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Valley Real Life

Summer on the Mount | Prayer + Fasting

Summer on the Mount | Prayer + Fasting

Locations & Times

Valley Real Life

1831 S Barker Rd, Greenacres, WA 99016, USA

Thursday 6:00 PM

“The Good Life is available to everyone…here’s how…now, go practice it.” - Brad Nelson
It was more about their performance than it was about God’s power.
God rewards our humble actions of worship with His presence.
If our purpose in Giving to the poor is to worship God then we will experience God.
If our purpose is to align ourself with what God wants when we pray then we will experience God.
If your purpose is to express our need/honor for God when we fast then we will experience God.
God has not given us a prayer as a Bat Phone, He has given us His continual presence.
Jesus Prayer Focus:
1. Honor the relationship you have with God (vs.9)
2. Worship God as one who is set apart from everyone else. (v. 9)
3. Surrender to what serves God’s purposes over your own (v. 10)
4. Trust God with your needs and provision (vs. 11)
5. Thank God for His forgiveness and agree that you will extend the same forgiveness to others. (vs. 12)
Run to Him for strength when temptation approaches (vs. 13)
“Fasting is the practice of abstaining from food (or something else) for spiritual purposes” -Richard Foster
Matthew 6:5 NLT
“When you pray, don’t be like the hypocrites who love to pray publicly on street corners and in the synagogues where everyone can see them."
When giving: Give your gifts in private, not to be seen by others.
When praying: Go away by yourself, shut the door, pray in private.
When you fast: Comb your hair, wash your face, so that no one will notice.
Next Step: What is that thing that is bigger than yourself that you need to allow God to speak into?
Additional Next Steps and Upcoming Events below: