The Bridge Church

Exodus - The Walk to Freedom
June 30, 2024
Locations & Times
Englewood SKY Academy
871 S River Rd, Englewood, FL 34223, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
We must learn to trust God even when it doesn't make sense.
“The safest road to hell is the gradual one--the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts."
- CS Lewis
- CS Lewis
Trust God even when it does not make sense -
1. Trust that God is in control.
God positions us where He wants us, not necessarily where we want to be.
2. Understand that God’s way is not always the easiest way.
Many times, the greatest thing God can do for us is not give us what we want.
3. See that God is bigger than the biggest problem we might face.
The best way to focus on what God can do, is to be reminded of what God has done.
4. Know that God never stops fighting on your behalf.
1. Trust that God is in control.
God positions us where He wants us, not necessarily where we want to be.
2. Understand that God’s way is not always the easiest way.
Many times, the greatest thing God can do for us is not give us what we want.
3. See that God is bigger than the biggest problem we might face.
The best way to focus on what God can do, is to be reminded of what God has done.
4. Know that God never stops fighting on your behalf.
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time.
I need to be baptized.
I need to attend Starting Point.
I need to join a serve team.
I need to join a small group.
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time.
I need to be baptized.
I need to attend Starting Point.
I need to join a serve team.
I need to join a small group.
Dig Deeper:
1. Discuss and summarize Exodus up to chapter thirteen. What has been your biggest takeaway so far?
2. Describe a time when difficulties in your life have allowed God to be on display in a mighty way.
3. Read Exodus 13:1-2. What does it mean to consecrate? How does the act of consecrating the firstborn signify acknowledgment of God's deliverance? What word like consecrated is often used in the New Testament?
4. Read Exodus 13:3-10. Why should they remember this time of suffering? What kind of effect do you think remembering their time of slavery could have on them?
5. Who did God promise that He would give this land to the Israelites? Where can you find these promises?
6. If you were an Israelite leaving Egypt, what emotions might you experience? How does this compare to moments of significant change in your life?
7. In the context of today's world, how can we ensure that the "law of the Lord may be in your mouth"?
8. Read Exodus 13:11-16. Why do you think God repeats so many times to teach their sons about what has happened? Did the Israelites do this? What application can we get from this?
9. As Christians today, how can we apply the concept of "remembering" God's goodness in our contemporary setting? How can we pass on this knowledge to the people around us and the younger generation?”
10. Read Exodus 13:17-22. Why did God not lead them directly to the Promised Land? What does this show us about His character? What do you think the Israelites thought of this idea?
11. What lessons can we learn from this about God’s plans for us? About God’s knowledge of us?
12. What was the purpose of the pillar of cloud? Fire? Why is fire often associated with God’s holiness? Can you think of any verses related to fire and holiness?
13. Read Exodus 14:1-4. Why did God ask the Israelites to camp in that specific spot? Why would Pharaoh think they were boxed in? What was God’s purpose in this last trap for Pharaoh?
14. Read Exodus 14:5-9. Describe Pharaoh and his officials’ attitudes in your own words. Why do you think they didn’t seem to care about all the plagues that had come on them? What does this tell us about sin and our minds?
15. Read Exodus 14:10-14. How did the Israelites feel when they saw the Egyptians? Why would they say that in verse 12? Why do you think their faith was so weak even though they saw so many miracles? Do you think most people today are like the Israelites then?
16. How can we respond when we find ourselves doubting God's plans, as the Israelites did?
17. Read Exodus 14:15-20. Did Moses talk with God before or after reassuring the people? If he didn’t talk to God yet, how did he know that God would fight for them, and they would never see the Egyptians again? What does this show us about Moses’ faith? Contrast Moses now and as we saw him at the beginning of Exodus. What does this tell us about the process of maturity?
18. What did God tell Moses to do? What was His plan? What did the Israelites have to do? Can you think of any other examples in the Bible where God did similar feats fighting for His people?
19. Read Exodus 14:21-31. What was their conclusion when they had such difficulty driving? What does this show about their rational ability to understand the things that had happened to this point?
20. Discuss the impact on the Israelites of seeing the Egyptians dead on the shore. How might witnessing God's power affect their faith moving forward?
