LIfeway Church, York, South Carolina

At The Movies - Kingdom Rules
Over the next ten weeks, we will dive in and dissect and discover the significance that the Ten Commandments play in our lives as we live in relationship with God and one another. To do that, we will connect powerful scenes from the modern cinema with the timeless truth of the Ten Commandments.
Locations & Times
Lifeway Church • Downtown Campus
114 S Congress St, York, SC 29745, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM

Stealing to Stewarding
Digital Connection Card
Welcome to Lifeway! Please take a moment to let us know that you are joining us today! If you're on campus, and this is your first time with us, please stop by Guest Services and let us know that this is your first time here. We have a gift for you! at Home
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In the Bible, people brought fruit, grain and goats to the temple. Thankfully, we've made it a little easier for you to support the mission and vision of Lifeway Church. Here is a quick way you can donate to Lifeway Church. Using your smartphone, tablet or computer, simply click the link below and make a quick donation through our online giving feature. You can use an online check from your checking account (ACH transaction), Visa, Mastercard, or debit card to make your donation. Once you setup your account, you can give a one time donation or you can setup your donation to reoccur weekly, biweekly, or monthly. Your one time setup is free and easy. Jesus is not merely a call to salvation, but a call to kingdom living.
Stealing - to withhold, carry away, to rob of, or kidnap something or someone that does not belong to you, without asking.
God gives us the capacity to own things.
God has given each of us distinct and personal ownership of created things for which we are individually accountable.
Why would anyone steal:
• Desperation
-- Proverbs 6:30 (CSB)
• Evil
• Lack of contentment
• Desperation
-- Proverbs 6:30 (CSB)
• Evil
• Lack of contentment
The basis of our contentment is the presence of Jesus.
We don’t take what does not belong to us and we don’t misuse what does not ultimately belong to us.
What does God require of us? Everything
Give to God as cheerfully as He’s given to you.
Don’t take what isn’t yours, steward what is.
Digital Response Card
Please let us know how you would like to respond to today's message.