Element Christian Church

Ephesians Week 24 - Prayer As Weapon And Armor
Locations & Times
Element Christian Church
4890 Bethany Ln, Santa Maria, CA 93455, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
Welcome to Element
We strive to ensure the biggest thing people think when they hear about Element is Jesus! We are a Gospel centered community who finds our identity in Jesus.
Meet and Greet TODAY
Are you new or newer to Element and looking for ways to figure out what comes next or simply learn more about who we are? Today is our monthly Meet & Greet immediately following each service. These are casual and quick, usually around 15 minutes. It will give you a chance to meet one of our Elders, some of our staff, and learn a little more about who Element is. Our goal is also for you to walk away knowing what next steps you can take to feel more connected around here.
The Weekender
The Weekender is a 2 day course that dives deeper into our who we are, the theology behind our practices, and foundational knowledge for what it means to be a Christian. Save the date for October 4th and 5th for our next course.
https://ourelement.churchcenter.com/people/forms/737047Firework Fundraiser NOW OPEN
Help send students to camp by shopping at our Fireworks Booth now through Thursday. We are located in the In Shape Family Fitness parking lot on South Bradley across the street from JC Pennys. Want to help even more??? Sign up to work in the booth at the link below.
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSct7eKFE-lIZY4dyIR6Na0sHobyuYKBlbuxyAUl5gEQ0iCQuQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0Youth (Grades 6-12) Ravine Park Trip
All 6th-12th graders are invited to go with our youth leaders to the Ravine Waterpark on July 9th! Sign ups required to ensure we have enough seat belts! See full details and reserve your child's spot at the link below.
https://ourelement.churchcenter.com/people/forms/756461Missions Newletter Update
Get the latest on the various local and global ministries Element helps support.
https://ourelement.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/2024_Spring_MissionsUpdate.pdfStart serving at Element
If you are looking for a way to meet more people at Element or feel more connected, one of the easiest ways is to start serving. From once a month for 15 minutes, to helping in our classrooms for a longer time, we have needs to fit your gifts.
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https://ourelement.churchcenter.com/setupThis week's song list
Interested in looking for some of the songs we sang this week? Here's the titles and original artists:
Your Name is Power - Rend Collective
In Christ Alone - New City Church
When We Pray - Citizens
Build My Life - Pat Berry
Always Forever - Phil Wickham
Come Thou Fount - David Crowder Band
Your Name is Power - Rend Collective
In Christ Alone - New City Church
When We Pray - Citizens
Build My Life - Pat Berry
Always Forever - Phil Wickham
Come Thou Fount - David Crowder Band
Ephesians: Week 24
Prayer As Weapon and Armor
Paul ends all his talk about the armor of God by focusing us on prayer. He ends with “finally” as he winds up his letter and reminds us of how to walk in God’s strength. This is a reminder that our strength comes from God, as He is able to do more than we could ever ask or imagine. The armor we wear is God’s armor and not our own.
Prayer As Weapon and Armor
Paul ends all his talk about the armor of God by focusing us on prayer. He ends with “finally” as he winds up his letter and reminds us of how to walk in God’s strength. This is a reminder that our strength comes from God, as He is able to do more than we could ever ask or imagine. The armor we wear is God’s armor and not our own.
• Why is it important to remember it is not our strength but God’s that we walk/live in?
• How has relying on your own strength failed you?
• Since last week, do you have any other thoughts about God’s armor?
We do not pray to get things from God, but to grow in relationship. Paul says that since there is a war, pray…pray at all times with perseverance and supplication.
1) We are to pray “in the Spirit.” The Spirit helps us as we pray and even intercedes for us. The Greek word for “pray in” means “by means of,” or “with the help of.” Praying in the Spirit does not refer simply to the words we are saying, but it refers to how we are praying; God—the Holy Spirit—is in us and is actively at work.
• What comes to mind when you hear “pray in the Spirit?”
• Where do you see evidence of the Holy Spirit at work in you? In others?
Praying with or in the Spirit means we are living a new life.
