The Bridge Church

Exodus - Desert Leadership Lessons
July 7, 2024
Locations & Times
Englewood SKY Academy
871 S River Rd, Englewood, FL 34223, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
1. Healthy leaders guide their family to know God
2. Healthy leaders recognize leadership is meant to be shared
Jethro asked Moses:
1. “What is this thing that you’re doing?”
2. “Why do you do it all alone?”
1. “What is this thing that you’re doing?”
2. “Why do you do it all alone?”
3. Healthy leaders equip and empower others
5. Healthy leaders are lifelong learners
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time.
I need to be baptized.
I need to attend Starting Point.
I need to join a serve team.
I need to join a small group.
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time.
I need to be baptized.
I need to attend Starting Point.
I need to join a serve team.
I need to join a small group.
Dig Deeper:
1. Describe someone you know that is a healthy leader. What qualities does this person possess?
2. What are the qualities and characteristics of an unhealthy leader?
3. Read Exodus 18:1-7. Describe the challenges Moses might have faced as a husband and a father. What new insight do you have seeing Moses in this way?
4. Read Exodus 18:8. Besides his brother, what other person has Moses been able to confide in? What do you think it was like to share all that had happened with Jethro?
5. Read Exodus 18:9-11. What is Jethro’s response to Moses? How is this conversation between Moses and Jethro an example of how we can share with friends and family to help them see God working in our lives?
6. Read Exodus 18:12. Why are Jethro’s actions a response to what he just told Moses? What are his actions saying?
7. Read Exodus 18:13-14. Why is Jethro questioning Moses and what he is doing? What are Jethro’s motives?
8. Read Exodus 18:15-18. What is Moses not recognizing yet? Do you agree with Jethro?
9. Describe a time when you were “wearing yourself out” by trying to be all things to all people. What was missing in this scenario?
10. Was Moses effective in this current situation? Why or why not?
11. How does Jethro’s advice not only benefit Moses but all of the Israelites?
12. Healthy leaders recognize the need for healthy rhythms. What are healthy rhythms? How is this different than a “balanced life”?
13. Read Exodus 18:19-23. Based on Jethro’s advice, what does it look to “share” leadership with others?
14. What leadership qualities are given in verse 21? What qualities do we tend to look for in leaders? Are they similar or different to those Jethro recommends?
15. Read Ephesians 4:11-13. What happens when leaders are equipped to serve together? What is the ultimate outcome?
16. Everyone who is a follow of Jesus Christ is part of ministry work. What does that mean in your life?
17. Read Exodus 18:24. What is Moses’s response to Jethro? What are other possible responses? What does his response reveal about his character?
18. When you are given advice that addresses any area of weakness, how do you respond? How is Moses an example to you?
19. Read Exodus 18:25-27. Do you think this change was immediate or happened over time? Why?
20. What does it mean to be a lifelong learner?
21. How can this chapter encourage us?
Live It Out:
God has called us to equip and empower leaders to live on mission. Why? So that the church can be healthy and make a GREATER IMPACT. What an amazing privilege we have to partner with the living God and join Him to see more lives changed through the gospel! This week, spend time with God and explore within yourself how to:
1. Guide those around you to know God. What possible results could occur if I recount all the Lord has done for me to another person? When is the last time I have done this, and who is the next person I want to do this with?
2. Recognize leadership is meant to be shared. What prevents me from asking for the help of other people, not only in ministry but also in general?
3. Equip and empower others. What is one responsibility I have taken on recently that could be better accomplished by including other people? Who do I know that is able to lead alongside me? How will I go about pursuing and including them?
4. Be a lifelong learner. What is some advice I have received from an older and wiser person that has blessed me and helped me to love others well. How can I continue to be a lifelong learner?
1. Describe someone you know that is a healthy leader. What qualities does this person possess?
2. What are the qualities and characteristics of an unhealthy leader?
3. Read Exodus 18:1-7. Describe the challenges Moses might have faced as a husband and a father. What new insight do you have seeing Moses in this way?
4. Read Exodus 18:8. Besides his brother, what other person has Moses been able to confide in? What do you think it was like to share all that had happened with Jethro?
5. Read Exodus 18:9-11. What is Jethro’s response to Moses? How is this conversation between Moses and Jethro an example of how we can share with friends and family to help them see God working in our lives?
6. Read Exodus 18:12. Why are Jethro’s actions a response to what he just told Moses? What are his actions saying?
7. Read Exodus 18:13-14. Why is Jethro questioning Moses and what he is doing? What are Jethro’s motives?
8. Read Exodus 18:15-18. What is Moses not recognizing yet? Do you agree with Jethro?
9. Describe a time when you were “wearing yourself out” by trying to be all things to all people. What was missing in this scenario?
10. Was Moses effective in this current situation? Why or why not?
11. How does Jethro’s advice not only benefit Moses but all of the Israelites?
12. Healthy leaders recognize the need for healthy rhythms. What are healthy rhythms? How is this different than a “balanced life”?
13. Read Exodus 18:19-23. Based on Jethro’s advice, what does it look to “share” leadership with others?
14. What leadership qualities are given in verse 21? What qualities do we tend to look for in leaders? Are they similar or different to those Jethro recommends?
15. Read Ephesians 4:11-13. What happens when leaders are equipped to serve together? What is the ultimate outcome?
16. Everyone who is a follow of Jesus Christ is part of ministry work. What does that mean in your life?
17. Read Exodus 18:24. What is Moses’s response to Jethro? What are other possible responses? What does his response reveal about his character?
18. When you are given advice that addresses any area of weakness, how do you respond? How is Moses an example to you?
19. Read Exodus 18:25-27. Do you think this change was immediate or happened over time? Why?
20. What does it mean to be a lifelong learner?
21. How can this chapter encourage us?
Live It Out:
God has called us to equip and empower leaders to live on mission. Why? So that the church can be healthy and make a GREATER IMPACT. What an amazing privilege we have to partner with the living God and join Him to see more lives changed through the gospel! This week, spend time with God and explore within yourself how to:
1. Guide those around you to know God. What possible results could occur if I recount all the Lord has done for me to another person? When is the last time I have done this, and who is the next person I want to do this with?
2. Recognize leadership is meant to be shared. What prevents me from asking for the help of other people, not only in ministry but also in general?
3. Equip and empower others. What is one responsibility I have taken on recently that could be better accomplished by including other people? Who do I know that is able to lead alongside me? How will I go about pursuing and including them?
4. Be a lifelong learner. What is some advice I have received from an older and wiser person that has blessed me and helped me to love others well. How can I continue to be a lifelong learner?
Reading Plan:
Follow along with our Exodus Reading Plan here:
Follow along with our Exodus Reading Plan here: