Living Grace Foursquare Church

The Great Tribulation: Solo Christo
Solo Christo, means “Christ alone” in Latin. Christ alone is the Worthy One from (Revelation 5:9). He is the Unique One, He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah and the Lamb of God. Sunday we’ll dive into Revelation 5 and learn why Christ alone is Worthy! Revelation 5:2 And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming with a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?” 3 And no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll or to look into it,
Locations & Times
Living Grace Foursquare Church
3646 N Rancho Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89130, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
The Book of Revelation is filled with songs of praise:
o 4:8, 11
o 5:9-13
o 7:12-17
o 11:15-18
o 12:10-12
o 15:3-4
o 16:5-7
o 18:2-8
o 19:2-6
This matters because the Apostle John is writing to a suffering people
Ch 4 is worship given to God the Creator, on the throne
Ch 5 is worship given to God the Redeemer, given to Jesus before the throne
o 4:8, 11
o 5:9-13
o 7:12-17
o 11:15-18
o 12:10-12
o 15:3-4
o 16:5-7
o 18:2-8
o 19:2-6
This matters because the Apostle John is writing to a suffering people
Ch 4 is worship given to God the Creator, on the throne
Ch 5 is worship given to God the Redeemer, given to Jesus before the throne
The Kinsman Redeemer:
1. A male relative who, according to laws of the Pentateuch, had the privilege or responsibility to act on behalf of a relative who was in trouble, danger, or need. The Hebrew term (go el) for kinsman-redeemer designates one who delivers or rescues (Genesis 48:16; Exodus 6:6) or redeems property or person (Leviticus 27:9–25, 25:47–55).
2. In the NT Christ is often regarded as an example of a kinsman-redeemer because, as our brother (Hebrews 2:11), He redeems us for the glory of God, because of our great need, (sin against a Holy God) one that only He can satisfy.
a. The redeemer had to be:
i. Near of kin, kin-fold, a near relative, man
ii. Willing to redeem
iii. Able to redeem
1. A male relative who, according to laws of the Pentateuch, had the privilege or responsibility to act on behalf of a relative who was in trouble, danger, or need. The Hebrew term (go el) for kinsman-redeemer designates one who delivers or rescues (Genesis 48:16; Exodus 6:6) or redeems property or person (Leviticus 27:9–25, 25:47–55).
2. In the NT Christ is often regarded as an example of a kinsman-redeemer because, as our brother (Hebrews 2:11), He redeems us for the glory of God, because of our great need, (sin against a Holy God) one that only He can satisfy.
a. The redeemer had to be:
i. Near of kin, kin-fold, a near relative, man
ii. Willing to redeem
iii. Able to redeem
1. 7 seals--Fastened with strings and sealed with wax
2. 2-sided
3. All seals will need to be opened before it can be opened
It is the will of God the Father. Nothing can be added to it.
What's written on the scroll?
a. Title deed to all that the Father has promised Jesus because of His sacrifice on the cross
i. Jesus Christ is the heir of all things Hebrews 1:2
ii. “God’s will, His final settlement of the affairs of the universe” (Barclay)
iii. “The book may mean the purposes and designs of God relative to his government of the world and the church; but we, whose habitation is in the dust, know nothing of such things. We are however determined to guess.” (Clarke)
2. 2-sided
3. All seals will need to be opened before it can be opened
It is the will of God the Father. Nothing can be added to it.
What's written on the scroll?
a. Title deed to all that the Father has promised Jesus because of His sacrifice on the cross
i. Jesus Christ is the heir of all things Hebrews 1:2
ii. “God’s will, His final settlement of the affairs of the universe” (Barclay)
iii. “The book may mean the purposes and designs of God relative to his government of the world and the church; but we, whose habitation is in the dust, know nothing of such things. We are however determined to guess.” (Clarke)
Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?
a. Mankind, creation, is utterly incapable of deciding or effecting its own destiny
i. Science? Philosophy? Politics? Humanitarianism? Education? Religion? The goodness of man? Climate change initiatives?
Who else could be trusted with this scroll?
Why doesn’t God open it Himself?
i. A title deed or will can only be opened by the Appointed Heir.
a. Mankind, creation, is utterly incapable of deciding or effecting its own destiny
i. Science? Philosophy? Politics? Humanitarianism? Education? Religion? The goodness of man? Climate change initiatives?
Who else could be trusted with this scroll?
Why doesn’t God open it Himself?
i. A title deed or will can only be opened by the Appointed Heir.