2) Paul says to “keep alert.” Paul wants us to be attentive to what needs prayer and how God wants us to pray. Paul tells us life is an ongoing battle and can be difficult. Our own awareness of our needs drives us to engage with God through prayer. By trusting in the Gospel we can stand firm.
• How are you currently in need? When is the last time you talked to God about that very need?
• What things does God’s Spirit tend to bring to your mind when praying?
3) We pray with all perseverance – this means to “always keep on praying.” How do we persevere in prayer? How are we to be constant? We remember that we come to God as children who have been adopted by a father; that is our position.
• How does understanding your position before God relate to how/when you pray?
Being a Christian means that we are not trying or hoping that someday God will bless us with being His children; it means we are His children. We pray as part of His family and therefore have deep assurance.
4) We pray “making supplication for all the saints”- this comes back to family. Because we are now family, prayer is communal. Paul is saying that we need relationships that are intimate enough that friends hear you groan before God. Prayer is not just between us and God; we are also called to pray on behalf of our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
5) Paul says Eph 6:19-20 and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak.
This prayer is what we pray for one another. “Whenever we speak, may we be given words that fearlessly make known the gospel.”
• Where do those around you need prayer to boldly express the Gospel to others?
• Pray for one another to be given the words to speak the message of the Gospel.
Our identity comes from what the most important person in our life thinks about us. Is that God? If it is, we will be free and long to share that freedom with others.
“Father, there is nothing I can do today that would make you love me more; nothing I did yesterday makes you love me less. You are all I need for everlasting joy. Teach me to be to others as you have been to me, and have your Spirit remind me that everything the Gospel tells me about your intentions are true.”
• What are some of the most important ideas you have taken from the book of Ephesians?
• How has relying on your own strength failed you?
• Since last week, do you have any other thoughts about God’s armor?
We do not pray to get things from God, but to grow in relationship. Paul says that since there is a war, pray…pray at all times with perseverance and supplication.
1) We are to pray “in the Spirit.” The Spirit helps us as we pray and even intercedes for us. The Greek word for “pray in” means “by means of,” or “with the help of.” Praying in the Spirit does not refer simply to the words we are saying, but it refers to how we are praying; God—the Holy Spirit—is in us and is actively at work.
• What comes to mind when you hear “pray in the Spirit?”
• Where do you see evidence of the Holy Spirit at work in you? In others?
Praying with or in the Spirit means we are living a new life.
2) Paul says to “keep alert.” Paul wants us to be attentive to what needs prayer and how God wants us to pray. Paul tells us life is an ongoing battle and can be difficult. Our own awareness of our needs drives us to engage with God through prayer. By trusting in the Gospel we can stand firm.
• How are you currently in need? When is the last time you talked to God about that very need?
• What things does God’s Spirit tend to bring to your mind when praying?
3) We pray with all perseverance – this means to “always keep on praying.” How do we persevere in prayer? How are we to be constant? We remember that we come to God as children who have been adopted by a father; that is our position.
• How does understanding your position before God relate to how/when you pray?
Being a Christian means that we are not trying or hoping that someday God will bless us with being His children; it means we are His children. We pray as part of His family and therefore have deep assurance.
4) We pray “making supplication for all the saints”- this comes back to family. Because we are now family, prayer is communal. Paul is saying that we need relationships that are intimate enough that friends hear you groan before God. Prayer is not just between us and God; we are also called to pray on behalf of our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
5) Paul says Eph 6:19-20 and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak.
This prayer is what we pray for one another. “Whenever we speak, may we be given words that fearlessly make known the gospel.”
• Where do those around you need prayer to boldly express the Gospel to others?
• Pray for one another to be given the words to speak the message of the Gospel.
Our identity comes from what the most important person in our life thinks about us. Is that God? If it is, we will be free and long to share that freedom with others.
“Father, there is nothing I can do today that would make you love me more; nothing I did yesterday makes you love me less. You are all I need for everlasting joy. Teach me to be to others as you have been to me, and have your Spirit remind me that everything the Gospel tells me about your intentions are true.”
• What are some of the most important ideas you have taken from the book of Ephesians?