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Pennsville Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

Locations & Times

Pennsville Baptist Church

3298 Richey Rd, Mt Pleasant, PA 15666, USA

Sunday 9:45 AM

Genesis 47:1-12
“There Is One Mediator”

1. Finally, Jacob is coming to Joseph with all of his family. At Beersheba (the border town before
Egypt) in a vision God speaks to Jacob assuring him of his decision to go to Egypt. God was
going to use this move to build a great nation. In (46:28) Judah come to Joseph. In v. 29 Jacob
meets Joseph (what a reunion that must have been!) In verse 34 God uses everything to fulfill
His purpose.
2. If Joseph is a picture of our Jesus…what a portrait of our heavenly Father do we find in Pharoah.
3. Mediator is literally ‘a go between’. In the New Testament the word is used in two ways:
*One who mediates between two parties with a view of producing peace. (I Tim. 2:5)
*One who acts as a guarantee so as to secure something which otherwise would not be
Obtained. (Vine Expository Dictionary) Seen in (Heb. 8:6; 9:15; 12:24) Christ is the Surety
of the ‘better covenant’ guaranteeing its terms for His people.
4. In Genesis 47:1-12 Joseph is the mediator between pharaoh and his family.
5. Did you know that you have a mediator? There is one God and there is one mediator between
God and men, the man Jesus Christ. (I Tim. 2:5)
6. In Genesis 47:1-12 with Jesus as our Mediator:

Did you know that you have a mediator? With Jesus as our mediator:
A. It Involves Total Separation v. 1a
They have come out…they have come in.
1.Jacob left Canaan to be with Joseph to find sufficiency and satisfaction.
2.Coming to Christ involves total separation from sin, and self to find the sufficiency and satisfaction in Christ.
3.To receive one, we must let go of the other.
B. It Involves Total Surrender v. 1b
1. My father, brothers, flocks, herds, all they have…
2. God isn’t interested in your things. God wants you. When God has you, He has
everything. It’s His!
3. We have problems when we thing something is ‘mine’. If it is ‘mine’ I can
lose it.
C. It Involves Total Sacrifice v. 2
1. Joseph presented them to Pharaoh to do whatever he wants.
2. Jesus gives me to God. He can do with me whatever He wants. I am a blank
check. He determines the amount…the destination…the circulation…for what
it will be used.

Did you know that you have a mediator? With Jesus as our mediator:
A. The Position
1. “Thy servants” “Thy servants” “Thy servants” What is your occupation?
2. Regardless of our placement…we are servants. “I came not to be ministered
unto, but to minister.
3. We have all been given a ministry of reconciliation. We all are ministers.
B. The Period
“To sojourn in the land we have come”
1.This sojourn is temporary. They have a home.
2.So it is with us. This world is not my home! We have a home (in the heavenlies)
3.(II Cor. 5:1-10)
C. The Poverty
1. For the famine is severe in Canaan…therefore, we have come.
2. So, we come to Jesus. We are hungry and thirsty. We have tried to fill a God-
shaped emptiness with something. The emptiness remains.
3. We are inadequate and insufficient. We Need Him!

Did you know that you have a mediator? With Jesus as our mediator:
A.Our Family
1.Pharaoh spoke to Joseph…thy father and brothers…
2.But as many as received Him to them gave He the ability to become children of God even to those who believer on His name. (John 1:12) It’s not in us. It’s our identification with Christ.
3.Shepherds are an abomination.
B.Our Fortune
1.In the best land...dwell in Goshen
2.Because of Jesus we cry, “Abba Father”. My Father! What is His becomes mine.
I am a joint heir with Jesus Christ. I am part of His family.
C. Our Future 6
1. Capable men...make them rulers over my cattle. He takes that which was an
abomination and uses it for himself…for his glory.
2. He takes that temper. He takes that pride of knowledge and ability. He takes
that drives for success. He takes that addiction…He uses it for Himself!

Did you know that you have a mediator? With Jesus as our mediator:
There are two reminders:
A.Our Pilgrimage Is To Bless
1.Some time passes. Jacob is before Pharaoh 7, 10 Jacob blessed Pharaoh.
2.In the 21 century one thing that is missing in most of Christianity: We say, “God Bless Me”. We are to bless the Lord. David knew this: Ps. 103:1,2,20-22; Ps. 134:1-3; 145:1,2…10-21.
B.Our Pilgrimage Is Brief
1.Jacob states facts about his 130 years and he won’t live as long as Abraham (175) and Isaac (180) though he does live 17 years.
2.Twice he states that life is a pilgrimage. We are not permanent residents. No matter how long we live…life is short. Live In Light of Eternity!
3.Jesus Christ is the foundation…be careful how you build on the foundation. Will it be gold, silver, precious stones or wood hay and stubble?

Did you know that you have a mediator? With Jesus as our mediator:
A. Joseph does it all...”Joseph placed” “Joseph gave” “Joseph nourished”
B. It’s All of Grace.
1. There is nothing in us. We are nothing and He is everything!
2. All we can do is receive and say, “Thank you.”

There is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the man Jesus Christ.
Have you come to Him?

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