Bouquet Canyon Church
The Hidden Good in Hard Times
Locations & Times
Bouquet Canyon Church
26900 Bouquet Canyon Rd, Santa Clarita, CA 91350, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
- Dealing with death
- Receiving rebuke
- Taming temptation
- Surviving storms
Discussion Notes (for use in a small group or individual study)
Sermon: The Hidden Good in Hard Times
(Phone apps are good for comparing multiple translations. Study Bibles help with interpretation.)
1. Opening questions: Think of a difficult trial you went through at some point. Did you see good come out of it eventually? In what ways?
2. The sermon was based on Ecclesiastes 7 and focused on the good that can come from difficulties in our lives. What do you remember about each of the main points? What stood out to you or impacted you?
3. Read John 11:11-15
a) In what ways would Lazarus’ death be used for good? (see John 11:4, 25, 40, and 45)
b) In what ways does God use death for good today?
4. Read Matthew 4:1-11
a) Who led Jesus into the wilderness? Why?
b) What three names are given to Jesus’ adversary in the desert? (4:3, 5, 10)
c) What types of temptations did Satan through at Jesus? (Compare to Genesis 3:1-6)
d) What role does the Word of God play in resisting temptation?
e) What happened after Jesus had resisted Satan three times?
f) Who came and ministered to Jesus when all was said and done?
g) What happened as a result of the trial Jesus went through? (see Luke 4:13-14)
5. Read Romans 8:28-29
a) What trials have you been experiencing in your own life lately?
b) How have you seen God working for your good through your trials?
c) What did God predestine His people to be?
d) How does this process happen in our lives?
e) What do you think our role is in the process?
6. Spend some time praying for each other. As you ask God to help your group members through their trials, ask Him to bring appropriate Scriptures to mind that you can declare for each other (“It is written…”).
Sermon: The Hidden Good in Hard Times
(Phone apps are good for comparing multiple translations. Study Bibles help with interpretation.)
1. Opening questions: Think of a difficult trial you went through at some point. Did you see good come out of it eventually? In what ways?
2. The sermon was based on Ecclesiastes 7 and focused on the good that can come from difficulties in our lives. What do you remember about each of the main points? What stood out to you or impacted you?
3. Read John 11:11-15
a) In what ways would Lazarus’ death be used for good? (see John 11:4, 25, 40, and 45)
b) In what ways does God use death for good today?
4. Read Matthew 4:1-11
a) Who led Jesus into the wilderness? Why?
b) What three names are given to Jesus’ adversary in the desert? (4:3, 5, 10)
c) What types of temptations did Satan through at Jesus? (Compare to Genesis 3:1-6)
d) What role does the Word of God play in resisting temptation?
e) What happened after Jesus had resisted Satan three times?
f) Who came and ministered to Jesus when all was said and done?
g) What happened as a result of the trial Jesus went through? (see Luke 4:13-14)
5. Read Romans 8:28-29
a) What trials have you been experiencing in your own life lately?
b) How have you seen God working for your good through your trials?
c) What did God predestine His people to be?
d) How does this process happen in our lives?
e) What do you think our role is in the process?
6. Spend some time praying for each other. As you ask God to help your group members through their trials, ask Him to bring appropriate Scriptures to mind that you can declare for each other (“It is written…”).