21. How can we apply the concept of God "making a way" when there seems to be no way in our lives?
22. How can this chapter encourage us when we face challenges that seem insurmountable?
Live It Out:
Trust God even when it does not make sense. Even if you are in a difficult circumstance, hold onto God’s truth and promises. This week, reread Exodus 13-14. Identify and write out the actions that God did. Then, do the same for the actions that the Israelites did. Upon reflecting, remember to:
1. Trust that God is in control. God positions us where He wants us, not necessarily where we want to be.
2. Understand that God’s way is not always the easiest way. Many times, the greatest thing God can do for us is not give us what we want.
3. See that God is bigger than the biggest problem we might face. The best way to focus on what God can do, is to be reminded of what God has done.
4. Know that God never stops fighting on your behalf.
1. Discuss and summarize Exodus up to chapter thirteen. What has been your biggest takeaway so far?
2. Describe a time when difficulties in your life have allowed God to be on display in a mighty way.
3. Read Exodus 13:1-2. What does it mean to consecrate? How does the act of consecrating the firstborn signify acknowledgment of God's deliverance? What word like consecrated is often used in the New Testament?
4. Read Exodus 13:3-10. Why should they remember this time of suffering? What kind of effect do you think remembering their time of slavery could have on them?
5. Who did God promise that He would give this land to the Israelites? Where can you find these promises?
6. If you were an Israelite leaving Egypt, what emotions might you experience? How does this compare to moments of significant change in your life?
7. In the context of today's world, how can we ensure that the "law of the Lord may be in your mouth"?
8. Read Exodus 13:11-16. Why do you think God repeats so many times to teach their sons about what has happened? Did the Israelites do this? What application can we get from this?
9. As Christians today, how can we apply the concept of "remembering" God's goodness in our contemporary setting? How can we pass on this knowledge to the people around us and the younger generation?”
10. Read Exodus 13:17-22. Why did God not lead them directly to the Promised Land? What does this show us about His character? What do you think the Israelites thought of this idea?
11. What lessons can we learn from this about God’s plans for us? About God’s knowledge of us?
12. What was the purpose of the pillar of cloud? Fire? Why is fire often associated with God’s holiness? Can you think of any verses related to fire and holiness?
13. Read Exodus 14:1-4. Why did God ask the Israelites to camp in that specific spot? Why would Pharaoh think they were boxed in? What was God’s purpose in this last trap for Pharaoh?
14. Read Exodus 14:5-9. Describe Pharaoh and his officials’ attitudes in your own words. Why do you think they didn’t seem to care about all the plagues that had come on them? What does this tell us about sin and our minds?
15. Read Exodus 14:10-14. How did the Israelites feel when they saw the Egyptians? Why would they say that in verse 12? Why do you think their faith was so weak even though they saw so many miracles? Do you think most people today are like the Israelites then?
16. How can we respond when we find ourselves doubting God's plans, as the Israelites did?
17. Read Exodus 14:15-20. Did Moses talk with God before or after reassuring the people? If he didn’t talk to God yet, how did he know that God would fight for them, and they would never see the Egyptians again? What does this show us about Moses’ faith? Contrast Moses now and as we saw him at the beginning of Exodus. What does this tell us about the process of maturity?
18. What did God tell Moses to do? What was His plan? What did the Israelites have to do? Can you think of any other examples in the Bible where God did similar feats fighting for His people?
19. Read Exodus 14:21-31. What was their conclusion when they had such difficulty driving? What does this show about their rational ability to understand the things that had happened to this point?
20. Discuss the impact on the Israelites of seeing the Egyptians dead on the shore. How might witnessing God's power affect their faith moving forward?
21. How can we apply the concept of God "making a way" when there seems to be no way in our lives?
22. How can this chapter encourage us when we face challenges that seem insurmountable?
Live It Out:
Trust God even when it does not make sense. Even if you are in a difficult circumstance, hold onto God’s truth and promises. This week, reread Exodus 13-14. Identify and write out the actions that God did. Then, do the same for the actions that the Israelites did. Upon reflecting, remember to:
1. Trust that God is in control. God positions us where He wants us, not necessarily where we want to be.
2. Understand that God’s way is not always the easiest way. Many times, the greatest thing God can do for us is not give us what we want.
3. See that God is bigger than the biggest problem we might face. The best way to focus on what God can do, is to be reminded of what God has done.
4. Know that God never stops fighting on your behalf.
Reading Plan:
Follow along with our Exodus Reading Plan here:
Follow along with our Exodus Reading Plan here: