts. You can give online at NORTHMAINCOG.ORG/GIVE, text "give" to (724) 313-2211, and, of course, on Sundays by using the secure drop boxes located outside the doors of the Sanctuary. THANK YOU FOR YOUR FAITHFULNESS.
Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 4:00pm