Element Christian Church

1 Timothy Week 9 - Understanding the Gospel and Wealth
Doctrine Matters: A High Level View of 1st Timothy.
Locations & Times
Element Christian Church
4890 Bethany Ln, Santa Maria, CA 93455, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
Welcome to Element
We strive to ensure the biggest thing people think when they hear about Element is Jesus! We are a Gospel centered community who finds our identity in Jesus.
Baptim Stories
We hope you will join us today as we celebrate those being Baptized, but if you can't, you can see their stories here.
https://ourelement.org/downloads/Baptism-Stories/2024_9_1_baptisms_stories_web.pdfNight of Prayer and Worship
We want to invite you into a space where we can intentionally gather to commune with God and worship His greatness together through song, prayer, time of reflection and praise. Please join us to gather, be reminded of how great our God is, and maybe even share how He has been working in your heart and life.
Friday, September 20th at 6pm
Friday, September 20th at 6pm
Drive In Movie Night
Let's kick-off our Fall season with our Annual Family Drive-In Movie Night! So, start being creative in making your family style car(s) for this FUN event for the whole family! Mark your calendars for Friday, September 27th @ 6:00 pm and invite your neighbors, work/personal friends, and/or other family members to come and enjoy Despicable Me 4!
We will have a concession stand serving free popcorn & bottled water, plus we will have snacks, candy, and juice boxes for purchase. If you are bringing dinner for your family, please make sure it is nut-free. Doors open at 5:45 pm, and the movie will start promptly at 6:15 pm.
We will have a concession stand serving free popcorn & bottled water, plus we will have snacks, candy, and juice boxes for purchase. If you are bringing dinner for your family, please make sure it is nut-free. Doors open at 5:45 pm, and the movie will start promptly at 6:15 pm.
Drive In and Parade Prep Day
With the parade for Los Alamos Days and our annual Drive-In Movie Night coming, we would love to have everyone get together to create our cars, or horses that you want for the parade. Element will have some boxes, paint, stickers, etc for you to come and build your mode of transportation! Join us from 12:30-2:30! Bring your creative minds and your lunch!
Los Alamos Old Days Help
Our hope is to bless the community of Los Alamos during our Service in the Park on September 29th, but we need your help to make it happen. Please see the link below for different areas you can help in.
https://ourelement.churchcenter.com/people/forms/804945The Weekender
The Weekender is a 2 day course that dives deeper into our who we are, the theology behind our practices, and foundational knowledge for what it means to be a Christian. Save the date for October 4th and 5th for our next course.
https://ourelement.churchcenter.com/people/forms/737047Missions Newletter Update
Get the latest on the various local and global ministries Element helps support.
https://ourelement.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/2024_Spring_MissionsUpdate.pdfStart serving at Element
If you are looking for a way to meet more people at Element or feel more connected, one of the easiest ways is to start serving. From once a month for 15 minutes, to helping in our classrooms for a longer time, we have needs to fit your gifts.
https://ourelement.churchcenter.com/people/forms/395779Download the Church Center App
Stay in the loop with Element's calendar of events, group sign ups, online giving, and other links all in one app!
https://ourelement.churchcenter.com/setupThis week's song list
Interested in looking for some of the songs we sang this week? Here's the titles and original artists:
Mighty Warrior - Elevation Worship
Furious - Jeremy Riddle
Altogether Good - Citizens
Abandoned - Benjamin William Hastings
What A Beautiful Name - Hillsong Worship
Way Maker - Leeland
Mighty Warrior - Elevation Worship
Furious - Jeremy Riddle
Altogether Good - Citizens
Abandoned - Benjamin William Hastings
What A Beautiful Name - Hillsong Worship
Way Maker - Leeland
1 Timothy - Doctrine Matters
Week 9 - Understanding the Gospel and Wealth
Money (wealth) is one of the hardest things for most people to get their heads and hearts around. Greed is insidious, and we often don’t notice when it gains control over our lives. Jesus will even remind us to “watch out” in regard to money, because he knows of our blindness. 1 Tim 6:6-10 seems to address people who don’t have a lot of money yet want it, and 1 Tim 6:17-19 seems to be for people who do have a lot of money and still think they need more. Money, by either its absence or presence, can poison our life—not because money in itself is good or bad, but because of our focus upon it.
Week 9 - Understanding the Gospel and Wealth
Money (wealth) is one of the hardest things for most people to get their heads and hearts around. Greed is insidious, and we often don’t notice when it gains control over our lives. Jesus will even remind us to “watch out” in regard to money, because he knows of our blindness. 1 Tim 6:6-10 seems to address people who don’t have a lot of money yet want it, and 1 Tim 6:17-19 seems to be for people who do have a lot of money and still think they need more. Money, by either its absence or presence, can poison our life—not because money in itself is good or bad, but because of our focus upon it.
Contentment is the ability to have joy in whatever our circumstances are—this is real wealth. We are meant to have an inner life of peace because our inner life is not based on circumstances; it is based on what Christ has already done for us in the Gospel. Paul will remind us, “That’s real wealth.”
In the Gospel, we are clothed and offered true peace in our reconciliation with God. The peace of knowing God’s salvation, forgiveness, and righteousness are what lead us into contentment. Our adoption, sanctification, and justification are real wealth that can’t be taken away. Understanding the Gospel means we value His salvation more than we value our stuff. He gave up His life for us; let the beauty and grace of Christ’s work change our hearts.
• When do you tend to feel the least content with what you have?
• How has God been faithful in providing for your needs and generous toward your desires?
• What fears serve as obstacles to greater generosity?
• What about the Gospel allows us to be content?
• In what kinds of circumstances has God grown your contentment?
• How is God currently calling you to steward your finances/resources?
• How can we help and encourage generosity in one another?
In the Gospel, we are clothed and offered true peace in our reconciliation with God. The peace of knowing God’s salvation, forgiveness, and righteousness are what lead us into contentment. Our adoption, sanctification, and justification are real wealth that can’t be taken away. Understanding the Gospel means we value His salvation more than we value our stuff. He gave up His life for us; let the beauty and grace of Christ’s work change our hearts.
• When do you tend to feel the least content with what you have?
• How has God been faithful in providing for your needs and generous toward your desires?
• What fears serve as obstacles to greater generosity?
• What about the Gospel allows us to be content?
• In what kinds of circumstances has God grown your contentment?
• How is God currently calling you to steward your finances/resources?
• How can we help and encourage generosity in one another?