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BeFree Church: Barrington

Weekly Worship: August 18, 2024

Weekly Worship: August 18, 2024

Locations & Times

BeFree Barrington

118 Church St, Barrington, NH 03825, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

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Welcome! If you’re visiting in person, watching online, or are new to BeFree, we're glad you're here! Please visit to let us know you joined us.

Students ages 5 through 4th grade are excused during our greeting time to attend DIG on the lower level. If your student isn't registered for DIG, please fill out our online form:

For parents of kids ages birth through four, our childcare center is available to you. Our service streams live on the quiet room television for parents who need to be with their kids.

Communication E-Card (tap to expand)

Are you new to our in-person gatherings or livestream? Do you have a prayer request? Do you want to get connected with a small group? Fill out our electronic communication card at with as much or as little information as you'd like. The form is automatically delivered to our office inbox where someone will connect with you.

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Giving (tap to expand)

We’ve established several ways you can give to BeFree wherever you are and whenever it works for you.

At the Church: If you're at our building and you came prepared to give, please use one of the wall-mounted offering boxes.

On your Phone or Tablet: Download the PushPay app from your device’s app store. Search for BeFree Community Church, and add it to your favorites list.

Online: Visit to be redirected to our online giving site.

• By Mail: Mail a check to PO Box 618, Barrington, NH 03825.
Numbers 16
Context is Chapters 16-18: the Preeminence of God’s chosen High Priest
God wants the reader to get the divine origin, the sacred role, the mediating ministry of the Aaron’s priesthood because the Promised Messiah, who will one day be the ultimate High Priest who provides the atoning sacrifice for our sins to rescue us from God’s judgment. Aaron points to Christ.
Numbers 16 Narrative Flows Like this:

A Collusion of Complainers Contempt v 12-15
Korah complains against Aaron’s special status being high priest and his tribe having the responsibility and access of making sin offerings to God, he wants the same status and demands it.

The Reubenites complain against Moses and God for delivering them from slavery in Egypt and not bring them into the Promised Land which they declined to go into in an act of unfaithfulness to God.

A Servant-Leadership Response v 4,15, 22, 43-48
Moses is “very angry” the only time this phrase is used about Moses.
Moses and Aaron intervene on behalf of the people to rescue them from the wrath of God.

A Just Response by God v 20-35
God announces His judgement on their unbelief and rejection of Him, just as He will ultimately do with everyone who chooses to reject His grace and opportunity to be made right with Him.
How catastrophic disunity can happen…
A person cannot stand things not going their way
(nothing wrong with valid critiques)
“One day Korah… a descendant of Kohath son of Levi, conspired with Dathan and Abiram…”

A grievance gathering generates into disgruntled group
(see a problem, be a solution)
“They incited a rebellion against Moses, along with 250 other leaders of the community, all prominent members of the assembly.”

Accusations are made against leaders
(seek understanding /resolution)
“They united against Moses and Aaron and said, “You have gone too far! The whole community of Israel has been set apart by the Lord, and he is with all of us. What right do you have to act as though you are greater than the rest of the Lord’s people?”
What we can do to prevent it…
A godly leader or a grace filled community counter the wrong for God’s glory
“When Moses heard what they were saying, he fell face down on the ground. Then he said to Korah and his followers…Then Moses spoke again to Korah… present yourselves before the Lord. Aaron will also be here.”

Tap to expand each item below to learn more about what's happening at BeFree.

Summer Party: August 25

We'll share a meal after our worship gathering on Sunday, August 25th. We'll also hold an informational meeting at 1pm that afternoon.

Sign up to help at

We'd love if you'd respond whether you're attending or not; a "No" response still helps us plan for food. Hope to see you there!

Golfing Group Meets Tuesdays

Our golfing group meets Tuesdays at 5pm at Nippo Lake Golf Club. Join us for a round! Contact Pat Bell for info: <> or 603-892-5808.