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Manteno Church of the Nazarene

Sunday Morning Service | 10am

Sunday Morning Service | 10am

Pastor Ken Bushey preaching.

Locations & Times

Manteno Church of the Nazarene

698 N Locust St, Manteno, IL 60950, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

Check us out on Facebook!
14 | No Student Ministries Break This Month
17 | 6pm | Teens and Kids PJ’s Ice Cream at the Park
18 | 7pm | Sound Training
21 | No Student Ministries Break This Month
22 | 10am | MC Milestone Readers’ Book Club
23 | 5:30pm | Women's Swim Party at Mountains
24 | 6pm | Kids’ Pool Party at Boudreau’s
24 | 6pm | HS Guys/Girls Night Out
28 | No Student Ministries Break This Month
31 | 6pm | Teens and Kids Farm Night at Reardanzes’

Pastor Amy's Sabbatical
Pastor Amy will be taking a sabbatical from July 6 to August 6. She will be off phone and off email. Jean Moy will oversee Children's Ministries during this time. Contact her if you have any questions, (815) 263-7640.

Women's Swim Party
Tuesday, July 23 | 5:30pm | 1198 Lascombes, Bourbonnais | Amanda Mountain is hosting a Women's Swimming Party at her pool. Come for a swim, a sit on the deck, fellowship, and bring a snack to share.

Lunch & Laugh After Hours
Friday, August 2 | 5:30pm | $15 Suggested Donation | Senior adults, join MC Milestones for a fun dinner and show here at the church. Professional comedian Jeremy Nunes speaking and Alison Chandler cooking. Please call/text/email Teddie by July 26 to make a reservation. 815-386-0607 or

Office News
We are excited to welcome Jean Moy as our new part-time Administrative Assistant. Jean has served us well in many volunteer roles, most notably in directing a stellar VBS for the last few years. Her skills in administration and management as well as her desire to love God and people well promise to strengthen our ministry and mission as a church. Jean will be a great complement to the staff and will work closely with Jenny Lyle in Jenny’s new role as our full-time Office Manager. Jenny has very capably served us the last six years as our part-time Technology and Office Assistant. Thank you for your prayers that have gone ahead of this process and your prayers as Jenny and Jean as they embark on these new roles. **

Sound Meeting
Thursday, July 18 | 7pm | Our sound people are doing another meeting of the minds on Thursday, July 18 if you missed the first one or if you came to the first one. If you've ever been interested in doing sound, we would love to have you join us.

Student Ministries "Break"
Sunday night BREAK will be taking a break during the month of July. This will give our sponsors a much-needed break. I know this is breaking your kids' hearts, but it will be back in August.

Subscribe to E-Announcements

Tithes and Offerings
Monthly Budget: $62,250
June 30: $43,475
July 7: $38,161
Month to Date: $81,636

Contact Information
Pastor Ken Bushey | Lead | | 812.583.1542
Pastor Amy Kilpatrick - On Sabbatical | Children | | 815.573.6322
Pastor Marcus Cleveland | Student Ministries | | 517.525.7648
Church Office | 815.468.8946 | | 698 N. Locust | PO Box 698 | Manteno, IL 60950
Jenny Lyle | |
Connect Card |
Giving |
Website |

Weekly Schedule
Worship Service | 10am | Sunday
On Hiatus - 7th-12th Grade BREAK Youth Group | 6pm | Sunday
Volleyball | 6:30-8:30pm | Monday
Student Ministries | 6:00pm | Wednesday
No Manteno Kids Wednesdays | 6:00pm | Wednesday
Men's Basketball | 8-10pm | Wednesday
Men's Prayer Breakfast | 8am | Saturday

** This announcement was not written by Jenny Lyle.

Order of Service

Call to Worship
Welcome & Announcements
There's Nothing That Our God Can't Do
Graves Into Gardens
Solid Rock
Build My Life
Closing Blessing

Sermon Notes

Esther: Secrets of Success | Image
Esther 1 & 2
July 14, 2024

“Image is everything.”

Esther 1:10-12
On the seventh day, when King Xerxes was in high spirits from wine, he commanded the seven eunuchs who served him… to bring before him Queen Vashti, wearing her royal crown, in order to display her beauty to the people and nobles, for she was lovely to look at.

Esther 1:10-12
But when the attendants delivered the king’s command, Queen Vashti refused to come. Then the king became furious and burned with anger.

When you care only about your image,
you’ll care little for others.

Esther 1:13-14
...he spoke with the wise men who understood the times and were closest to the king...

Our actions are always answering the question,
“Who do I most want to please?”

Esther 1:18
“There will be no end of disrespect and discord.”

When you care only about your image,
you’ll care little for others.

When others see you only as an object for their image,
they’ll show little care for you.

Esther 2:9
...he provided her with her beauty treatments and special food. He assigned to her seven female attendants selected from the king’s palace and moved her and her attendants into the best place in the harem.

Esther 2:15
Esther won the favor of all who saw her.

Esther 2:17-18
Now the king was attracted to Esther more than to any of the other women, and she won his favor and approval more than any of the other virgins. So he set a royal crown on her head and made her queen instead of Vashti. And the king gave a great banquet, Esther’s banquet, for all his nobles and officials.

Esther 2:20
But Esther had kept secret her family background and nationality…

If you are trying to protect an image, you are hiding something.

When you keep secret who God says you are,
you show little care for God.

Esther 2:20
But Esther had kept secret her family background and nationality just as Mordecai had told her to do…

When you keep secret who God says you are,
you show little care for God.

When you have little care for others, or
others have little care for you, or
you have little care for God...

When you have little care for others, or
others have little care for you, or
you have little care for God...

What if we pursued who God wants us to be instead of who others think we should be?