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Linden Road Church

Summer Psalms - Psalm 122 - Got a "Thin Place"?

Summer Psalms - Psalm 122 - Got a "Thin Place"?

Worship Gathering

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Linden Road Church

160 S Linden Rd, Mansfield, OH 44906, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

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The Psalms Project

The Psalms Project is a band setting all 150 Psalms to music in their entirety, including the essential meaning of every verse, a marriage of King David’s vision with modern music. The Psalms Project is led by singer/songwriter/producer Shane Heilman, who has collaborated with over 70 musicians thus far, including Grammy nominees Phil Keaggy and Jeff Deyo, to produce The Psalms Project’s first five albums.
Summer Psalms - Week 6 - A Thin Place

A “thin place” is a special place where we hear from God.

-Psalm 122:1
I rejoiced with those who said to me, 'Let us go to the house of the Lord.


-Exodus 23:14-17 Celebrate a festival in my honor three times a year. Observe the Festival of Unleavened Bread…. Also observe the Festival of Harvest… and observe the Festival of Ingathering at the end of the year…. Three times a year all your males are to appear before the Lord.

The Psalms of Ascent
Psalm 120-134

Psalm 120 The people are thinking about how hard life is.
Psalm 121 go to where they can meet with God – a thin place.

-Psalm 122:1-9
A song of ascents. Of David
I rejoiced with those who said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.”
Our feet were standing within your gates, Jerusalem—Jerusalem, built as a city should be, solidly united,
where the tribes, the Lord’s tribes, go up to give thanks to the name of the Lord. (This is an ordinance for Israel.)

There, thrones for judgment are placed, thrones of the house of David.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May those who love you be secure; may there be peace within your walls, security within your fortresses.” Because of my brothers and friends, I will say, “May peace be in you.” Because of the house of the Lord our God, I will pursue your prosperity.

-Psalm 122:6b-7 “May those who love you be secure; may there be peace within your walls, security within your fortresses.”

“peace” = shalom
“security” = shalwa
Shalom =“complete well-being inside you”
Shalwa = “security around you”

When you go to the house of the Lord, you get peace inside you and peace around you.

Your eyes turn from focusing on yourself to focusing on others.

Psalm 122 is the story of David going to the House of the Lord. The Thin Place in his country.

What David Found Out About Thin Places:

1) When In Trouble, We Need To Go To The Thin Place. (Psalm 120)
I’m going to the house of the Lord.- Psalm 120.

2) You Know Where The Thin Place Is. (Psalm 121)

He lifted his eyes towards the mountains because the Tabernacle was up there. Psalm 121.

In Psalm 122, David arrives in Jerusalem and confirms what he already knows. Which is that…

3) Location Matters. (Psalm 122)
We are located in bodies, and where our bodies are located makes a difference to us.
gym —>working out
StarbucksS —> coffee

Your location matters and some locations are better for encountering God than others.

We were made for church.
We were made to gather with others in sacred spaces to worship and experience God.

God inhabits the praise of His people, and we give Him praise here.

4) Together Matters. Psalm 122:1-4

I rejoiced with those who said to me,
“Let us go to the house of the Lord.”
Our feet were standing within your gates, Jerusalem—Jerusalem, built as a city should be, solidly united, where the tribes, the Lord’s tribes, go up to give thanks to the name of the Lord.

Everybody needs a place to encounter God in the midst of His people.

Your assignments, should you choose to accept them are:
▪Don’t take this place for granted.
▪Don’t take these people for granted. We’re your tribe.
▪Everybody needs a tribe.
▪God’s power is present when we get together.

Pray about a few friends you can invite to join you.

Jesus in All of Psalms: Book 1 - A Video Devotional

Jesus in All of Psalms: Book 1 - A Video Devotional

The Pause App

A simple way to connect with God in the middle of your busy day. From John Eldredge, the New York Times Best Selling Author of Wild at Heart and Captivating.

The Pause App

A simple way to connect with God in the middle of your busy day. From John Eldredge, the New York Times Best Selling Author of Wild at Heart and Captivating.



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