Grace Community Church

Sunday Morning Worship 9.8.24
September 8, 2024
Locations & Times
Grace Community Church
625 S Division St, Boone, IA 50036, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Sermon Q and A
Submit your questions about the sermon using the link below.'s Sermon: A Book Like No Other
Pastor Tim Trudeau
Pastor Tim Trudeau
I. You Can Trust ......
- 1:16-18
- 1:16-18
II. You Can Trust...
- 1:19
- 1:19
III. You Can Trust...
- 1:20-21
- 1:20-21
A. Explanation:
B. Definitions:
Inspiration: God the Holy Spirit working in men in such a unique and
powerful manner that the written words of Scripture are the very words of
powerful manner that the written words of Scripture are the very words of
Concurrence- Refers to the concurrent inspiration of the Scriptures by the
Spirit, through the individual personalities, gifts and experiences of those
whom He guided.
Spirit, through the individual personalities, gifts and experiences of those
whom He guided.
Inerrancy- The Scriptures, as propositional truth breathed out by the Holy
Spirit, are wholly true and without error, in the original manuscripts,
whether the teaching has to do with doctrine, history, science, geography,
or any other discipline.
Spirit, are wholly true and without error, in the original manuscripts,
whether the teaching has to do with doctrine, history, science, geography,
or any other discipline.
C. Application
Prayer Request Link
It is our desire at Grace Community Church to be a House of Prayer. We invite you to call 515-433-6133 or email, the church office, to make your prayer needs and requests known. Please indicate "for pastors only", "for prayer team", or "for the congregation" along with your request. You can also fill out the following form on Breeze and your prayer request will be passed along to what you prefer. Thank you for allowing us to intercede before the Lord on your behalf. "Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving." Colossians 4:22