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Elements City Church

More Than a Song: Living a Life of Worship - Yad with Kabod

More Than a Song: Living a Life of Worship - Yad with Kabod

Scripture calls followers of Jesus priests (see 1 Peter 2:5 and Revelation 5:10). This means we have a role to bring sacrifices of praise to the Lord. Many of us see church as something that encourages us to live for Jesus before we start our week, however, church is so much more than that! Every believer has a role to play as a priest, and that role extends beyond the sacrifice we bring each Sunday. It’s an everyday offering we are called to give to God to minister to God, to minister to other believers, and to minister to the world by declaring the glory of God.

Locations & Times

Elements City Church

1825 N Alvernon Way, Tucson, AZ 85712, USA

Sunday 5:00 PM

Welcome to church!

Whether you're on-site or online, we are praying that tonight will be an encouragement to you! If you're new and want to get connected, we'd love to hep you do so! Click the link below to fill out our Connection Card.

How can we pray for you this week?

If you have a prayer request you'd like our Elders and Prayer Team to pray for, click the link below to share it with us.
Worship is the recognition of God’s true worth, and what we are to do in response to the revelation of God.
God established the tabernacle (tent of presence; dwelling place) in Exodus.

Tabernacle = skene in Greek, means “skin”
God loves to dwell in prepared places.
Priests ministered to the Lord and ministered to the people.

Priests did their duty so the people of God could spend time in the presence of God.
When priests failed to prepare properly to bring sacrifices, they died.

Several kings attempted to bring priestly sacrifices to the Lord and were punished: Saul and Uzziah.
But what about David?

2 Samuel 6:17
2 Samuel 24:25

Why was David able to make priestly sacrifices to the Lord?
Yad = “hand” in Hebrew
Yadah = “praise” in Hebrew
We no longer sacrifice to receive forgiveness from sin.
We sacrifice because we’ve been forgiven of sin!
You are a priest!

Anointing = “smearing” in Hebrew
Messiah = “Anointed One” in Hebrew
Christ = “Messiah” in Greek
Christians = little christs

If the head is anointed, so is the body. The Church is anointed.
If you are in Christ and a part of His Church, you are anointed to be a priest!
What do priests do?
They minister to the Lord.
They minister to equip believers.
They minister to the world.
Don’t have the Yelp Christianity mindset!
Kabod = “glory” in Hebrew
God loves Yad.
God loves Yad with Kabod.
When you give God your Yad with Kabod,
you will get God with Kabod.
The Tabernacle was the tent of God’s presence.

What’s replaced the Tabernacle today?
His Church.
God loves to dwell in prepared places.

Thank you for your financial support!

Thank you for giving your tithes and offerings. They enable us to be the church, and they help fuel the mission of Elements City Church. Our capacity to function as a church on a daily basis is directly impacted by your support, and we are so grateful for it! You can give online at the link below, or through the Elements City Church app.
We hope you had a great time at church tonight!

Join us in praying for our students this week as they go to camp!

Make plans to gather with us next Sunday as we close out our series on worship, More Than a Song: Living a Life of Worship. We'll be celebrating the 4th of July after the service with hot dogs and ice cream. See you there!