Lifespring Baptist Church
Faith Plus Brotherly Love
Locations & Times
Lifespring Baptist Church
300 1st Ave NW, Arab, AL 35016, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
2Pe 1:5-8
Rom 12:9-16
I. Zeal To Accomplish Great Things
Rom 12:11
a. In the World
b. In the Ministry
II. Strength To Endure Hard Things
Rom 12:12
a. Confident Faith
b. Constant Prayer
III. Compassion To Help With Noble Things
Rom 12:13
a. Help Others Who Are Without
b. Help Others Just Because You Can
IV. Wisdom To Recognize Formidable Things
Rom 12:14
a. Pray For Your Opponent
b. Defend The Truth
V. Character To Be Humble In All Things
Rom 12:15
Rom 12:16
a. Resist Jealousy
b. Resist Pride
Rom 12:9-16
I. Zeal To Accomplish Great Things
Rom 12:11
a. In the World
b. In the Ministry
II. Strength To Endure Hard Things
Rom 12:12
a. Confident Faith
b. Constant Prayer
III. Compassion To Help With Noble Things
Rom 12:13
a. Help Others Who Are Without
b. Help Others Just Because You Can
IV. Wisdom To Recognize Formidable Things
Rom 12:14
a. Pray For Your Opponent
b. Defend The Truth
V. Character To Be Humble In All Things
Rom 12:15
Rom 12:16
a. Resist Jealousy
b. Resist Pride