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StoneBridge Community Church

To the Ends of the Earth: "'Look,' He Said" - Acts 7:54-60

To the Ends of the Earth: "'Look,' He Said" - Acts 7:54-60

Senior Pastor Jon Saur

Locations & Times

StoneBridge Community Church

4832 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063, USA

Saturday 5:15 PM

Sunday 5:20 PM

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The Text in Context

"The Jews of Stephen’s day seem to have concluded that the temple in Jerusalem was the only dwelling place of God. To speak against 'this holy place,' was to blaspheme. It was as though God would no longer be present if Jerusalem and the temple were to be destroyed. Stephen will destroy this myth by reminding his accusers that God, the God of glory, appeared to His people at ..."  Click link to read more.
Sermon Outline:

1. Stephen

3. "These Things"

3. "Martyr"/Witness

4. To Be Like Stephen

5. What is Most Important?
Next Steps

1. Read all of Stephen's speech in Acts 7.

2. Take note of how he witnesses to God's work in Jesus.

3. Ask God to help you witness in a way similar to Stephen.

1. Acts 7 contains Stephen's lengthy speech recounting Israel's history. Why do you think Stephen chose to retell this history in his defense? What elements of Stephen's speech are most provocative and why?

2. Stephen becomes the first Christian martyr. (Reminder: 'Martyr' means 'witness.') How does Stephen's response to his impending death demonstrate his faith and trust in God?

3. What lessons can we learn from Stephen's willingness to be a witness?

4. Acts 6-7 highlight Stephen's prominent role in the early church. How did Stephen's leadership and martyrdom impact the growth and development of the early church?

5. How has Stephen's witness set a precedent for future believers?

6. What is most important to you?

Witness: Be the Ripple Effect in Your Sphere of Influence

Witness: Be the Ripple Effect in Your Sphere of Influence

Join us on Saturday, July 13th for Kickball Cookout. Come to service at 5:30pm and afterwards enjoy a friendly game of kickball and a (free) BBQ dinner! Rather not play? That's ok too! You're welcome to stay for dinner and cheer on the participants! Email to RSVP!

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