The Lion of the tribe of Judah
In Genesis, Jacob blesses his sons:
i. He promises Judah that his brothers will praise him and that they will bow down to him.
ii. Jacob says that in the future the scepter and ruler’s staff will not depart from Judah “until he to whom it belongs shall come and the obedience of the nations shall be His” (Genesis 49:10).
In Genesis, Jacob blesses his sons:
i. He promises Judah that his brothers will praise him and that they will bow down to him.
ii. Jacob says that in the future the scepter and ruler’s staff will not depart from Judah “until he to whom it belongs shall come and the obedience of the nations shall be His” (Genesis 49:10).
The Root of David
i. Isaiah 11:10. In that day the root of Jesse, who shall stand as a signal for the peoples—of him shall the nations inquire, and his resting place shall be glorious.
ii. Matthew 21: 14 And the blind and the lame came to him in the temple, and he healed them. 15 But when the chief priests and the scribes saw the wonderful things that he did, and the children crying out in the temple, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” they were indignant, 16 and they said to him, “Do you hear what these are saying?”
i. Isaiah 11:10. In that day the root of Jesse, who shall stand as a signal for the peoples—of him shall the nations inquire, and his resting place shall be glorious.
ii. Matthew 21: 14 And the blind and the lame came to him in the temple, and he healed them. 15 But when the chief priests and the scribes saw the wonderful things that he did, and the children crying out in the temple, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” they were indignant, 16 and they said to him, “Do you hear what these are saying?”
The Lamb of God
a. As though it had been slain?
i. The sacrifice of Jesus is still fresh, like a fresh wound
ii. It’s current before God
iii. Thousands of years later, it’s still fresh
“’As if now in the act of being offered.’ This is very remarkable; So important is the sacrifice offering of Christ in the sight of God that he is still represented as being in the very act of pouring out his blood for the offences of man. This gives great advantage to faith; When any soul comes to the throne of grace, he finds a sacrifice there provided for him to offer to God. Thus all succeeding generations find they have the continual sacrifice ready, and the newly shed blood the offer. Clark
a. As though it had been slain?
i. The sacrifice of Jesus is still fresh, like a fresh wound
ii. It’s current before God
iii. Thousands of years later, it’s still fresh
“’As if now in the act of being offered.’ This is very remarkable; So important is the sacrifice offering of Christ in the sight of God that he is still represented as being in the very act of pouring out his blood for the offences of man. This gives great advantage to faith; When any soul comes to the throne of grace, he finds a sacrifice there provided for him to offer to God. Thus all succeeding generations find they have the continual sacrifice ready, and the newly shed blood the offer. Clark
a. 7 horns
i. In the Scripture, horns suggest power, this speaks of omnipotence
b. 7 eyes
i. The 7 eyes speak of the Spirit’s (and the Lamb’s) omniscience,
c. 7 spirits are the “seven eyes” of the Lamb, and they are “sent out into all the earth.”
i. Knowledge and wisdom
ii. The fact that He is sent into all the earth speaks of His omnipresence.
i. In the Scripture, horns suggest power, this speaks of omnipotence
b. 7 eyes
i. The 7 eyes speak of the Spirit’s (and the Lamb’s) omniscience,
c. 7 spirits are the “seven eyes” of the Lamb, and they are “sent out into all the earth.”
i. Knowledge and wisdom
ii. The fact that He is sent into all the earth speaks of His omnipresence.
Jesus, The Lion has triumphed because He became a Lamb (Revelation 5:6–10; cf. John 1:29).
He meets all the demands of our Kinsman Redeemer:
1. He loves us, so he is willing to redeem.
2. He became a man, so he is a near relative.
a. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Root of David
3. He paid the price by dying on the cross for our sins, so he is able
a. The Lamb of God
4. Jesus Christ is worthy because He lived a perfect, sinless life and in shedding His blood defeated sin and death.
In Revelation 5, God’s plan is near to being accomplished.
The golden vessels full of incense are offered to God, whose word will stand, whose will is accomplished, and who will pronounce the final “Amen!” to the prayers of the saints.
He meets all the demands of our Kinsman Redeemer:
1. He loves us, so he is willing to redeem.
2. He became a man, so he is a near relative.
a. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Root of David
3. He paid the price by dying on the cross for our sins, so he is able
a. The Lamb of God
4. Jesus Christ is worthy because He lived a perfect, sinless life and in shedding His blood defeated sin and death.
In Revelation 5, God’s plan is near to being accomplished.
The golden vessels full of incense are offered to God, whose word will stand, whose will is accomplished, and who will pronounce the final “Amen!” to the prayers of the saints.