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Grace Church

Paul's Odyssey II #8 - Berea

Paul's Odyssey II #8 - Berea

Part 2 of a 3-part study of the life and ministry of Paul. This summer segment will focus on Paul's Second Missionary Journey.

Locations & Times

Grace Community Church

8950 M-79, Nashville, MI 49073, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

July through September our series is entitled: Paul's Odyssey II
Odyssey means "a long and adventurous journey or experience". It is the second of a three-part series about the life and ministry of Paul. The text for these three months will cover Acts 15 - 18, Paul's second missionary trip.
This series is focused on how the early Church spread Christianity amid a pagan society while enduring hostile religious persecution.

Last week we left Paul and his team in the city of Thessalonica.
Have you heard the terms "fact-checker" or "fact-checking" before?
The term can be defined as "The process of verifying the factual accuracy of something that has been communicated."
Some people misspeak, exaggerate the truth, twist facts, or even outright lie. Because of this, it makes sense to check things out rather than just believe something you read on social media or a news platform or whatever someone tells you.
The Bible tells us to have witnesses to an accusation or statement to provide verification. Deuteronomy 19:15; 1 Timothy 5:19-20
With the rise of electronic media, a whole industry of professional fact-checkers has emerged. We're told to trust them but what is their motive or who do they really represent. "Who is fact-checking the fact-checkers?"
This morning the subject of fact-checking is front and center in our text. We see people fact-checking Paul's teaching, and they're using God's Word to do so!
Our text this morning, though short, provides some great historical information about the spread of Christianity in the continent of Europe as well as insights into how Christians and Churches can remain healthy.

Last week Paul and his team traveled to the city of Thessalonica and established a church with mostly new converts.
A group of religious Jews, fearful of Paul's growing popularity with the people stirred up a righteous mob and began making false accusations against him. The new believers of Thessalonica made plans to help him.
Acts 17:10-14
Verse 10a
Thinking of our term, "Time to get out of Dodge," we see the people getting Paul out of there before trouble starts.
Paul is on the move again, traveling 50-55 miles which would have been a three-day journey.
What was Paul thinking?
What was Paul saying to his companions?
What was Paul praying?

What do you do when times get tough?
In verse 10b we see that upon arriving in Berea, they went to the Jewish synagogue. You have to love Paul's determination to keep serving the Lord! He didn't let anything keep him from living out the mission God had given him.
Later in the book of Romans, Paul explains why he was able to keep going.
Romans 9:1-3 [NLT]
In verse 11 when it said "the Berean Jews were of more noble character," we see two different thoughts:
1. The people were of a different social class.
2. The people were more "open-minded" as evidenced by their reaction to the teaching that Paul presented.

The verse also tells us that they "received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day." The idea of examined is "a legal term that implies integrity and absence of bias."
There are many lessons we can learn from this simple verse:

1. Are we open minded to the Scriptures or are we defensive? Are we looking at them to support our personal beliefs, validate our choices, and approve of our lifestyle?

2. Have we truly received the gospel message and see transformation in our lives, or is our Christianity a matter of simple information?

3. We are all eager about the things that we enjoy … is there a great eagerness for God’s Word?

4. Do we settle for a superficial reading of the Bible or do we seek to study / examine and apply it --- and to do so regularly?
In verse 12 we see that despite the trouble Paul and his team were facing, they are still seeing God produce fruitfulness in their ministry.

Our lost family and friends have a choice as to how they will respond to Christ. The difference here is an open mind!
In verses 13-14 we see the vicious cycle of Paul - Preaching - Persecution repeating itself.

Some food for thought:

1. Have you allowed the media or other sources to frame reality for you, or are you fact-checking to see what the real truth is?

2. Do you have a real passion for the lost?

3. Are you fully committed to God’s mission for your life or have you let the pleasures and troubles of this world side-track you?

4. How would you describe your attitude toward God’s Word?

Grace Church Website

Breeze Church Management

At Grace we use a secure directory/giving service called Breeze Church Management.  Creating your personal account allows you to contact others in the church family, keep your contact information updated, and keep track of your giving if that is important to you, and/or create an online giving account. Use the link below to get started or to login if you already have an account.

CJ's Coffee Shop Pre-Order Link

2024 Bible Reading - Grace Journals

If you haven't already, you can pick up your 2024 Grace Journal in CJ's coffee shop. You can find an at-a-glance list of the reading each week at the link below. We are excited for you to grow in your faith as we read and study through the writings of Paul together!

Meet and Greet

Grace Church holds a Meet & Greet for those who are newer to Grace Church on the 4th Sunday of each month. Our next Meet & Greet will be held today, August 25th, following the service in CJ's coffee shop. It is a great opportunity to meet the staff and leadership of Grace Church and learn a little more about the church. It also gives us an opportunity to learn a little about you! Contact Leslie Booher if you have any questions (

August/September Grace U Classes

New Grace U classes will be starting up in September: Here's Grace (required for church membership) and Love to Pray. Register with the link below.

Wednesdays at Grace

To check out all of the Wednesdays @ Grace activities, visit the "Events" link at the website. We hope you'll join in on the fun!

Barry County Cares Donations

Barry County Cares could use donations of the following items which will be distributed to folks in need in Barry County. If you can help, drop items off in the church office.
Toilet Paper
Paper Towel
Laundry Soap
Dish Soap

Camp Michawana Women's Retreat

Attention Ladies! The Camp Michawana Women's Retreat registration is open now. A handful of ladies from Grace Church are participating in the September 27th-29th retreat and we'd love for you to join us! Use the LINK below to learn more and register. When it asks if you are registering as an individual or as a group, click group and choose "Grace Church" from the drop down list. If you have any questions about the retreat, you can ask Sandy Schilz ( or Leslie Booher (

H.O.M.E. Groups Starting Soon

September is right around the corner which means the Grace Church H.O.M.E. Groups will be starting back up! You can learn more or sign-up for a group at the link below.

Disc Golf Course Clean Up

Come help remove brush, fallen trees, and debris on the course paths.
Need tractors or ATV's with buckets, chain saws, pole saws, or wood chippers.
There is one more chance to help on August 31 from 9:00 am to Noon.

Birthdays and Anniversaries We're Celebrating This Week!

Monday, August 26th - Randy & Gloria Rolfe
Tuesday, August 27th - Susie Butler, Vernie Sensiba
Wednesday, August 28th - Greg Schukei
Friday, August 30th - Leroy Starks