Lifespring Baptist Church

Jesus and Marriage
Locations & Times
Lifespring Baptist Church
300 1st Ave NW, Arab, AL 35016, USA
Sunday 9:55 AM
Jesus and Marriage
Matthew 19:2-9
I. Marriage is Gods Design
Matthew 19:4-5
a. heterosexual
Romans 1:26-28
b. monogamous
Leviticus 18:20
II. Marriage is a New Beginning
Matthew 19:5
a. leave
b. cleave
III. Marriage Should Be Forever
Matthew 19:6
a. commitment
b. covenant
"Men who attend church at least three times a month shatter the negative stereotypes. They are more loving to their wives, more emotionally engaged with their children than any other group in America. They are least likely to divorce and have the lowest levels of domestic abuse and violence."
-Nancy Pearcy, Author of The Toxic War On Masculinity
Matthew 19:2-9
I. Marriage is Gods Design
Matthew 19:4-5
a. heterosexual
Romans 1:26-28
b. monogamous
Leviticus 18:20
II. Marriage is a New Beginning
Matthew 19:5
a. leave
b. cleave
III. Marriage Should Be Forever
Matthew 19:6
a. commitment
b. covenant
"Men who attend church at least three times a month shatter the negative stereotypes. They are more loving to their wives, more emotionally engaged with their children than any other group in America. They are least likely to divorce and have the lowest levels of domestic abuse and violence."
-Nancy Pearcy, Author of The Toxic War On Masculinity
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