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Grace Church

Game Time #5 - LEADING people to do likewise.

Game Time #5 - LEADING people to do likewise.

At Grace Church The Game presents an understandable picture of who Jesus is and how our relationship with Him should impact our lives and influence others.

Locations & Times

Grace Community Church

8950 M-79, Nashville, MI 49073, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

This month our series is entitled: Game Time
Here at Grace Church we use a Baseball Diamond to illustrate the process of how to be a disciple who in turn makes disciples (also known as a follower of Jesus). The bases and basepaths help us to identify, evaluate, and measure our progress.
2 Corinthians 13:5 [NLV]
Put yourselves through a test. See if you belong to Christ. Then you will know you belong to Christ, unless you do not pass the test.
We use four core character qualities that summarize the life of Jesus and the early church.
These qualities are the foundation on which all of one's Christian faith should be established.
1. Loving - God and people wholeheartedly
2. Learning - About Him and His will for your life
3. Living - Purposefully and passionately according to a Kingdom agenda
4. Leading - Others to do likewise
So far this month we've looked at an overview of the disciple making process and an explanation of the first three character qualities have been given.
As a person matures in their relationship with God, their growing commitment to Him and concern for others leads them to begin to re-direct their priorities around those of God.
As a result they intentionally look for opportunities to minister which is different than serving. Ministry is using your life to make a spiritual difference in the life of another person.
Serving - person's motivation is personal and the task is something even a lost person can do.
Ministry - a person's motivation is always for the Glory of God and the good of man and is often carried out through an action of service.

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Third Base to Dug Out

A maturing Christian will begin to use the opportunities the Lord provides them in their Church and Community to influence the lives of others.
Paul used the concept of spiritual parenting to describe those who were at what we are calling Third Base.
1 Thessalonians 2:7b-8, 11-12 [CEV]
In this text, we see that Spiritual Parents have a definite goal in mind..."live in a way that would honor God.

Spiritual parenting may take place in several ways:
- Bringing people to faith and reproducing your spiritual growth in them
- Nurturing a believer who is struggling, stagnant, or simply a new convert and you are helping them move forward in their faith
The journey from 2nd Base to 3rd Base is evidenced by a growing commitment to re-direct one's priorities to allow greater connections with those in their church and community. Time is the key priority - it indicates Jesus' Lordship!
As we continue to minister there will be fruit. We'll help people get into The Game and begin to make spiritual progress. We must be willing to LEAD.
Colossians 1:28 [NET]
Today we'll use the letters from the word LEAD to identify four necessary actions in spiritual parenting:

L - LIVE Authentically
John 1:39, 43
1 Corinthians 11:1

Authentic relationships are critical to impacting the lives of people. What a person does with what they see and hear is on them. What we do with the opportunities to influence others is on us.
E - ENCOURAGE Regularly
John 16:33
1 Thessalonians 5:11

Regular encouragement provides critique, advice, and hope.
A - ACT Strategically
Mark 1:35-39
Judges 21:25

Here at Grace Church we use a comprehensive mentoring program and other resources that teach the core truths of who Jesus is, what He taught, how we are to live, and thereby impact our world.
D - DISCIPLE Holistically
1 John 2:6

Disciple making takes an interest in the whole life of a person and involves much more than Bible studies and sin management. It involves care, growth, and transformation of the entirety of one's life.
Jesus reproduced His life into others and expects us to do the same.
The quality of LEADING others to do likewise is the key to the movement of disciple making.
- brings the blessing of God on one's life
- fills us with joy as we see the lives of people change
- stirs our heart to great levels of faith and worship as we experience God working in and through us
- communicates the reality of our faith

It comes from your obedient love for God and your desire to hear the words uttered by the Lord in Matthew 25:23 [NLT]

It's GAME TIME...Let's make our coach proud!

Grace Church Website

Breeze Church Management

At Grace we use a secure directory/giving service called Breeze Church Management.  Creating your personal account allows you to contact others in the church family, keep your contact information updated, and keep track of your giving if that is important to you, and/or create an online giving account. Use the link below to get started or to login if you already have an account.

CJ's Coffee Shop Pre-Order Link

The Greenhouse Project

2024 Bible Reading - Grace Journals

If you haven't already, you can pick up your 2024 Grace Journal in CJ's coffee shop. You can find an at-a-glance list of the reading each week at the link below. We are excited for you to grow in your faith as we read and study through the writings of Paul together!

Meet and Greet

Grace Church holds a Meet & Greet for those who are newer to Grace Church on the 4th Sunday of each month. Our next Meet & Greet is July 28th following the service in CJ's coffee shop. It is a great opportunity to meet the staff and leadership of Grace Church and learn a little more about the church. It also gives us an opportunity to learn a little about you! Contact Leslie Booher if you have any questions (

August/September Grace U Classes

New Grace U classes will be starting up in August for the August / September term. You can learn more or sign-up for a class at the link below. Here is a list of classes being offered: Apologetics 1 Creative Outreach Jesus on Leadership 1 Spiritual Disciplines 2 Coming soon... September/October - Here's Grace and S.H.A.P.E October/November - Love to Pray

Wednesdays at Grace

To check out all of the Wednesdays @ Grace activities, visit the "Events" link at the website. We hope you'll join in on the fun!


This summer there will be two chances to take part in a water baptism. Baptism will take place on July 14th and August 11th at the home of Ryan & Tracy Hickey following the service (approx. Noon). Learn more and fill out an application if interested at the link below. Contact Pastor Don ( if you have questions.

Camp Michawana Women's Retreat

Attention Ladies! The Camp Michawana Women's Retreat registration is open now. A handful of ladies from Grace Church are participating in the September 27th-29th retreat and we'd love for you to join us! Use the LINK below to learn more and register. When it asks if you are registering as an individual or as a group, click group and choose "Grace Church" from the drop down list. If you have any questions about the retreat, you can ask Sandy Schilz ( or Leslie Booher (

Birthdays and Anniversaries We're Celebrating This Week!

Saturday, June 29th - Caroline Burt, Chris & Tonia Webster
Sunday, June 30th - Heather Webb, Jeff & Mary Burpee
Monday, July 1st - Gene & Diane Snook
Tuesday, July 2nd - Paul & Kelly Adrianson