Living Grace Foursquare Church

Understanding the Times: When Heaven is Silent
Series: Understanding the Times In our study of the End-Times, we have seen that Heaven is a place of worship of Him who sits on the throne and the Lamb. Revelation 8 explains the events surrounding the 7th seal judgment and 7 trumpet judgements. But first, silence in heaven and the prayers of the Saints. It’s hard to imagine what will happen next? We’ll see you Sunday. Shalom! "More potent, more powerful than all the dark and mighty powers let loose in the world, more powerful than anything else, is the power of prayer set ablaze by the fire of God and cast upon the earth. Torrance."
Locations & Times
Living Grace Foursquare Church
3646 N Rancho Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89130, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
One-Half hour of "silence", in heaven
Perhaps it's a somber silence @ what’s to come? The calm before the storm?
Heaven is a place of constant praise and worship. It’s loud. ½ hour of silence is a long time.
Remember: God's silence does not mean God's inactivity
Perhaps it's a somber silence @ what’s to come? The calm before the storm?
Heaven is a place of constant praise and worship. It’s loud. ½ hour of silence is a long time.
Remember: God's silence does not mean God's inactivity
Just as incense drifts to heaven, so do our Prayers.
“It is not said that the Angel presents these prayers, he presents the incense, and the prayers ascent with it. The ascending of the incense shows that the prayers and offering were accepted.” Clarke
“It is not said that the Angel presents these prayers, he presents the incense, and the prayers ascent with it. The ascending of the incense shows that the prayers and offering were accepted.” Clarke
The purpose of prayer, it has often been said, not to get man's will done in heaven, but to get God's will done on earth even if that involves judgment. Warren Wiersbe
1st Trumpet: reminds us of the 7th plague against Egypt. it effects the balance of nature. The food supply, pasture lands, etc.
2nd Trumpet: similar to the 1st plague I Egypt. Like a great mountain. The balance of life I the oceans
3rd Trumpet: 1/3 of the waters inland become wormwood. The word translated Wormwood gives us our English word absinthe, a popular liqueur in some countries of the world. The word means undrinkable.
Solomon warned that immorality might seem pleasant but, in the end, it produces bitterness like wormwood in proverbs 5:4
4th Trumpet: Matthew 24:29 "The sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light". Temperatures will be affected, energy on earth from the sun depleted. Darkness.
2nd Trumpet: similar to the 1st plague I Egypt. Like a great mountain. The balance of life I the oceans
3rd Trumpet: 1/3 of the waters inland become wormwood. The word translated Wormwood gives us our English word absinthe, a popular liqueur in some countries of the world. The word means undrinkable.
Solomon warned that immorality might seem pleasant but, in the end, it produces bitterness like wormwood in proverbs 5:4
4th Trumpet: Matthew 24:29 "The sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light". Temperatures will be affected, energy on earth from the sun depleted. Darkness.
These first 4 trumpets also reveal the mercy of God
Only 1/3
Meant to wake-up a spiritually dull people.
It's a warning to them that things are going to get worse; now is the time to repent.
Only 1/3
Meant to wake-up a spiritually dull people.
It's a warning to them that things are going to get worse; now is the time to repent.
5th Trumpet judgement
a. Satan, the ‘star from heaven”, unleashes demonic tormentors to persecute mankind, except those sealed by God.
b. They are described as locusts with a sting comparable to scorpions; but their pwr is derived from Satan.
c. Vs6 says people will want to die but will be unable to. No relief for 5 months!
a. Satan, the ‘star from heaven”, unleashes demonic tormentors to persecute mankind, except those sealed by God.
b. They are described as locusts with a sting comparable to scorpions; but their pwr is derived from Satan.
c. Vs6 says people will want to die but will be unable to. No relief for 5 months!
6th Trumpet Judgement:
a. The assembling of a massive army of 200m soldiers vs16.
i. They’re described as coming from the east.
ii. They are demonically empowered by 4 demons vs 15
iii. The battle described in vs 18, cld be the beginning of the war of Armageddon.
b. This war kills 1/3 of mankind.
i. 4th seal—1/4 of the earth according to rev 6:8, Added up, it means that ½ of the world’s pop has been destroyed
a. The assembling of a massive army of 200m soldiers vs16.
i. They’re described as coming from the east.
ii. They are demonically empowered by 4 demons vs 15
iii. The battle described in vs 18, cld be the beginning of the war of Armageddon.
b. This war kills 1/3 of mankind.
i. 4th seal—1/4 of the earth according to rev 6:8, Added up, it means that ½ of the world’s pop has been destroyed