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The Grove Church

A Call to Clarity - Part 15

A Call to Clarity - Part 15

Locations & Times

The Grove Church

120 Langston Rd, Perry, GA 31069, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

Getting To Know The Grove

We would love to connect with you. If you are new to The Grove we would love to meet you and share our ministry vision with you. Every month we host a free lunch with the Pastor and Staff. Click below to find out when our next meeting will be

I Want To Serve

As a kingdom minded church, we believe that the ultimate fulfillment of our purpose is to be vessels of His grace; giving of ourselves just as He completely gave Himself up for us. The life of a Christ Follower is not about being a spectator for a couple of hours on Sunday. Rather, we open the flood gates of heaven when we sacrificially give of our talents and time.
Paul acknowledges that singleness is good, honorable, and excellent, but he does not support the claim that it is a more spiritual state or that it is more acceptable to God than marriage.
Sex is a wonderful gift, but a terrible God.
1 Corinthians 7
People that have been married but now are not (8-9)
People that are currently married (10-11)
People married to someone who is not a Christian (12-16)
Not having Divided Loyalties (25-40)
The Christian is not to be alarmed by the various turbulent things that happen in the world, nor to be distressed if troubled times mean putting off, for a while or forever, the kind of life and social status that one might otherwise have expected to enjoy
~NT Wright
God’s Good Plan For Marriages:
Marriage is Procreation (Gen.1:28)
Marriage is for Pleasure and Protection (Proverbs 5:18-19)
Marriage is a Partnership (Gen. 2:18)
Marriage is a Picture of the Church (Eph. 5:23-32)
Marriage Points us to the selfless love of Christ (Eph. 5:23-32)