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Rock Harbor Christian Fellowship

Setting The Standard - 2 Samuel 3:26-4:12

Setting The Standard - 2 Samuel 3:26-4:12

How can we find hope throughout the book of Samuel? Find out this morning!

Locations & Times

Rock Harbor Christian Fellowship

1475 Quintana Rd, Morro Bay, CA 93442, USA

Sunday 8:30 AM

Sunday 10:00 AM

Big Idea: Even when others do wrong, God calls us to do what is right in His eyes.
I. Setting the Standard: David (3:35-38; 4:8-11)
A. David is now king in Judah, and he is on the path to be king in all Israel. But along the way he encounters several obstacles, some of which arise from those close to him. How does David deal with this? With patience, persistence, and above all, piety. That is, a heart’s desire to honor God and reflect His righteousness in fulfilling God’s calling (cf. Ps. 138:1, 8).
B. We see David setting the standard with:
1. Joab and his men (vv. 3:31, 35-38) – David makes it clear that the murder of Abner was wrong and not his idea.
2. Baanah and Rechab (vv. 4:8-11) – Just as he did before (cf. 2 Sam. 1:14-16), David does not countenance the murder of a king, even if it favors his own position.
C. David’s actions in these events earned the respect of the people (v. 3:36). But political gain was likely not his key motivation. David has continually shown a deep trust in God’s goodness and faithfulness, and he knows that God will fulfill His promises. Our part is to trust God and obey Him.
II. Setting the Standard: Today
A. David had his faults and his failures, but this didn’t keep him from seeking to do what is right in the eyes of God and setting the tone for others. Similarly, we too are called to let our light shine in a dark world that needs Messiah Jesus (cf. Matt. 5:13- 16).
B. Jesus calls us to:
1. Not be corrupted by the world’s standards, but rather influence those in the world with Christ-like values (v. 13).
2. Not hide who we are or what we’re about as His disciples (vv. 14-15).
3. Let our lives reflect God’s presence and power expressed in our thoughts, words, and actions, such that He gets the glory (v. 16; cf. Eph. 2:8-10).
C. Following Christ is not easy and often conflicts with the world’s standards. But empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are called to live as lights for Christ reflecting His values to His glory.

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